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Nov '15
I've always wondered how could anyone not eat meat? Sure, killing animals is cruel, but they shouldn't taste so good, am I right?

I read an article on Halloween Love that was pretty interesting: http://halloweenlove.com/meat-is-murder-the-texas-chain-saw-massacre-exposed-horrors-of-the-meat-industry/

Thoughts? Are you a vegetarian?

Tromafreak says:

Nov '15
I got mixed feelings on this one. I'm definitely not a vegetarian, and probably never will be. although, I was borderline a few years ago when I was on a health kick after years of being a fat fuck. But that was mmostly just cutting out pork and anything fried. I love animals, but am not some weirdo who gets all uppety and intense about it. To not take advantage of a portion of all that luscious meat walking around out there is pure insanity. Plus, some animals have to die, just like some humans. Otherwise, there would be no room left. But I'll be damned if I ever get out there and shoot one like some idiot redneck who would use the same excuse about thinning out the population, when they really just get a rush from destroying a life. But yeah. I respect anyone who has the dedication to cut out meat completely. Whether it's out of love for animals or for health reasons, there's really no down side, as you don't really need meat for protein and over eating it isn't great for the heart. But goddamn, it's good! 10/10

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Nov '15
Fat @Tromafreak? That'd be interesting. Hard to imagine though.

I'm not gonna put on a front about it. I find vegetarians weird. It almost seems like a snobby thing to be, like "I only eat natural plants". emoticon Then again, I'd just eat anything. I'm not picky, so I wouldn't want to discriminate against a delicious hunk of meat.

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #3

Nov '15
I was atleast 50 pounds heavier in that pic of me from 2000 in the pic thread.

Also, I don't think you'd make a very good homo.

Box_a_Hair says:
#6, Reply to #3

Nov '15
Also, I don't think you'd make a very good homo.

Oh? What makes you say that? Cuz there was a time when I had some serious gay thoughts...

Tromafreak says:
#8, Reply to #6

Nov '15 *
Cuz if you were a real homo, you wouldn't worry about being snobby. You'd just naturally make the snobby choice in order to fit in with your snobby fag friends.

Box_a_Hair says:
#9, Reply to #8

Nov '15
emoticon Damn snobby homos!

Tromafreak says:
#24, Reply to #9

Mar '17 *
Agreed. emoticon

Shaza123 says:

Nov '15
It's their life choice, and if people wanna be vegetarian then that's up to them. I can understand it far more then vegan though, those people are just plain weird.

Me? I'm a second level vegetarian. I only eat animals that eat vegetables. emoticon

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #5

Nov '15
Ah yes... the vegans are in fact much weirder. Have they not tasted dairy? Cuz if they had, they'd know that cheese is delicious, and milking a cow is actually necessary, as they'd be in a lot of pain if they weren't milked.

I couldn't live life without pizza. Some of these fucks avoid leather too? emoticon

Shaza123 says:
#12, Reply to #7

Nov '15
You know what else is delicious? Chocolate! It's fvcking orgasmic, and vegans can't enjoy it. I'll never understand....

damn_cyborg says:

Nov '15
I have nothing against vegetarians who are non-judgmental, I just hate the ones who are condescending and pretentious. It's a life choice, but not for everyone. I could be a vegetarian if I really tried, but meat tastes too good. emoticon


Nov '15
thats what my mama was 4 long time and shes dead now vegs r 4 fags

peeptoad says:

Nov '15
Former vegetarian here... was a veg for over a decade and wound up with a number of health problems as a result. I respect anyone choosing not to eat meat, but it wasn't right for me.


Nov '15
I respect people's dietary decisions but vegetarians are ultra sensitive and that makes for good comedy


Nov '15
I was about to make a thread saying:

What do you think of voyeurs?

I've always wondered how could anyone not be a voyeur? Sure, voyeurism is cruel, but
it feels so good, am I right?

Thoughts? Are you a voyeur?

Then I thought "Nahh..."

Box_a_Hair says:
#16, Reply to #15

Nov '15
Well honestly, voyeurism isn't that bad. You're just staring the whole damn time, so it's perfectly legal. I'm proud to be a voyeur!

RedHawk10 says:

Nov '15
I think they're missing out!

jimb14red says:

Mar '17 *
I actually tried to become a vegetarian about 3 months ago. I forced myself to watch a bunch of disturbing PETA videos to help with the process. My original plan was to still eat fish once and a while though. The first month I stayed on target but it is really hard to find things to eat when I had eaten meat for around 39 years. After the first month it was getting really hard so I then added chicken back in. I am still trying to not eat cow or pig products but have had one burger and one bacon and egg sandwich in that time. Lately I have been thinking about having a burger every once in a while but I really want to try and never eat any pig products. They seem to be super smart animals even moreso than dogs and watching them killed really stuck with me.

I am not some crazy PETA person now or anything and wouldn't judge other people who eat meat but when you think about it there is really no reason for our society to consume meat. Really the main reason we do it is because we like it not that we need it. We have developed plenty of things to get any nutrients from meats that we need in other ways.

I actually am not even against killing of animals for food but hate the mass breeding, slaughter, and scientific alterations to them just so we can kill them and eat them. I know it will never happen and people will probably think I am crazy but I think the only way we should be able to eat meat is if we go out and hunt it ourselves. I actually respect hunters that kill for food.

Not sure why the killing of animals has bothered me so much recently but for some reason it has really been on my mind lately. I have even had a harder time watching movies that have animal killed. Cannibal Holocaust is one of my favorite films but I haven't been able to revisit it in a while.

peeptoad says:

Mar '17 *
I was a veg for 10 years and wound up with some health problems partly as a consequence. It's not for everyone. I love non human animals more than most people, but my reasons for doing it originally were more for health reasons. I failed (and I ate really healthy while veg too). emoticon

I love steak. emoticon

Hmmmm. I see I replied to this a while back. Good to see my brain has failed me in some ways but retained some sort of consistency in others. Wait, maybe not all of that is good. emoticon


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.