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Apr 30
image Here is your annual Crime Challenge thread! Mark your spot and update your crime genre viewings here, because this is one of the greatest genres out there. It sure as hell is better watching a musical! Fuck you, Joker 2!

* Movies and TV shows count.

* Must have "crime" as a genre, obviously!

* Scored by runtime, 1 point per minute.

* From May 1st 12am to June 1st am.

This challenge is so easy, it's criminal! Mark Your Spot!

zed says:

May 1 *
7/10 The Italian Connection (1972) 95m - Mario Adorf is still alive at 95 years, Henry Silva just died also at 95. Apparently an inspiration for the 2 main guys of pulp fiction, pretty decent action. Always liked Mario he's got the body of ollie, naschy. He would of made a great Mario from (nintendo), though where the fuck they get off trying to make Henry Silva as a good looking dude, OK its 70s Italy but come on.
6/10 The Thrill Killers (1964) 70m - Don't mind me, I'm just at home alone relaxing by the pool painting in my swimsuit whilst wearing 4 inch heels, cause this is how I dress casual around the house. Holy fuck thats some quick acting poison, the guy brings the cup to his lips and doesnt even drink and a nanosecond falls down dead. Actually some good acting in this film
2/10 Olga's Girls (1964) 70m - By coincidence, same year same runtime, but totally shit. Dubbing a film latr rarely works, esp when 90% of the dailog is a voiceover.Meant to show the seedier side of life, vice drugs, prostitution, torture etc but its all some tame. Girls are ugly to boot
4/10 The Hypnotic Eye (1960) 79m - Fuck the hero cop is a stupid fucker. The other cop looks a little like vince price. The scene with gramps being a beatnik poet is WTF. Hmmm I'm not sure if waking up the lady whilst dangling like that was the best idea. In fact I would say 99 times out of 100 it would be the wrong idea.
5/10 Evil Eye (1975) 106m - Giallo but more supernatural than the usual, with genre fav's Anthony Steffen & Jorge. In fact no real resolution in the end
5/10 Murder in the Blue Room (1944) 61m - Typical piece that they put out then as a vehicle to promote some 'entertainers' Of course back then all the entertqainers sucked. Fuck Bob Hope btw. One thing that was not explained was why was there a genuine ghost wandering around and no-one bats an eyelid.
5/10 Naked Violence (1969) 92m - They're really selling the myth of absinthe, I've had it a few times and its just a normal the initial interview in the police station took like 40 mins or so, fuck talk about bad pacing. The whole film is a bit of a yawn TBH

Btw I did add a couple of films here but they're not here now, I mustn't of saved it, Haveta redo, fuck

7/10 The Unnaturals (1969) 83m - Film full of bastards except the man and his mum. Nice film that gets a bit surreal at the end. I've always loved Luciano Pigozzi
5/10 Naked Killer (1992) 89m - Not really any nudity, just the usual hong kong overly stylish crap. Though theres a lot of genital mutilation
4/10 Deathstone (1990) 88m - Jan Michaels Vincerts crap acting fully on display here. Not sure why he got often cast for action roles cause he's a weed (prolly cause he doesnt have the chops to pull off anything with emotion)
6/10 The Hound of the Baskervilles (1980) 100m - Quite a good adaption, fuck that must make at least 10 I've seen, prolly after jekyll and hyde would be the 2nd most films story.
5/10 The Possessed (1965) 95m - Also style over substance, must of taken me 2 weeks to watch.
7/10 A Family Torn Apart (1993) 98m - Family drama a predictable tale but saved by some good acting. True the parents were assholes but murder come-on, a bit overkill.

4/10 The Hidden II (1993) 93m - Actually quite liked the start of this, I think I was in the mood for an 80s style sci-fi. Though after 15mins its like and this is not how is gonna be
5/10 The Big Scare (1964) 85m - Very french comedy, I guess you need to understand french fully to appreciate it
8/10 Spring Breakers (2012) 94m - Nice style, very predictable story though. Also it does wear out its welcome, should of mixed it up around the 60min mark.
5/10 Crazy Desires of a Murderer (1977) 89m - Giallo, a bit unusual then again a lot of giallo's are.
5/10 The Card Player (2003) 103m - Actually better than all argento's recent stuff. The ending was just stupid though
7/10 Speak No Evil (2022) 97m - Completely implausible story but hey best not to engage the brain. And one thing that didnt make sense is what were the kids for?
6/10 Ricky 6 (2000) 111m - Based on a true story, part of what led to the satanic panic of the 80s. But the actual story is pretty tame. NZ we had our own (related) version 90s I think some pre-school was performing static rituals on childred etc, of course it was all BS. The main guy that got accused died recently IIRC.

5/10 The Spreading Ground (2000) 100m - Dennis Hopper is one of the greats, though this aint near his best work. Interesting premise police and the mob were trying to track down a serial killer. Not exactly sure why the mob was (some land deal for $150million or something lame, it never made sense)
3/10 Rooms for Tourists (2004) 90m - How is this compared to hostel, it has nothing in common! Very scary film, WTF OK I guess some reviews have something to do with the making of this film, but theres reviewer names I realize morrison-dylan-fan, Scarecrow-88, ElijahCSkuggs (though he always rates high)

zed says:
#21, Reply to #20

May 28
Its a pity they didn't go with it.
Cause instead of listening to arnie saying varitaions of 'I'll be back' at political rallys for the next 3 decades we could of heard him say
'watch me while I ejaculate some tax cuts for you'
He could of been president

zed says:
#24, Reply to #23

May 28
I actually saw that in the thatre, pretty disappointing TBH. some of the earlier episodes were better. Though to be expected as you must run out of good idea material after a while

zed says:
#26, Reply to #25

May 28 *
yeah I havent seen anything for maybe the last 10 seasons.

but its normal nearly all artists follow the same path
first couple are OK but they're learning the ropes/art
then 3-6 album/film whatever is the best work
then a slow decline of getting worse and worse and they've used up all their ideas and their powers fade

zed says:
#28, Reply to #27

May 28
I don't know if you'ld call that science. But yes its how things go. I've seen the decline in myself,
this is easily measurable (as not just in my head) I used to do complex algebra equations in my head, in a second, now I am with pencil and paper for 5 minutes and still don't come up with the correct answer.

Luckily for me I started from such a good place


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.