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The Continental

Oct 2023
A John Wick prequel mini-series of 3 movies set in the 70s. Ian McShane's character from the movies is a young man who acquires the hitman hotel from a psychotic Mel Gibson.

There's probably a plot in here somewhere, but given the nature of this shoot-em-up, it's 100% irrelevant. You'll watch it for the action scenes, then probably zone out during the rest like I did. Mel Gibson is definitely the best part. He's over-the-top and mad, and that's how I like him.

Overall, I'm a little upset that this is the direction our entertainment is going. You'd think I'd eat this shit up, but it's so shallow with quick edits and meaningless characters everywhere. If someone gets killed, who gives a fuck? Carnage candy and nothing more. Not bad, but I'll forget it quick.



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