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Sep '23
Those rascals are at it again after a near 10-year hiatus. Part 3 and its PG-13 antics killed the franchise there for a while, but they got that violence back. Somehow, this movie is still underperforming in the box office, but then again, isn't every movie? I'll blame people's falling interest in the cinema for that.

So how is the movie? Well, if you've seen any of the other movies, then this movie is like those. Just like those. There is nothing new in this entry. In fact, this movie is even missing certain things, notably Arnold Schwarzenegger and... yeah, Stallone basically isn't in it. Jason Statham carries the movie, yet with all that said... it's still a dumb entertaining popcorn flick. If you want to see your guys killing the shit out of the villains, then here you go. Of course, for today's representation-obsessed demographics, we have a couple of female expendables now. Megan Fox is one of them, and while I still don't take her for a bad-ass, that Jennifer's body is still top notch.

Early rumored casting from years ago suggested Hulk Hogan would be in this movie. Too bad that never happened, because I would have loved to see Rocky get a rematch with that hot dog. Alas, Stallone is showing his age a bit here, not only by joking about it, but by avoiding all physicality. All he does is fly planes here, but I'll take what I can get.

This movie is not great, but it's not bad.

markus-san says:

Sep '23 *
Somehow, this movie is still underperforming in the box office, but then again, isn't every movie?

It's not that surprising really, I don't think many people are that interested in a fourth one of these movies, especially after the 3rd which didn't do that well itself even at a PG-13.

A handful of movies have bucked the trend this year though:

Super Mario Bros.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Guardians 3
Fast X

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Sep '23
I can't believe people still eat up those Fast & Furious movies. That shit is absolutely ridiculous, in a bad and stupid way. GotG3 was okay (for a Marvel movie), Spider-verse 2 still pisses me off with how inconclusive it is, and Mario... was okay. I've yet to see Barbenheimer, but I actually do want to see those.

EX4 did have a few awkward moments where the background looked like total green screen, but it's still probably a lot less CGI than all the others (Oppenheimer excluded). Too bad people prefer to watch things that look fake as hell.


Sep '23
The Critical Drinker begs to differ.

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Sep '23
Never heard of her.

#5, Reply to #4

Sep '23
Yeah, but you also thought The Flash was a good film.

Box_a_Hair says:
#6, Reply to #5

Sep '23
And I stick by it. In fact, I rewatched a few of those DCEU movies and they weren't as bad as I remember.

markus-san says:
#9, Reply to #3

Sep '23
The Critical Drinker is great, love her reviews.

#10, Reply to #9

Sep '23
In honesty, I've been a big endorser of his. What does he have?...2 million subs now? He tells it how it is and has no regrets about it. No sugarcoat, no fucks given...pure honest opinion.

markus-san says:
#11, Reply to #10

Sep '23 *
And on subject:


Anyway, that's all I've got time for today. Go away now.


Sep '23
I'd probably agree they're better than anything Disney Marvel has put out in the past 5 years but calling them good is a bit of an overstatement IMO.

Box_a_Hair says:
#8, Reply to #7

Sep '23
I never called them "good". emoticon

I gave Marvel's Werewolf by Night a watch, hoping that a violent horror-esque entry might turn out decent, but nope. That one sucked.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.