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Jun '23
Miles misses Gwen, who now works for Spider-Man 2099. After his parents nag him about his life choices, Miles & Gwen's paths cross once again, and Miles must stop a universe from getting destroyed. However, he recklessly opts to save a single person over an entire planet. He also finds out he has a nemesis who has some portal and reality-hopping abilities. Can he be stopped? Just when you think you're about to find out... TO BE CONTINUED!

Suffice to say, the movie is inconclusive. He doesn't really get to complete an arc and nothing is resolved, therefore I can't have a strong opinion on it. Don't you hate that? We get some good backstories for our characters though. We also get some a few decent cameos and references to various canon: the MCU, the Venom movies, the Raimi movies, the Garfield movies, and just about every SM inbetween. So it's there if you want it.



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