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Mar '22
...who just can't fathom why anybody would enjoy gory movies? Like you must be some sort of sicko who enjoys real life violence. How do you explain the difference? Damn near 20 years ago I did watch a real life decapitation online, and it bummed me the fuck out. I don't ever want to see anything like that again. But in a fictional movie, I love a good old fashioned decapitation! How hard is this to understand?

Tromafreak says:

Mar '22
I'm friends with this really squeamish guy who I remember telling about The Devil's Rejects after I saw it in the theater. He looked at me like I just told him I wanted to rape his mother. I literally had to convince him that there wasn't something seriously wrong with me. For whatever reason, he watched it out of curiosity later on and was absolutely horrified. Not just by the violence but the whole idea of it all. This guy was so bothered by the graphic nature of this movie, he started training MMA to deal with it and became a pretty good pro fighter. Dude owns a school now. I'm guessing he never got around to seeing 3 From Hell...


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