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Mar '22
...who just can't fathom why anybody would enjoy gory movies? Like you must be some sort of sicko who enjoys real life violence. How do you explain the difference? Damn near 20 years ago I did watch a real life decapitation online, and it bummed me the fuck out. I don't ever want to see anything like that again. But in a fictional movie, I love a good old fashioned decapitation! How hard is this to understand?

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '22
My mom is a kind of a normie. She hasn't seen Halloween Kills, but word of mouth has her hating it because of the gore. I showed it to my nephew and then I showed him the new TCM and she went rambling on about she doesn't understand why we like to watch that kind of thing. She doesn't hate horror in general, but she hates the graphic stuff.

I find it hard to trust someone if they can't appreciate graphic violence. Those people weird me out.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Mar '22
LOL, Rob Zombie inspired him to do something with his life. TDR isn't too bad by our standards, but it is pretty intense for something that was mainstream. Both Ho1000C and TDR were among my early horror endeavors and I found both pretty gross when I first saw them. Now, they're like comfort movies to me.


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