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The Dead Don't Die

by Znep27

Jun '19
So, this lowkey zombie movie is supposedly a comedy, but I didn't really see anything to laugh at. It was really quirky, but that's not the same thing as funny. But there was one single guy in the theater who kept laughing, so I guess some people must find it humorous. I just thought it was weird. It seemed like the sort of thing Quentin Dupieux (Rubber, Wrong, Wrong Cops) would have made. Adam Driver's and Bill Murray's characters made it clear in a few parts that they were well aware that they were in a movie, a gag that I always find to be pretty stupid. And with lots of zombie head chopping, they had the perfect opportunity for plenty of gore, but black dust would come out of them instead of blood. All in all, it wasn't a terrible movie, but pretty disappointing nonetheless.

ZombieCPA says:

Jun '19
It was like watching two straight hours of โ€œdad jokesโ€. They kept trying to do the same jokes over and over again expecting maybe you would eventually laugh at it.

There were two people laughing hysterically at the movie.

ZombieCPA says:

Jun '19
This movie felt like a terrible version of the Australian horror movie, Undead.

They tried to make comedy out of dragging things out and making the movie go as slow as molasses because things move slow in the country. I was tempted to walk out but was hoping for at least an exciting payoff at the end. I didnโ€™t think the zombie action or gore was done well at all. I hated the annoying black dust when they chopped off zombie heads.


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