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Apr '19
I did something bad today. I went to a buffet where you pay before you eat. The lady told me she was having trouble with the cash register, and that I could just go through and pay before I leave. I hit that buffet hard, and then left without paying.

I did leave a $2 tip for the guy who brought me my iced tea so I wouldn't look like a total ass. I don't know if the lady told anybody else about it when I came in, and I looked all around and didn't see her anywhere before I left. So I don't even know for sure if anybody even knew I got away with a free meal. Regardless, I still think I probably shouldn't show my face around there for a little while.

What do you think? Am I a bad person? Have you ever done anything like this?

Box_a_Hair says:

Apr '19
You're a true villain, if there ever was one! But I'm a cheap bastard, and I'd probably do the same if an ideal opportunity came up. (Un)Fortunately, I have awful luck, and that keeps me "honest", or at least law-abiding.

sfpx says:

Apr '19
Naughty, naughty emoticon

Ballz says:

Apr '19
You tipped. Some patrons who paid to eat didn't tip. It all evens out in the end.

I've never gotten a free meal like that. If I ever have the opportunity, whether I pay or not will largely depend on the quality of my dining experience. Good or great service, I'd probably feel a little bad if I didn't pay. Okay or poor service, fuck 'em.

foz says:

Apr '19
always tip, otherwise, as long as it isnt indepentdant eaterie (which by all u can 8 buffet i assume not) it's a victimless crfime. fuck the man. go znep.


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