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Sep 2018

I just bought this sign for my door because I am so sick of these assholes invading my life every other week, often while I am napping. I really hope they take heed. How is this considered okay, to come banging on someone's door, unexpected, not even considering what kind of hours the occupants might keep? I don't even understand it, does this method ever actually work? I mean, people know churches exist, right? Are there really such weak minded individuals out there who just take up any religion that happens to come knocking at their door?

Johan_WoW says:

Sep 2018
I had a few times the witnesses of Jehovah and a few weeks ago the evangelistic church, basically they are all some kind of rip-off from the christian church. I try to be friendly have a little chat and that's that. They are not that persistent this far. If they really would come like once a week I would of course tell them to stay away.

sfpx says:

Sep 2018
Pfft! That sign won't stop me! I will continue to pester you until you join, ya heard!!!

Znep27 says:
#8, Reply to #2

Sep 2018
What if I come to the door naked? Actually, don't answer that.

sfpx says:
#10, Reply to #8

Sep 2018
*busts out Jehovah's Witness Nuditst Colony brochure*

BloodWank says:

Sep 2018
I suspect they end up talking to a lot of lonely elderly people and stoners. Which would probably be wildly variable in terms of results and satisfaction. If I recall correctly the Mormon Church and the Jehovah's Witnesses at least have the whole spreading the word thing as an article of their faith, they can't not do it, at least for some alloted period of time, even if it doesn't work.

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Sep 2018
That reminds me of the scene in Edward Scissorhands where the Avon lady is talking to some teen girl about her products and letting her test them out. Then, the teen tells her, "You know I don't have any money, right?"

I imagine these people's lives are generally pointless. Especially if they spend most of their days wandering from house to house trying to convert people into their goofy little cult.

Gymnopedie says:
#5, Reply to #4

Sep 2018
I really like that film. Edward was truly an outsider - very sympathetic character. It's the only Burton film I like. Do you like it, Box?

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #5

Sep 2018
Absolutely. I like all Tim Burton films pre 1995. By the time Mars Attacks hit, he discovered CGI and basically never let it go. After that point, he's been hit or miss. Mostly miss.

Gymnopedie says:

Sep 2018
I always feel guilty when the Jehovah witnesses come around as I don't want to talk to them. That said, I was once listening in to two Jehovah witnesses talking to each other on the bus to work, and they are wise beyond their years

Tromafreak says:

Sep 2018
Interesting point. I wonder how successful this method really is. It's true. If someone has interest in anything related to religion, they can probably figure out what to do about it. The chances that the person who answers the door will have nothing going on, be in the mood to talk, and open to converting, has got to be discouragingly low.

zed says:

Sep 2018
I just tell them religion is a load of BS, usually they bugger off pretty quick, I think they think I'm a nut





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