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by Znep27

Jun '18
Now THIS is a horror movie! The less you know, the better, so I won't say anything about the plot. It's got an oldschool 70's slowburn thing going, and boy does it pay off in the end. Really, I have not been this impressed by a theatrically released horror film in a long, long time.

Yakko says:

Mar '22
I saw it without knowing anything about it other than a lot of people liked it. But like with so many other modern horror movies, I thought it was terrible. It was boring and not scary, just like It Follows, which was another one tons of people rated highly.

Yakko says:
#12, Reply to #11

Mar '22
None that I can think of right away. Some have been worse than others, but it seems like I'm always disappointed. Maybe when I hear so much praise I go in expecting too much. With Hereditary I think I was greatly misled by the title. I expected something that was transmitted genetically through a family bloodline (which is what the word hereditary implies - perhaps the filmmakers don't know the actual meaning of the word) like a parasite or mutation, or even homicidal tendencies like in The Bad Seed. But instead it was just more supernatural/satanic nonsense that we've seen so many times before. That sort of thing could never scare me in the first place because I've known there was no devil, demons, demonic posession, afterlife, souls or ghosts since I was a very young child. I'm the only person I know of who wasn't scared or disturbed by The Exorcist. To me it was just a very unfunny joke.


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