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Apr '18
What a load of hooey. If you watch a lot of DVD extras, I'm sure you've noticed that every single actress who has ever been interviewed has described her character as being strong. If they're especially obnoxious, they'll probably also say that you don't see many strong female characters in movies. But if you don't see many, then how come all of the others are also calling their characters strong? What is that supposed to mean anyway? Do they think they're doing something to fight sexism by playing a "strong" woman? I've never heard a male actor call his character strong. Not even Arnold.

Gymnopedie says:

Apr '18
I have noticed that too, this whole empowerment thing. No doubt the feminests are to blame. You see a lot of it these days in society with this #MeToo campaign . I think it is something to do with fighting the 'man', or so I heard. I think they may feel oppressed. They always want to blame the 'man' for something.

Anyway, I digress. Johan may be able to shed some light on this matter. He likes the strong female role models in films.

Box_a_Hair says:

Apr '18
It is kind of a bullshit idea. In this case, "strong" is more synonymous with prominent and/or well-written, and so these actresses must think that there aren't enough women out there in good roles, but wtf do they know? Have they seen every movie ever?

Hollywood loves to push an agenda, and in this case, it's called sexism, but face it. Women have come a long way since the dawn of film. No more fainting damsels in distress. Women are equal now, so it makes their claim of being "strong" as rather misconstrued as to what that actually means.

When I think of a "strong" character, I think of a beefcake or a dumb brute who can lift a boulder over his head. That's just a vague example. These women want to think of "strong" as "lead actress". I suppose in a way, there aren't a lot of great female characters that I particularly care for. I can think of a lot more male characters I like than females, but it still only depends on what I watch. I'm a dude, so I don't particularly care for chick flicks (most of the time). If I was a girl, I'd probably have a lot of favorite female characters, because I'd be watching a lot more female-oriented movies, probably.


Apr '18
VPIR dont fuck with no Mary Sue's minus Ellen Ripley.

zed says:

Apr '18
I've never heard a male actor call his character strong. Not even Arnold.

ahem his greatest role when he was billed as arnold strong

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #4

Apr '18
Yeah, but that was over 40 years ago. Times were different, and Arnold was strong as fuck!

zed says:
#7, Reply to #5

Apr '18
did we ever see him tossing some men, like advertised on that poster

Znep27 says:
#6, Reply to #4

Apr '18
I think they just called him that because they were afraid people wouldn't be able to pronounce "Schwarzenegger".

Johan_WoW says:
#8, Reply to #6

Apr '18
Schwarzenigga was the joke we used to say. Schwarz is German for black so that would be like black nigga.

Johan_WoW says:

Apr '18
I guess strong has gotten a new meaning nowadays it no longer means just physically strong but more mentally. Like Box said no more just screaming damsels in distress. I guess more active and prominent is seen now as strong.

I think the horror genre offers plenty of movies with 'strong' as in lead characters from both genders. It depends on what you watch I guess. I prefer female leads that doesn't mean though I like chick flicks on the contrary. That's too stereotypical thinking something I'm guilty of as well as I sometimes think of male leads as being too macho, sleazy, sexist or egocentrical which is of course not always the case. It all depends how the characters are written.

Karli says:

Apr '18
I'll only agree if Sheri Moon Zombie (or anyone else for that matter) has ever described *any* of her characters as being "strong female" types. :P
Apologies to any Sheri Moon fans on here, but I just can't stand her.

Johan_WoW says:
#11, Reply to #10

Apr '18
That makes two of us she is the reason that a Rob Zombie movie is hard to sit through for me.


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