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Movie bullies

by Znep27

Feb '18
I almost never see a normal high school bully in a movie. They're always borderline homicidal psychopaths who have an inexplicably intense hatred of their victims. Stephen King writes these types a lot. I dealt with my fair share of bullies, but I never once felt like my life was actually in danger. Did I just get off lucky?

Box_a_Hair says:

Feb '18
As soon as I saw this topic, I thought about Stephen King's IT. He seemed even more homicidal in the remake than he was in the original. emoticon Also, there's Sometimes They Come Back, Christine, Carrie, etc...

A great movie that epitomizes your topic is Larry Clark's Bully. Excellent movie about youth gone wrong, that turns this topic on its head, because while there is a bully, he's just an asshole, and people set out to murder him.

When I was a kid, I loved the movie "Big Bully", where Tom Arnold picks on Rick Moranis all the time. Eventually, they're shooting nail guns at each other, but in the end, its still a children's movie, so it has a happy ending.

Znep27 says:
#2, Reply to #1

Feb '18
I have seen Bully and read the book. The way he behaved, I really couldn't feel much sympathy for him being murdered. But while it was based on a true story, the writers really only had the word of the murderers as to what he was really like. The stupidity of those kids really blew my mind. I think I remember them going more into it in the book, how none of them or their parents seemed to grasp the seriousness of what they did. They were all acting like murder was just a stupid mistake someone makes as a kid, and they couldn't believe how hard the law was coming down on them.

Tromafreak says:
#5, Reply to #1

Feb '18
Good, so, I'm not alone in thinking Tom Arnold Vs. Rick Moranis is comedy gold. emoticon

Johan_WoW says:

Feb '18 *
I have this feeling that most horror fans have dealt with bullies in their life. I recognize what you say certainly my teenage years were''nt my favorite schoolgoing period. But my life in danger no never and I was never beaten up either.

But yes others haven't been that lucky and have endured the bullying we see in the movies such as Carrie. What I do love about these movies it helps to sympathize with the victims and hate the bullies. Somehow it's like the movie or story writer wants to say hey bullying is not OK. I wonder if bullies actually like horror movies and what do they think when confronted with movies showing the bullyings they are guilty of?

Ballz says:

Feb '18
I was bullied, called names and punched multiple times, but far from the degree of what you see in movies. Never had anyone pull a switchblade on me or ram my crotch into a flagpole.

Extreme bullying happens. Columbine comes to mind. Supposedly the shooters were bullied relentlessly. It's rare enough though that most people probably only vaguely relate with the victims of bullying in movies.

Tromafreak says:

Feb '18
True. Never thought about it but this scenario in movies is always way over the top. Chase scenes, situations where the bully humiliates someone in front of the entire school, which gets them pointed and laughed at by literally everyone. In some movies, it can be much darker, which I'm sure happens in real life, too, smetimes. I got bullied some in the 7th grade, and it was discouraging and nerve racking, but nobody dedicated their entire life to ruining mine. Then again, I went to a private school. Always heard the public schools were much worse.

sfpx says:

Feb '18
The homicidal, sociopathic bullies are more entertaining. In the movies, of course.

I remember witnessing my fair share of bullying, mostly during middle school. That's when kids seem the cruelest. I can't imagine how much worse it is nowadays with cell phones and social media.


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