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Feb '17
I don't see this guy's name mentioned nearly enough. He has directed a lot of great micro-budget comedies. I'm a fan of everything he's done.

A Polish Vampire in Burbank (1983) - About a vampire who has always had his blood provided to him by his parents and now has to go out into the real world and learn how to bite people himself.

Deathrow Gameshow (1987) - About a gameshow where the contestants are on deathrow and have to compete to not be executed. Things go wrong for the host when the show accidentally executes the mother of a mobster. This one is clearly the highest budget of his movies; it's comes the closest to actually looking like a professional production.

Curse of the Queerwolf (1988) - Based on a character from Polish Vampire in Burbank, a man is bitten by a transvestite and starts to turn into one during the full moon!

Nudist Colony of the Dead (1991) - As far as I know, it's the world's first zombie musical. After the church forces a nudist colony off their land, they vow to take revenge from beyond the grave, with some great toe-tapping tunes!

Buford's Beach Bunnies (1992) - The owner of a Hooters-esque restaurant offers his waitresses $100,000 to whoever can cure his son of his fear of women. His son is played by Tom's younger brother, Jim Hanks. If you squint, you can imagine you're watching a Tom Hanks movie. Be sure to watch the director's cut, or else it will make no sense.

Color-Blinded (1998) - A black woman believes her white boyfriend might not be so into her and wishes she was white. Her wish comes true and comedy ensues.

Rectuma (2003) - After being bitten by a Mexican butt-humping bullfrog, a man's ass develops a mind of it's own, detaches from his body, and quickly grows into a monstrous creature terrorizing the city!

The God Complex (2009) - Follows God, a short, fat, bald, idiotic, asshole, from the beginning of creation to the present.

The Rage of Innocence (2014) - His only serious film to date. About a girl who will do anything to stop a man from dating her single mother. If you can look past the acting and cheapness of it all, it's actually a surprisingly well done little thriller.

He has a new one called Celluloid Soul coming soon that sound interesting. This is from his website, pirromount.com:

"2016 is the year Mark Pirro began production on his 10th feature film, Celluloid Soul. Another departure from the standard Pirromount fare, this movie is about a down on his luck writer who becomes obsessed with an actress from a 1939 movie. He has no idea who she is or what ever became of her. When he finally does find out about her, he gets the shock of his life when she calls him, and then arrives on his doorstep, looking exactly like she did in the 75 year old movie, complete with a black and white hue and vertical scratches. Celluloid Soul features Dennis Kinard, Lauren Baldwin (both from โ€œThe God Complexโ€), Bill Devlin (Rectuma, God Complex) and comedian Judy Tenuta, . Director of Photography Bruce Heinsius Associate Producer John Ahern Music by Jerry Danielson Written, Produced and Directed by Mark Pirro."

jimb14red says:

Feb '17 *
Also only seen Deathrow Gameshow and it was decent. Would be interested in seeing some of his other films.


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