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Sep '17 *


Revisited these 2 movies last night, the rewatch for The Innkeepers did the trick, i appreciated it more and i changed the rating from 5/10 to 6/10 but for YellowBrickRoad while i absolutely love slow burn horror this one just didn't work for me, it had some truly terrifying scenes but as a whole the movie fell flat and aimless 4/10.

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '17
I think The Innkeepers is pretty decent. It paces itself, makes you like the characters a bit, then goes creepy on you at the end. Ti West is usually pretty good, though his best movies rely more on atmosphere rather than substance.

Never saw the other one. Never hear anyone talking about it, so maybe it's just so-so.

iceflamez says:
#2, Reply to #1

Sep '17
After The Innkeepers i feel compelled to watch his previous work "The House of the Devil".

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Sep '17
The House of the Devil is my favorite of his works that I've seen. It's in that retro 80s/vhs era, the main chick is gorgeous, and the vibe is just perfect. I think I'll rewatch that one in October.

Smerd says:

Sep '17
Loved The Inkeepers, hated YellowBrickRoad and its tacked on dumb ass ending, seriously though it had such great atmosphere and build up, then that lame ending.

peeptoad says:

Sep '17
I liked the Innkeepers okay... didn't love it, didn't dislike it. I concur with smerd on Yellowbrickroad... plus the DVD I watched way back when had such a poor audio track that I could hardly hear the dialogue even blasting the sound. The premise was so interesting to me and the execution (and yeah that ending) were awful imho.

iceflamez says:
#6, Reply to #5

Sep '17
Dude that was beyond frustrating for me, i actually had to rewind the movie and increase the volume attempting to make out wtf they were saying at times and overall i missed quite a bit from the dialogues. The first major let down was when i realised they released it w/o subs.

foz says:

Sep '17
thought Inkeepers was good, liked the two leads and the typical Ti West atmosphere. HOTD & The Sacrement are others of his i like, not sure what went down with the Cabin fever sequel.

Yellowbrickroad was a pleasant suprise for a syfy movie, had low expectations and until the last 20mins or so its pretty effective. i did laugh at the leg ripping bit, but thats a good thing!

iceflamez says:
#8, Reply to #7

Sep '17
I own both of Ti West's movies that you mentioned i will probably be able to squeeze HOTD sometime during October, really looking forward to it.

As for YBR that scene and the subsequent "scarecrow" deadend were the highlights of the movie for me.

Ballz says:

Sep '17
It took a couple rewatches for me to appreciate The Innkeepers more too. Won't say I thought it was dull at first, but it failed to draw me in like House of the Devil before it did. Never heard of YellowBrickRoad. Sounds like I haven't missed out.


Sep '17
I liked The Innkeepers from the 1st time I watched it from buying it blind when it was released on DVD...watched it 3 or 4 times since. I remember Jimb rec'ing YellowBrickRoad on the HB but still haven't got there yet. I hear it's a love it or hate it type film. I usually love those type flicks...gotta get on that.

OnyxHades says:

Sep '17 *
I liked Yellow Brick Road. I thought House of the Devil was great! As for The Innkeepers, it took around 3 to 4 viewings for me to finish it. I was so bored.

BloodWank says:

Oct '17
That poster for The Innkeepers is a beauty, never saw it before. I enjoyed it but was a little put out by it not being much like I had expected (I saw it at a festival with only one or two advance reviews and expected a little more of a straight spooker). I suspect on a rewatch I would appreciate it more, as I did find some of it spooky and was generally engaged by it as a character study. Increasingly I find myself attracted to the stuff around the outright spookiness in horror and I was interested by its take on maturity and wisdom, their different levels and interactions and consequences.

I've not seen YellowBrickRoad, the premise calls to me and a fair amount of the time I enjoy films that few others do, but for safety's sake I'll wait till I come across it in a charity shop.

NoseOfNicko says:

Oct '17 *
The Innkeepers is actually one of my favorite horror movies. I donโ€™t find it boring at all because the characters are really likeable, I enjoy their interactions and itโ€™s creepy as fuck. I also think the little twist is pretty cool. 9/10


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