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Apr '17
Every bad ass has a place they call home. Here are some of my favourites;

Nosferatu โ€“ That grand gothic castle on the rocky cliff with minimalist taste in decor in the vast curved concrete walled rooms and stairwells that perfectly distort his shadow. Not exactly what Iโ€™d call homely.

Alien Queen โ€“ youโ€™re walking through the vast corridors of a stark man made facility with monochrome hard angles and it gradually morphs into a more organic moulded structure that deceivingly looks part of the original architecture. This โ€œsecreted resinโ€ is a sign that you must turn your ass around and get the hell outta there. Instead you keep moving and come across an illuminated mist hovering over hundreds of eggs. What the hell is laying these things? Ohโ€ฆ

Freddy Krueger โ€“ the boiler room that a lot of victims seem to find their way into during a nightmare no matter where they start out. It seems to be endless and has many dead ends to trap you in.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre โ€“ chicken feathers (eek!), bones (both animal and human), hooks and a cooler to keep your victims docile until your ready for them.

The Human Centipede โ€“ this is quite a beautiful house if not for the goings on inside. Itโ€™s very minimalist, has everything in itโ€™s right place and is set in a nice remote area. Dimly lit but cold and clinical like itโ€™s owner.

The Silence of the Lambs โ€“ the best lair of them all. An innocuous, working class house in small town America with the labyrinth of hell lying underneath. The well, the sewing room, the moths (oh God I hate moths!) and the work in progress in case you were unsure of what his motives were. You think it canโ€™t get any more fucking terrifying and then he turns the lights out.

What are some of your favourites?


Apr '17
Misery- Paul Sheldon. Some of the shit he said to Annie Bates, his deadpan delivery with a psycho wacko. Brilliant.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Apr '17
Like me, you confused "lairs" with "liars". emoticon I just re-read the title and feel stupid.

Of course, I gotta add Evil Dead to the list of lairs. A dusty, blood-soaked cabin in the middle of the woods is always great. The woods have a few great homes in them, like Jason's shack in Part 2 with the shitty pieced-together walls.

I guess an obvious one would be the house right up the hill by the Bates Motel in Psycho! And the goddamn Amityville Horror house, with it's evil-eyed windows...

Ballz says:

Apr '17 *
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 - Texas Battle Land. Not to take anything away from the family's house in the first movie, but I've always loved their new home in part two. An abandoned amusement park now filled with the same kind of junk from their original home, with unused body parts packed behind leaky walls.

Suspiria - Tanz Dance Academy. Twisting corridors and forgotten rooms for the killer to chase any suspicious students through and a heavy focus on red and blue decor. Even during the day, the school's creepy, with its ominous, red exterior.

Phantasm - Morningside. The Tall Man has no issue setting up shop at any funeral home and cemetery, but Morningside was the first and the one he seemed to spend the longest time at, as learned in part four. It was there he started building his dwarf army and anyone who dared to intrude were attacked by this army, along with silver spheres and other, non-dwarf servants.

Edit: I take back what I said about The Tall Man spending the longest time at Morningside. That isn't the case at all. I thought it was the same place in part four's time travel to the past, but I'm watching it now and it definitely isn't the same.

Tommix says:
#9, Reply to #3

Apr '17
dude, you beat me to it, with TCM2. That is a HELL of a great lair, isn't it?!?!? They really went all out, making that place as insne as possible.

I like Morningside too. I have actually been there! My sister used to live really close to it, in Oakland, CA. It's called the Dunsmuir Hellman estate. I have not been inside, but I have been to the grounds, and walked up to the house, and retraced the steps of the Phantasm characters in the front yard. That was a really big thrill for me, I'm happy I got to do that. It would have been nice if they were open for tours when I was there, but the actual interior was never in Phantasm anyway.

Ballz says:
#11, Reply to #9

Apr '17
TCM 2's lair makes it the best part of the movie for me and I say that as someone who loves the whole movie.

That's cool that you've been to Morningside. At least they let you on the grounds at all. I've been to a few horror filming locations over the years. I'd love to add that to my list someday.

somesunnyday says:
#10, Reply to #3

Apr '17
Morningside is spectacular. I forgot about that one. Of course it also features in Burnt Offerings.

Ballz says:
#12, Reply to #10

Apr '17
I didn't realize it was the same house in Burnt Offerings! Though in my defense, I've only seen that movie once.

Tromafreak says:

Apr '17
Collinwood from Dark Shadows.


peeptoad says:
#6, Reply to #4

Apr '17

peeptoad says:

Apr '17
the Black Christmas sorority house
Castle Rock

if these count:
the redwood forest in the Howling
the OR woods and waterfall in Just Before Dawn

slasherfan85 says:

Apr '17
Most of the good ones have already been mentioned. Maybe Thirteen Ghosts the remake. Not a great movie, but that house is gorgeous. I'll come back if I think of anymore.

Ballz says:

Apr '17
A couple more lairs came to mind:

Maniac (1980): Frank Zito's apartment. Despite its purple walls, Frank's apartment initially doesn't seem like anything special. However, you soon learn that he likes collecting two things to decorate the apartment: mannequins and the scalps of victims, which he nails to the mannequins. Frank often talks to himself in the apartment and suffers from nightmares. The apartment isn't only a place for him to display his murder trophies and sleep, it seems like some kind of personal hell. Not including the remake here, because I don't recall where or how he lives in the remake. Probably something similar.

The Lost Boys: Sunken hotel. If you're a vampire, you need a secure place to sleep. A place where no human is likely to stumble across you during the day. In Santa Carla, the vampires live in the remains of a hotel ruined by an earthquake. To any victim they might lead there, they probably think it's a nice hangout for teenagers. The sunken hotel isn't far from the boardwalk and beach either, favorite hunting grounds for the vampires.

Avira says:

Apr '17
Tooms lair from the X-Files. In an abandoned building behind the walls where he keeps his nest of neswpaper and bile along with trophies of his victims.

Or the People Under the Stairs House.

Karli says:

Jun '17
The ever-changing Myers house.

Johan_WoW says:

Jun '17
The woods from the Company of Wolves: magical, enchanting but also dark and dangerous

The mansions from paranormal movies The Innocents, the Haunting, The Others. The Innocents also had a great garden near the lake making for some spooky shots

City of the Living Dead: need I to explain?

The castle from the duchess in I Vampiri: great gothic setting
Black Sunday: same as above


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