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Mar '17
Mine was back in 1990. I was only 18 years old. Me and my mate went to the drive in for an all night marathon. I can't even remember the list of films that was playing. I remember falling asleep and waking up around 2am just as Jacob's Ladder came on. I'd never heard anything about it and thought I was in for a war film at first. I was a bit bleary eyed at first but was soon wide awake and blown away by it. A magnificent surprise experience that you just cant recreate.

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '17
Several years back when I first watched Madman (1982) was a great experience. I got high right before my shift ended at Arby's (back when I was a lightweight) and went home, watched it super high... what a creepy fucking movie!

Another time, I got sooo baked and decided to try out "Humanoids from the Deep", which honestly blew me away. The next day, I had forgotten most of what happened in the movie, so I got high again and watched it for the "first" time again. That process continued for about a week, until I finally remembered the movie in full.


Mar '17
A couple of years ago, for the October Challenge, I watched Inside for the first time and it blew my mind. I found a bootleg of Livid after that. I love those two french diretors. I can't wait to see what they do with the Leatherface movie this year.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Mar '17
I'm not the biggest fan of "Inside", but I can appreciate what it was going for, for the most part. The French horror directors display a strange sense of beauty in the extreme gore genre they've gotten big on.

Leatherface though? I'm really annoyed that they decided on a prequel with a version of Leatherface who isn't even matured to the killing machine we all know and love, but I want to be optimistic. They ain't making it easy though, never releasing ANY info on the project...

Mar '19
Comment Deleted

iceflamez says:

Mar '17
Palabras Encadenadas (Killing Words) 2013, this one was very pricey but i blindly bought it because it was a spanish film and i rarely go wrong with those. Judging from the cover i had low expectations and the false impression that it was going to be a Hostel ripoff. Halfway through and at this point i realize i am in for a treat and by the time the movie ended it was one of my easiest 10/10, really an understatement to say it blew my mind.

jimb14red says:

Mar '17 *
Probably Donnie Darko. I remember when it first came out on DVD I saw it and it was when I would be buying DVDs every Tuesday. I would always get at least one blind buy usually by just the look of the cover or description on back. Had never heard of it before and knew absolutely nothing about it when I got it and watched it. That is what I consider a true blind watch not just something you haven't seen before. It became one of my favorite films.

Box_a_Hair says:
#9, Reply to #6

Mar '17
I blind bought it when I was recommended it since I liked The Butterfly Effect. I bought it, watched it, hated it, sold it... revisited it years later, and now I kinda love it. Never saw the sequel, but Richard Kelly is interested in doing a proper sequel. Not sure what to think about that...

jimb14red says:
#11, Reply to #9

Mar '17
I think Kelly is a genius and I would watch anything he did. I am obviously in the minority but I think Southland Tales is fuckign fantastic. Unflortuantely he can't get a job anymore and everytime he is supposed to direct something it falls through.

Ballz says:

Mar '17
I'd say the time I caught Return of the Living Dead on MonsterVision, in the late '90s. Back then, the only other zombie movie I'd seen was Romero's Night of the Living Dead. I'm not sure I'd enjoy the movie as much as I do now if it wasn't for that experience.


Mar '17
Probably seeing my first Val Lewton movie on late night TV at around ten years old.

I walked with a zombie. Years later I'd look into who made the movie and start trying to find other Lewton movies.

Tromafreak says:

Mar '17
Probably Things (1989). I can't think of a movie I knew so little about before buying, that I would go on to watch so many times.

Avira says:

Mar '17
Earliest one is probably Predator. I was expecting a typical Arnie shoot em up war film, then the Predator showed up and blew my young little mind :D


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