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Jul '17
Completely off topic. How many interviews have been to in your lifetime and how do go at them? I've been to countless, probably about 30 plus. I'm really good at putting an application together but suck at the interview process. I think it's an Australian cultural thing to feel like a complete wanker when you talk yourself up so it doesn't come naturally and feels very forced.

I was interviewed recently and the one thing that does piss me off no end is when you get that vibe they've already made up their mind about someone else and are just going through the motions. I'd much rather they call me and cancel than put me through that bullsit charade. A complete waste of mine and their time.

How are you at interviews? Do you have the gift of the gab?

Gymnopedie says:

Jul '17
I would say I have had at least five interviews in my lifetime. I am terrible at interviews. I always feel like I will be found out. I hope I never have to go for an interview again.

OnyxHades says:

Jul '17 *
I think 3 or 4. I've worked "normal" jobs at times, but I've been pretty lucky with doing my own thing. There was a period where I was homeless for quite awhile, and I worked odd jobs here and there. Cleaning people's houses, etc.

peeptoad says:

Jul '17
If you count crappy retail jobs, etc then I've been on a lot... a couple dozen over the years, anyway. They blew kind of when I didn't have any marketable skills (even when the job I was interviewing for didn't call for a skill set), but now they're a breeze and my CV kind of speaks for itself.

I hear you on it being a waste of time sometimes though- like if you can tell they have someone already. About 17 years ago I applied to be a park ranger for the state of California... they strung me along for over a year with the application process. I passed all the physical exams and tests that they make police officers go through (timed running at different distances, strength and agility tests, etc), passed 2 long-ass written exams, had a panel interview in front of 8 officers and parks people, and passed the background check and medical exam. Then, after more than a year of this they had me meet with a state psychiatrist for a psych evaluation: after literally 5 minutes in the room with him he told me I failed the psych evaluation and the position was filled already. Fucking assholes.

Pavlovs_Bell says:

Mar '18 *
Probably around 10 so far. I'm actually more comfortable at the interview than I am at the application stage and that confidence definitely sealed at least two jobs I had in the past. My problem is I can "over" do it, when I get an interview or just the possibility I'll research the company as best I can and I know there's been the rare interview when I've known something that they are stumped on, leads to a VERY awkward post conversation and I know at that point they've lost interest.

ZombieCPA says:

Mar '18 *
Over 100. It took about 50 to get my first job out of college. I had extremely high grades, but I was shy and sucked at interviewing. I am much better at the process now. I'm at my 8th job since graduating college.

Rattikin Title Company - left for more money
Gulf Insurance Group - left because they were acquired
JCPenney - left for more money
STMicroelectronics - left because of pshyco boss
Archipelago Learning - left because they were acquired
US Concrete - only worked here for 5 months. Boss from Archipelago offered me a big raise to work for her again.
Multi-View - Laid off after there revenue dropped 30% in one year.
Toyota Industires - Current job.

sfpx says:

Mar '18
I dunno how many I've been on, but once, about 10 years ago, I was interviewing for a position as a transporter in the operating room at a hospital. It was more like an orientation kinda thing, with myself and a few other people. We dressed up in scrubs and experienced first hand what it'd be like working there, touring the place and stuff. Once I find out though that you occasionally are on-call, as a fucking transporter, I lost all interest. The lady interviewing could tell my heart wasn't in it anymore, and vice versa she now felt the same about me. It was awkward as hell.


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