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Aug '18 *
Necronomicon appearance in the Voorhees household more than an Easter Egg.

But hey, I always considered there to be some connection. Especially when they now have a Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash comic.


Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '18
It makes perfect sense, and it was the perfect lead-in to Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash. They only canceled that story because it would've been too awesome for planet earth. People's minds would be blown to BITS!

I think it's to be taken as a throwaway joke, but I'm still of the mind to make this perfectly canon. Evil Dead is a solid franchise. Friday the 13th is a solid franchise, with only one really stupid entry Jason X. I think a slasher timeline is great. I used to ponder this stuff a lot, which has lead to my movie timelne nonsense. https://trashepics.com/timeline/

Both franchises seem to be dead as a doornail at this moment. Let us pray for a recovery. I need another Jason movie in my life. It's been almost a decade without one.

sfpx says:
#2, Reply to #1

Aug '18
I need another Jason movie in my life. It's been almost a decade without one.

A Friday the 13th movie, not made in the '80s? Is there any possibility of that being any good?

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Aug '18
I like Jason Goes to Hell plenty, as well as Freddy vs. Jason. emoticon
Jason X and the remake can go fuck themselves though. emoticon

Get Kane Hodder and Harry Manfredini and it'll work!

sfpx says:
#4, Reply to #3

Aug '18
Haven't seen Jason Goes to Hell since....damn....the 90s. Wonder what I'd think of it now.

I've warmed up to Freddy vs Jason somewhat in recent years. When it was new, and my tastes fell on the snobbier side of things, I didn't like seeing Freddy and Jason in this modern, digitized world. It didn't feel "right." (Whatever that means.) For what it is though, it's a fairly entertaining action movie. Doesn't really feel like a NOES or F13 movie which may have initially been my main problem with it. Freddy and Jason movies belong in the '80s, but as I said, I've learned to accept it for what it is.


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