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Cobra Kai

May '18
So we've moved on from Pat Morita-Sploitation and onto William Zabka-sploitation as a middle age man.

Anyway, had a ball watching Cobra Kai.

Even though The Karate Kid is the laughing stock of martial art connoisseurs with it's highly telegraphed crane kick. It was the kind of movie that made kids interested in martial arts so it served it's purpose.

Quite well done and I like that it deconstructed the original movie. There is a video out there trying to point out that Daniel was the real bully of The Karate Kid and it's like they took that idea and turned it into a TV series. Very enjoyable so far.

A much better way to modernize The Karate Kid than 'The Kung Fu Kid' (You know what I mean by that ) Big fan of Jackie Chan. Not so much Jaden Smith.


Ballz says:

May '18
It was a much better show than I expected it to be. I'd go as far to say that I enjoyed it more than any of the movies, including the original. I think it helped that half of the show focused on Johnny rather than only Daniel. His story was more interesting than Daniel's.

I noticed Will Smith's name on the show's credits as a producer. He's probably just in it for the money, but I'd like to think even he's not a fan of his son's remake and decided that the original cast was better.


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