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Feb '17 *
Discuss the latest King Kong movie.

I just had to make a thread to post this glorious hand drawn poster art for it. Something that is absent from modern day movies.



Box_a_Hair says:

Feb '17
The poster art is probably going to be the best part of that movie. That, and John Goodman. Wait... I might have to see it just for him. And Loki.

I've never been big on the Kong movies, or the Godzilla movies for that matter. Something about a big monster destroying CGI stuff just doesn't ring my bell.

Shadow-345 says:

Feb '17
Take all my money now!

Amazing gorilla



Feb '17
Love the hand drawn poster. Much more exciting than some photosopped picture of the stars faces.


Feb '17
sharing its mythos with the 2014 Godzilla isn't doing anything to endear it to me.


Mar '17
Saw this on Fri. Worked half a day and rushed to the early bird show (5.70 if it starts before noon) still missed the beginning. When I sat down, the Mario looking guy was wanting to cancel the expedition because of the hurricane.

I liked it. The thing I liked best about it was that Kong looked and moved like Kong instead of just being an overgrown mountain gorilla. Also like that its set in '73. and it didn't take forever to get to the action and see Kong. I like slow burns...except in giant monster movie.

I've always thought John C. was goofy and funny, but he can also act. emoticon He trades in his boats 'n hos for a cobbled together plane/boat rustbucket and a katana.

I don't know if Samuel L. can play a subdued character, but he is of course a convincing cussin' over the top crazyass.

Goodman is great. Corey Hawkins' Houston Brooks sort if reminds me of Brock from Godzilla: The Original Animated Series.

The variety of giant beasts is nice and not all are carnivores.

Some things I had trouble with
-"Dear Billy" running gag got old fast
-an ape, no matter how damn big should go up in flames like a dry Christmas tree, in the middle of a napalm bath
-Marlow's son seems too young, its been 26 years and the actor looks like a high schooler
-I like that it ties into the Godzillaverse BUT, cave paintings of Godzilla means his size won't be the result of radiation mutation and how to explain his atomic breath. Should of just had paintings of Mothra, Rodan and Ghidrah

Wish I could compare it to Peter Jackson's King Kong. I nabbed the 3 disc deluxe extended DVD for $3 years and years ago...still haven't been arsed to watch it.


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