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Mar '18 *
Super grimey follow up to the original Death Wish.

Charles Bronson is a no nonsense vigilante ready to make the punks pay. One of my favorite scenes is when Bronson is driving around and a street freak is on the street and Bronson doesn't bat an eyelid. He just doesn't care about fruits on the street.

I actually think it's a better movie than the original, though my favorite of the series is the ludicrously fun Death Wish 3.

It got a ton of hate and controversy and called worthless but that's because of all the critics that were offended by it. Not too possible to have a proper super violent rape revenge street vigilante film without harsh material though.


foz says:
#3, Reply to #2

Mar '18
oof, that last remark! imagine if she said that today. it's odd to be on the same side as Michael Winner, he was a despicable person, but i agree with him on censure, the BBFC are notoriously bad for cuts.

also nice to see someone smoking a ciger on live tv, those were the days...

foz says:

Mar '18
Death Wish III is the funniest for sure, that super slow car crash that results in multiple explosion & giant fireballs!


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