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Jan '18
I actually like the zombies in this movie more than any modern zombie movie. Even if the effects aren't considered good by some, they have certain feel and look to them that's just unique and creepy. Even with the way they move and the incidental music in the background.

Definitely a great zombie movie that also includes incest and zombie nipple eating.

Tromafreak says:

Jan '18
It's often thought of as a "so bad it's good" classic, but it's actually a damn decent zombie flick on top of it. And yeah, great looking zombies. And awkward moments due to incestuous urges are awesome!

Box_a_Hair says:

Jan '18
It's one of the prime Italian zombie flicks, for sure. I'd say the best are Zombi 2, Nightmare City, and Burial Ground, but Italy had a slew of mindlessly fun zombie movies. Somehow, as badly as they were made sometimes, they were still oozing with charm. The awkward bad sound design and the gratuity and pacing of these movies is magical.

Burial Ground's zombies don't look bad at all. They weren't even very threatening for the most part, because you could outrun 'em, and the stupidity of these characters is what makes it kind of fun to watch. I don't remember any of the characters except mother and son, and the girl who looks like Kate Hudson.

sfpx says:

Jan '18
Yup, this is definitely a good 'un.

In addition to the scarier than shit zombies, there's this real downtrodden atmosphere, almost from the get-go. That awful music that plays during the opening credits actually works to the film's benefit, it doesn't feel "right." Normally I would say I prefer the electronic-based stuff you often would hear in Italian horror movies at the time, but nope. Then theres the look of the movie. All washed-out and drab, like someone zapped all the color and "life" out of the picture. It just makes the movie feel real icky and old and rotted, much like the walking corpses.

It's weird and badly dubbed and all the people in the movie, my God are they horny, and it's so European looking and it's just random and everyone dies at the end. Gotta be my fav Italian gut-muncher. Out Fulci's Fulci.


Feb '18


Tromafreak says:
#5, Reply to #4

Feb '18


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.