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Feb '17

How do you feel about this?

I don't think we missed anything special. All the best Friday movies belong in the 80's.

Znep27 says:

Feb '17
I couldn't care less. I'm perfectly fine with them just letting all these old franchises die.

Tromafreak says:

Feb '17
Don't care either way. I don't think there's anything F-13 they could come up with that would interest me. Unless they got creative and made another one that fit in with the original franchise. Maybe a Part IX, taking place between VIII and Jason Goes To Hell.

Smerd says:
#4, Reply to #2

Feb '17
No, we need a direct sequel to Part V where Tommy is the killer, dammit!

Box_a_Hair says:

Feb '17
I think it sucks! Paramount has been a real piece of shit lately. First, they cancel the next Terminator movie in favor of Baywatch, and now they cancel F13 in favor of more inferior shit?

Paramount is too reluctant to revisit the franchise that put them on the map. They need to give the rights back to a company that actually cares.

At least we still have the game to look forward to!

slasherfan85 says:

Feb '17
I really don't care one way or the other at this point. They make a sequel or not doesn't matter to me. I actually think they should just let the franchise die.


Feb '17
I wasn't really digging the direction they were taking it in, based on what I'd read.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read that they were going to make the beginning of the movie about Jason's childhood. I hated that approach to the Halloween remake. I really didn't care about the childhood trauma that made Michael Myers into a killer. The original vision of the character in which he had a normal childhood and his becoming a cold blooded killing machine was a mystery was so much better. He was just some destructive force of nature, no motives needed.

They should go back to the series's roots. Make it on a very low budget, do it gritty and trashy. Shoot it on film preferably, though I know that'll never happen.


Feb '17
I love the series and have warmed up to the weaker films in the Jason Universe. I am iffy on all remakes, reboots for obvious reasons, the biggest positive is that it could get newer folks into Jason and then cool merch would come out again.

Scarecrow88 says:

Feb '17
There is just something about the Paramount 8 and how it begins and ends in the 80s and the franchise itself of its era that will live on, really appealing, I guess, because of when it was made. Reboots and such just either retread familiar ground or miss the boat entirely. At this point, why bother?

ebossert says:

Feb '17
I would really like to see a Friday the 13th film with Bava-esque lighting and gory deaths that rival something like Inside (2007).

Box_a_Hair says:
#10, Reply to #9

Feb '17
I've never seen it, but I hear the original Friday the 13th was influenced by A Bay of Blood. I really hated Inside, but I can appreciate the idea to make it super gory like that, or High Tension. The F13 movies never went to extreme gore levels like that, because the studios always play it safe.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.