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Aug '17
Both are actors that can portray mild mannered characters that perform horrific deeds.

But who do you like more?

peeptoad says:

Aug '17
I honestly couldn't say... I've seen way, way more stuff that Combs has been in, but Perkins might actually be creepier to me. Not sure really. emoticon

Znep27 says:

Aug '17
Both excellent actors, but I've seen far more from Combs, going to have to go with him.

Ballz says:

Aug '17 *
I've seen about the same number of movies featuring Perkins and Combs, maybe even one or two more from Perkins. As much as I enjoy both actors, even when the movies they're in aren't so good, I have to go with Perkins. I'm a massive fan of Perkins in the original four Psycho movies.

RedHawk10 says:

Aug '17
Perkins all day.

OnyxHades says:

Aug '17

BloodWank says:

Aug '17
In my experience Combs has the best performance and film, with Castle Freak, but I'm not sure I've ever seen him play, nor think he could play, an entirely normal, likeable hero figure as Perkins could (The Tin Star comes to mind). I might give an edge to Combs just because I'm a mad scientist fan. Perkins is wonderful as Norman Bates of course, but I'm not sure he stands out to me as much as Combs as Herbert West or Dr Crawford Tillinghast

Tromafreak says:

Aug '17
Anthony Perkins.


Aug '17
Dead Heat but for some reason put Combs in a film no matter how big a POS said film is and I can watch and enjoy it...In example Dark House.


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