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Apr '17
Master of comedy and martial arts as well as comedic martial arts.

Picking one out of the many movies would have to go with Drunken Master.

Also enjoy Police Story, Wheels On Meals, Half A Loaf of Kung Fu, Snake In Eagle's Shadow and many others. Magnificent Bodyguards is pretty zany and worth checking up on. Don't really like Rush Hour or most of the stuff that came out after that.


foz says:

Apr '17
Was gonna go with Drunken Master myself, classic blend of skill & comic timing.

Project A is another of Chan's best, not seen much of his recent stuff.

peeptoad says:

Apr '17
Dragons Forever... if that's considered "classic".

BloodWank says:

Apr '17
Drunken Master for me too. Has the old school, simple action rich storytelling of Snake in the Eagle's Shadow, but with advanced and more ambitious fighting. Project A is close behind, lagging just a bit in its final block. Who Am I, Police Story 2 & 3 and a few others rock too. Similarly not fussed about Rush Hour and onwards. The Shinjuku Incident is a fair crime drama (no martial arts) though.

Znep27 says:

Apr '17
I haven't seen one in ages, but I always really liked Operation Condor. The final fight in the wind tunnel was awesome.

Ballz says:

Apr '17
Top favorite? Police Story. The sequels aren't bad either, at least the few I've seen, but I like the first most.

I also liked Armour of God and its sequel. Project A (not sure if I saw 2) wasn't bad and if it counts even though he's not a main character, The Cannonball Run as well. And that about wraps up what I've seen of classic Chan!

My first taste of Chan as a kid was with the US cut of Rumble in the Bronx. In retrospect, not the worst movie I could have started with. I certainly watched it plenty of times back then. I finally saw the original cut of the movie a few years ago and while it's an improvement over the US cut, I prefer stuff like Police Story and Armour of God.

I agree that Rush Hour and his other US movies that followed aren't good. At the time, due to my young age, that and Shanghai Noon appealed to me some, but even then, I think I knew they weren't good. Chan admitted he did them for the money, so I guess at least he doesn't try to pretend they're his best work like some actors might.

jimb14red says:

Apr '17 *
Defintely the original Drunken Master. Would make my top 10 Kung Fu films as well.


Apr '17
Possibly Police Story since it was the first I saw and it blew me away. I also really like Police Story 3: Supercop with the awesome Michelle Yeoh.

Just about anything that Jackie did with Sammo & Yuen Biao is great - actually, just about everything he did in HK is great. I have enjoyed some of his US movies but they are not the Jackies I love.

I saw him at a booksigning in Seattle. I was up in the balcony of a big two story store and he was down below. I didn't get any closer than that but it was still cool. I should have leaped from the balconey - he might have put me in one of his films!


Apr '17
The Protector(1986), because I saw it when I was 12 or 13. I rewound those scenes in the massage parlor so many times. Nekkid chinese babes, nicely endowed walking barefoot on Jackie. As Danny Aiello's character said, "Well well whadda we have here". emoticon


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