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Dec 2018
Liverleaf (2018) (Japanese Horror)

This is about a relatively small group of students in a school that will be closed after they graduate in a few months. There is rampant bullying on premises. As a viewer, you just know something bad is going to happen . . . and it does. After that pivotal event, there are violent repercussions. This film has certain similarities to Japanese exploitation films from the 1990s, but it distinguishes itself by playing with its tone. This creates acts of violence that range from disturbing to blackly humorous. The film also does a good job of establishing a sense of unease during the quieter moments. The entire film is set during the snowy months, which adds quite a bit to the atmosphere because the color white is accentuated. And of course, the redness of blood is more pronounced by the constant presence of white snow. Another good one from director Eisuke Naito, who previously directed "Puzzle" and "Let's Make the Teacher Have a Miscarriage Club." Recommended

OnyxHades says:

Dec 2018
I must watch this!

Tommix says:

Dec 2018
Does the title have anything to do with Cloverfield? It makes me think of it.

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