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Sep '15 *

Way back in '98, when I really started getting into B-Horror and other cult classics, Three movies by three legendary directors caught my eye more so than the rest, and they would shape my taste in trash cinema and influence my outlook on life. Herschell Gordon Lewis' Two Thousand Maniacs, John Waters' Pink Flamingos, and Lloyd Kaufman's Tromeo And Juliet. Those movies brought me more joy as a teenager than I could put into words. But I'd like to talk about one of them in particular. Tromeo And Juliet is a very 90's, very Gen-X, somewhat surreal parody of the immensely popular Leo Decaprio film which came out not long before it. Founder and President or Troma, Lloyd Kaufman, always did dabble in the spoofing, and never has it been more hilarious. Somewhere between The Toxic Avenger and this movie, Kaufman eased up on the graphic violence and trashy nature his films once flaunted, due to an attempt at mainstream appeal. But at some point in the mid-90's, Lloyd and Troma said "Fuck it", and decided to make a movie with some balls, again. And with the help of writer, James Gunn, Tromeo And Juliet was born. This would be a turning point for the films of Lloyd Kaufman, as well as Troma as a whole.

image For 20 years, the Capulets and the Qs have been at eachother's throats. A feud that started between Monty Q and his former friend, Cap Capulet. They once owned a softcore film company together, and soon become rivals once Cap Stole the business out from under him, as well as his wife. Monty, now a babbling drunk, living in poverty, he, his son, Tromeo, his cousin, Benny, and their overly confrontational friend, Murray, are now in the middle of a deadly family feud with these arrogant, perverse Capulets. An encounter with any of these people can escalate at a ridiculous rate. Otherwise, the Q family and their friend are pretty easy going. However, Tromeo is the ladies man of the group, but makes a habit of ending up with chicks who shit on his good nature. However, when he meets Juliet at a costume ball, it's love at first sight. Unfortunately, she's the one Capulet he's never met. Her father, Cap, has always kept her on a short leash, to say the least. Later that night, Tromeo sneaks in the Capulet house, and finds Juliet locked in a glass case. The 19 year old is being punished for having a wet dream by her father who often watches her sleep. Cap is a drunken, wife beating pervert who has promised the vegetarian Juliet to a billionare who owns a meat company. A high strung tool whom she has very little affection for. This, however, doesn't discourage Tromeo, as he quickly proposes, which would end any chance of this farce of a marriage from happening, as well as any chance of Cap gaining a billionare son-in-law. As this 20 year long feud rages on, and Cap catching wind of this new marriage, the shit is finally about to hit the fan.

image Unlike every movie Lloyd Kaufman made before or since, Tromeo And Juliet does lack a bit of the goofy humor he normally applies. And I think easing up for once was the right decision. Regardless of whether it was his decision or not And let's not forget this movie has some damn fine actors. And not to mention James Gunn's genius script. Just a lot of good decisions all around. I don't claim to know anything, but I'd tend to give Mr. Gunn more credit for this accomplishment than Lloyd, as this is clearly unlike anything Kaufman ever did, and probably ever will do, again. Tromeo And Juliet is hip. It's unique, and could possibly be taken seriously by a non-Troma fan. A movie I could easily see gaining more mainstream appeal than the ones that were actually meant to. There's still plenty of Kaufman's signature slapstick in this, and shout outs to his past movies, like a Toxic Avenger Part II poster on Tromeo's bedroom wall. Nothing wrong with that. There's also a a strong anti-meat message going on, here, that I can only assume is the PETA-friendly Lloyd's doing. It works well, though. Juliet's fiance, London Arbuckle, is one of the most entertaining characters in the movie. And then there's the penis monster, decapitations and other dismemberments, freaks, perverts, incest, and some pretty hot fuckin'. All the while, dialing the silliness back a notch, Kaufman went all out in every other direction.

And since Tromeo And Juliet was a success, everything that Lloyd Kaufman has come out with since this been more violent, has included more nudity, as well as a trashy, self aware vibe which has become the modern Troma trademark. It doesn't get said enough, but Tromeo And Juliet was a game changer that breathed new life into Troma, and made way for fucked up movies of the 21st century like Terror Firmer and Poultrygeist. None of which can hold a candle to Tromeo And Juliet in my opinion. But all a massive improvement over Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD. Just sayin'. Come to think of it, I actually haven't even seen that one. But I have seen the trailer, and I can honestly say Tromeo And Juliet is a far better movie. And it's really a shame more of the cast didn't end up becoming Kaufman regulars after this, because every single actor shines, and helps make it the masterpiece that it is. However, we would later on see Will Keenan and Debbie Rochon in Terror Firmer. A film which turns the volume way up on this new ballsy style which began right here. Not unlike The Toxic Avenger, Tromeo And Juliet isn't just another silly Lloyd Kaufman Troma movie. it's a Troma movie which defines a generation. 8/10


Oct '15
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Shaza123 says:

Oct '15
Not my favourite Troma movie, but it's a goodie. Silly but good. Nice reivew!


Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #2

Oct '15

Box_a_Hair says:

Oct '15
It seems you hold this one in high regards, but it's definitely not my favorite Kaufman-Troma flick. It's still got Lloyd's ridiculous over-the-top antics, and they may be toned down, but is it really a Troma movie without that? Everything Troma's done has been zany, stupid shit, and that's the draw!

I do think the drunk, farting father is pretty hilarious. It's like they got carried away and kept pushing the fart button. emoticon

Have you really never seen Sgt. Kabukiman? I'm not gonna lie... I like that one more than Tromeo and Juliet.

Tromafreak says:
#5, Reply to #3

Oct '15
I don't need to see Kabukiman to know if I'll like it. The trailer told me all I needed to know. But I'm not the least bit surprised you prefer it over Tromeo And Juliet. emoticon


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.