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Sep '18

Can't a Horror film ever just be SO good that it's above having sequels? No, it can't. The better a movie is, the more of a chance it has of gaining a following. And the more of a following it has, the more of a chance there is of at least one sequel being made. Call it greed, call it smart. It can be annoying. Not always, but we've all been annoyed once or twice after hearing of plans to follow up on a story that needs no follow up. Most of these are nothing more than obvious cash-grabs which offer nothing new, but some, you know the ones, just plain don't need to exist. From a fan's standpoint, I mean. Some sequels may even manage to ruin the original for some. Or so they say. That's not exactly where I'm going with this, though. I'm not saying I hated Sleepaway Camp II and III enough for it to affect my feelings on the original. I don't even hate them at all, really. There's actually nothing wrong with either movie, considering they're nothing more than late 80's Slashers. BUT do they really need to be Sleepaway Camp sequels? Does Pamela Springsteen really have any business playing older, more hypocritical Angela Baker? You know what? Don't answer that...

image OK, then. Absolutely anything is fair game, even if the original director or none of the actors are available. Point taken. I guess all one can do is something different at this point. And that is absolutely what we get with 1988's Sleepaway Camp II. A Slasher sequel which comes off more like a light parody of all the Camp Slashers of the day. One could say it's more like an example of certain people not giving a shit about continuity or anything that made the original great. Certain people who were probably hoping all the Horror fans would just shut up and have fun with it. Ugh... Fine!

image Let's just forget everything we would expect from Angela Baker, five years removed. The creators of this movie basically start from scratch, and not so much replace the character, but rather redefine it. That's where Pamela Springsteen comes in. Pamela is a new kind of Angela Baker. An Angela who has left the past behind. No longer will she let her penis make her feel inferior. No longer will she let past tragedies and a questionable upbringing drive her to murder. I mean, Angela still murders... ALOT, but it's mainly when someone annoys her. Plus, she does now seem fully aware that it's actually happening. If nothing else, that is a step in the right direction.

image Due to there being practically no story, here, I feel no obligation to get too specific, but this film is about a super-positive yet irritable camp counselor, who is obsessed with providing the perfect summer for everyone. However, in her eyes, the perfect summer is impossible if everyone isn't being perfect. I'm not sure when Angela decided she had the right to hold everyone to the highest possible standards, but considering her past, Angela Baker has a lot of nerve, acting like that. Nevermind her present. Anyone who gets out of line, breaks the rules, or just gets on Angela's nerves, gets "sent home". Or atleast that's her story. Angela has been killing again, and unlike that last killing spree, she seems to be having a lot of fun with this one. Will Angela still be having fun once she realizes she's killed literally everyone, this time? 5/10

image Why do these movies always come in 2s? Basket Case 2 and 3, Toxic Avenger 2 and 3. You know what I mean. And naturally, Sleepaway Camp II would also lead to an even more pointless companion piece. Good God, why, though? Because 1989. That's why! They even went the extra mile and gave Angela some blonde highlights because she just wasn't already different enough from Felissa Rose. While, in all fairness, a disguise isn't the worst idea in the world after that shit she pulled last year. In fact, if it's still an option for Angela to change back into her original form, now might be a good time. Instead, Angela murders some girl and steals her identity. Whatever works, I guess.

image Maybe those mean girls from the original movie were right. Maybe Angela isn't that bright, after all. Or maybe the writers just weren't all that creative because Angela immediately does the one thing that a killer should never do: She heads back to the scene of the crimes. Without hesitation, Angela jumps on a bus and heads back to Camp Rolling Hills, now known as Camp New Horizons. At this new camp, we find there is some kind of program for teenagers going on. "An experiment in sharing", they call it. Pairing up dickish rich kids with pissed off, inner-city thugs, I guess, to ruin their weekend. All the kids are named after Brady Bunch siblings, and the people running the show are Herman and Lily. No, really! Herman and Lily! Herman is played by that one guy from Bonnie And Clyde who seems to look more and more like a child molester, the older he gets. Well, I just thought that needed to be pointed out. Unlike in part 2, though, Angela seems to have decided that everyone is going to get it before they can even do anything to piss her off. How very "Jason" of her.

image Unfortunately for Angela, there's also a cop hanging around. A cop who had a son who was decapitated around here about a year ago. He knows who did it, and when he finds her, he's going to blow her head off. Of course, he's going to have to find her, first. Thank goodness for bleach, eh? Angela will worry about him, later. Right now, there are some very annoying teenagers who need to be brutally murdered in the most creative ways possible. Some of them casually use racist terms. Some, only when provoked, some are just in the way. What I find strange about this movie is that, while Angela does seem to be killing more for fun, this time, these teenagers actually seem far more deserving than those from last year. Pretty much everyone in this movie deserves to die... besides the obvious. 4/10

So, what would be better titles for these movies? Sorry. Sleepaway Camp II and III aren't cutting it for me. There are only two, in my opinion: The one with the twist and the one with the fat piece of shit. I don't know. Any generic title would do. These movies aren't anything special, but they're entertaining enough to not need to ride the coat tails of a good movie. And they're certainly better than any other slashers that were coming out at the time. So, never let it be said that I never said anything positive about these bastard sequels. I will say this, though. I've never seen the point in bringing back the character of Angela without the original actress. Especially when replaced with someone who looks/is nothing like her, but if that's not an Elephant in the room to you, then, that's great. While I do like Pamela Springsteen and these movies (mildly), sorry. Not buying it. Never will.


Ballz says:

Sep '18
I actually like Sleepaway Camp II a lot. It's a step down from the original for sure and I can't really argue your points about it, but I still enjoy what it has to offer. Angela's one-liners, decent kills, and that super horny girl, who after banging a random guy, asks, "You don't have AIDS or anything, do you?" emoticon emoticon

Sleepaway Camp III on the other hand is okay at best. A few parts are memorable I guess. It's no wonder Double Helix Films weren't around for much longer. Perhaps it's appropriate they went bankrupt while trying to make yet another Sleepaway Camp sequel. Live by the unnecessary sequel, die by the unnecessary sequel.

Tromafreak says:
#2, Reply to #1

Sep '18
I'd have a hard time trying to think of a movie with less story than Sleepaway Camp II. It's just a bunch of stuff that happens. A lot of it is entertaining stuff, to be fair. No ending either. They just kinda stopped and said "Yeah, that's probably good enough". There's something refreshingly careless about this one. The third one was pushing it. better in a way, but not nearly as enjoyable despite some of the lines and random racism.

Was that unmade Double Helix film going to be Sleepaway Camp 4: The Survivor, or was there something being talked about before this that never made it to production?

Ballz says:
#3, Reply to #2

Sep '18
It was The Survivor. There was talk of another Springsteen-led sequel called Sleepaway Camp: Berserk, but that was after Double Helix.


Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #3

Sep '18
Oh, ok. I forgot The Survivor was from Double Helix. What a ripoff that dvd was, but the little bit of part 4 that I saw, I found pretty intriguing, and have always wished they had finished it, even though the premise doesn't make much sense. I've heard of Berserk, and again, wish it existed. I'm all about the original SC universe, but I'm up for anything as far as future installments go. All those rumors about Sleepaway Camp Reunion, and Berserk, and the return of the real Angela, and nothing. Looks like the Sleepaway Camp ship has finally sailed.

Ballz says:
#7, Reply to #6

Sep '18
I saw some of The Survivor's footage on YouTube. Hard to judge with so much of it unfinished, but it looked okay.

On The Last Drive-In, Felissa Rose was a guest during Sleepaway Camp. When they were wrapping it up, Joe Bob Briggs said something about her working on a new Sleepaway Camp sequel and she promptly shushed him. Maybe they were just kidding around, but I'm not sure why she'd react like that if it wasn't true. I hope it means they're finally making Reunion.

Tromafreak says:
#8, Reply to #7

Sep '18
Releasing 4 on dvd was stupid cuz it was only about 10 minutes of footage with literally an hour of filler scenes consisting of flashbacks from the fist 3 movies. Showing some of the scenes made sense, but after a while, they were just playing random scenes from these movies back-to-back for seemingly no reason other than the fact that someone decided that this needed to be 70 minutes long. emoticon

Yeah, if it's not going to happen or if she sees it as unlikely, she really should have said something. That's cruel, otherwise. I don't know why it's always so fucking hard to get these sequels made which have such obvious built-in fan bases. I mean, Reunion not happening kinda makes sense cuz of Alan, but still...

sfpx says:

Sep '18
Love SC II. That's an old childhood favorite. The outhouse death scene was permanently seared into my brain. It's definitely not as good as the original, which I think is one of the best horror movies of all-time (seriously), but part 2 does have everything I love about cheesy, mindless '80s horror. Abundant gory death scenes, check. Nudity, check. Heavy metal soundtrack, check. It's hard to dislike it.

Now part 3...sheesh. What the hell happened there? Probably shouldn't have been shot back-to-back with the second film. Director obviously shot his load prematurely.

Johan_WoW says:
#9, Reply to #4

Sep '18
I haven't seen any of the Sleepaway Camp movies. They don't sound too appealing to me, however the way you describe the second sounds like I might appreciate it. It seems when I think the original is crap the sequel usually is enjoyable like recently with Demons 2.

sfpx says:
#10, Reply to #9

Sep '18
You should watch them. You never know, until you know. You know?


Sep '18
I kinda like Sleepaway Camp 2&3, they're campy and fun in they're own way. Maybe in a so bad and predictable they're good way. As far as could a horror film be so good it's above having sequels, look to the Horror doc Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of Slasher Films. They say it in there that producers and studios would invest 50-100 grand into 1 of these films back then and see a return of $20-30 million. Of course they'd try to do this over and over again. We're fans...they're investors.

Tromafreak says:
#11, Reply to #5

Sep '18
Good point. If a Horror film ever was too good for sequels, that's something only fans would see. Or something that's only in the minds of fans, rather It's like "if we make $20 Million, then what exactly did we ruin?"

BloodWank says:

Oct '18
Sweet reviews man! I've not seen either of these in over a decade so my memory isn't perfect but from my imperfect memory I think your thoughts are on point. I maybe liked them a bit more, I'd maybe go with 6/10 for both, but basically they turn an original with am unusually creepy and interesting, even affecting edge into mindless slashers with a bit of mean spirited humour. Still I thought they had some good kills and I was quite taken with Pamela Springsteen's cheery attitude.


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