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Jun 2018 *
Fuck, I really wanted to do a review for Faces Of Death this month, but how does one go about writing about such a movie? I mean like a presentable review. Not just rambling like what you're about to read. There's no story. Just a bunch of gruesome scenes, some real, some not so real. Scenes with political statements where the narratator chimes in with a little pollution/anti-war preachiness now and then. This movie isn't quite the traumatizing gorefest it's legend would suggest, and probably isn't banned in 80% of the world either. I smell a big load of hype. And that's ok because I love me some Faces Of goddamn Death. Sure, the accidental deaths are sweet even though they're not real, and the score is pleasant to the ears, but most of all, I just dig that very dated 70's vibe this one gives off. Always have.

The killing of the cows in the slaughterhouse, while gay, didn't bother me that much. Not nearly as much as other animal deaths from later FOD installments. That stuff got pretty bad. The morgue scenes was about as extreme as it gets, the guy who snapped and murdered his family was funny, The snake handlers were too. The scene where the guy who supposedly got eaten by the bear was retarded, but entertaining. Seems like the best skits on here are the fake ones. I'm fine with that. Which are your favorite FOD skits?

I think my favorite out of the whole series was the one where the guy in the parachute landed in an Alligator farm. Oh, come on, that's good shit!

in the 4th one, some drunken college kid died bungee jumping cuz the rope was too long. Stuff like that is what comes to mind first when I think of the FOD series. If any type of death CAN be funny, it's the accidental kind.

In one of them, there was this Vietnamese family preparing a puppy to eat for lunch, sticking a knife in what is obviously a close-up of a stuffed animal filled with liver and whatveer else. Kudos for not killing actual puppies.

I was watching FOD on Youtube recently. Interesting how they cut out the part with the black guy getting the gas chamber. That's a bit racist, imo.

How 'bout those protesters? people holding up signs and shit and one of them randomly goes off to the side to light himself on fire. Kinda reminded me of old man Vanhentenryck during my most recent viewing. I could totally see him rocking out to "jesus Doesn't Live Here Anymore" whilst aflame. Come to think of it, this one is my favorite due to it's sheer randomness.

They also got FOD 2, 3, and 4 on Youtube if anyone's interested. I've never seen 5 or anything after it. Have you? Pretty sure I rented Traces Of Death decades ago but can't remember anything. Those aren't easy to find copies of, I've noticed. Is there a Death Traces? Maybe I'm thinking of Death Faces. Then, there's other pieces of shit like Faces Of Gore, and well, these types of movies peaked some time before those happened, didn't they? I liked Africa Addio, Shocking Asia, Shocking Africa and Mondo Cane, but Faces Of Death is still king, even though it feels more like a regular movie than a documentary.

OnyxHades says:

Jun 2018 *
As you know, I watched Faces of Death 1 through 4 a few days ago. I was unable to find part 5 and on.

It's weird for me to say I like those movies, but I have to admit they have a cozy feel to them. At least to me they do, as morbid as that may seem. I tend to skip the animal abuse parts, I can't watch things like that. The dolphins and seals were especially hard to stomach, so skip ahead for me.

I can't really say I enjoyed part 4, the host's eyes kept freaking me out. Seriously, WTF???

Tromafreak says:
#3, Reply to #1

Jun 2018
I seen Faces Of Death: Fact Or Fiction? aka Faces Of Death VIII, apparently and that guy is interviewed, and claims to have gone completely insane due to his involvement in this series. Still don't know why that's an official installments when all they show is scenes from past installment. I don't think they even showed anything past 4.

zed says:

Jun 2018
I watched those on VHS in the 80s, so either they were bootlegs or they werent banned in NZ

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #2

Jun 2018

sfpx says:

Jun 2018
I think my favorite out of the whole series was the one where the guy in the parachute landed in an Alligator farm. Oh, come on, that's good shit!

Definitely! I rented a bunch of these movies back in middle school and that's by far the one that stuck with me the most. Two other memorable ones were the nurse taken hostage by an escaped mental patient, and she gets a screwdriver in the neck, and a girl with a radioactive mutant leech (!!!) attached to her forearm and sucking the everloving shit outta it.

Tromafreak says:
#7, Reply to #4

Jun 2018 *
That one with the nurse getting stabbed was in FOD 2, if I remmeber correctly. And the mental patient came off more like a cranky dick wad than a crazy person.

Johan_WoW says:

Jun 2018
I have seen the original Faces of Death not too long ago as part of a challenge. I also have seen one of the sequels in the 90s with a friend of mine who rented it, might have been part 4 or 5 I don't remember. It didn't have the one with the bungee jump but I sure remember people talking about that one.

I don't really like nor hate these type of movies. They can be entertaining and even funny (like the one with the bear that's like how stupid can one be)?
As teenager I thought Mondo Cane was shocking when I first rented it. I still find it interesting by means of history, must have been so shocking in the 60s.

Ballz says:

Jun 2018
I've only seen the first Faces of Death. The only segment I can remember, even after looking at a plot summary, involved people eating a monkey in a restaurant.

I don't hate these kind of movies, but they aren't something I watch often or know much about.

#10, Reply to #8

Jun 2018
I see I wasn't the only one that that scene really made an impression (horrified and sad) on.


Jun 2018
I have seen parts of one or two of them, but have no idea which ones. My older cousin who was in college had rented them while we were visiting in Kentucky. I was 11 or 12.

Late at night I popped in the tape and started watching. I only clearly remember two scenes. I don't even know if they're from the same volume, but I know I somehow have seen two scenes.

Guys on a small boat trying to hook a gator when one of them gets jerked into the water.

The one that really stands out though is people in some foreign restaurant being served a live monkey trapped in a box with a its head locked in a hole as they prepare to take hammers and chisels?? to its skull to eat fresh brains.

I had no idea some of this stuff was fake back then, I thought it was ALL real. I took out the tape and watched Moving Violations (1985) on tv.

Tromafreak says:
#11, Reply to #9

Jun 2018
Both those scenes were from the original. It's easy to get confused cuz they tend to recycle their ideas with different variations of the same shit, later on.

Moving Violations was actually pretty funny, but I'd still rather watch people die.



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