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Feb 2018 *

This is the progress thread for the 2018 Trash Challenge. If you want a month of gory/perverted/stupid fun, go ahead and get yourself a spot in this thread and I promise you will experience the most amazing month of your entire life.

Here's all the rules and shit. https://trashepics.com/post/9/185/

#25, Reply to #23

Mar 2018
good looking out, foz.

though i dunno about "Jesus wept" ...i just kind of take that as an exclammatory swear. i wouldn't score Blasphemy points for someone saying "goddamn," either.

i was too punch drunk by the end of iii to even remember to scope for stuff. i mostly blame that one for the series' downturn so it annoys me a lot more than the others.

Judgment i was on the fence about because:
is it blasphemous, if in the fiction of the film, it is by the will of the Divine?
the cenobites' betrayal of Jophiel surely hunts, though, now i think about it.

brings to mind another thing i was wondering, as well: can the scoring be applied to the fillmmakers themselves, or should it be only within the confines of the story? like, could i score Racism from Breakfast at Tiffany's?

foz says:
#26, Reply to #25

Mar 2018
fair enough, i agree nothing should be awarded for simple blasphemous swearing, almost everything has a jeez or dammit these days. with 'jesus wept' it's more the context of the scene, pinhead is portrayed as omniscient with god like powers, which he uses to levitate chains to 'tear your soul apart' starting with the face.

that scene in Hell on Earth is by far the best thing about it, this entry ranks only above Revelations & Deader for me. Deader may have some slight blas with the suicide cult, cant remember if the dude had any religious connotations to his power. resurrection like christ mebbes.

i'd be tempted to argue intentionally bad qualities for Revelations, but that's a bit cruel!

the very end of Judgement where Pinhead appears to have been banished and returned to his mortal form could be retribution dished out by some diety or other, maybe Jophiels protective uncle.

brings to mind another thing i was wondering, as well: can the scoring be applied to the fillmmakers themselves, or should it be only within the confines of the story? like, could i score Racism from Breakfast at Tiffany's?

not thought of that, i doubt it as would be difficult to apply consistently, but you can always ask Troma Messiah see what he thinks. in fact with the name change & recent shoutbox about his appearance, MoD maybe a walking blasphemy himself!

ZombieCPA says:
#28, Reply to #25

Mar 2018
Blasphemy points are kind of confusing to me. I counted it for Score because the seductress dressed in a nun's habit to seduce the Catholic women. That seemed like blasphemy to me.

ZombieCPA says:

Mar 2018 *
1) White Slave (1985) (Jungle Cannibal 1) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Racism, Total Points = 5
2) The Green Inferno (2013) (Jungle Cannibal 2) - Gore, Drug Use, Cannibalism, Total Points = 3
3) Cannibal Holocaust (1980) (Jungle Cannibal 3) - Nudity, Gore, Rape, Drug Use, Cannibalism, Video Nasty, Racism, Trifeca 5 points, Total Points = 12
4) Eaten Alive! (1980) (Jungle Cannibal 4) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Drug Use, Cannibalism, Video Nasty, Total Points = 7
5) Slave of the Cannibal God (1978) (Jungle Cannibal 5) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Rape, Cannibalism, Video Nasty, Beastiality, Total Points = 7
6) Jungle Holocaust (1977) (Jungle Cannibal 6) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Cannibalism, Trifeca 7 points, Total Points = 11
7) Nudist Colony of the Dead (1991) - Nudity, Gore, SOV, Blasphemy, Intentionally Bad Qualities, Racism, Retards, Total Points = 7
8) The Blob (1988) - Gore, Total Points = 1
9) Flesh Gordon (1974) (Nudie 1) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Intentionally Bad Qualities, Total Points = 4
10) Fairy Tales (1978) (Nudie 2) - FTV, Nudity, Total Points = 2
11) Alice in Wonderland: An X-Rated Musical Fantasy (1976) (Nudie 3) - FTV, Nudity, Hardcore Penetration, Incest, Trifeca 5 points, Total Points = 9
12) The Erotic Adventures Pinocchio (1971) (Nudie 4) - FTV, Nudity, Total Points = 2
13) Cinderella (1977) (Nudie 5) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Incest, Total Points = 4
14) Jokes My Folks Never Told Me (1978) (Nudie 6) - FTV, Nudity, Beastiality, Trifeca 7 points, Total Points = 10
15) 31 (2016) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Cannibalism, Total Points = 4
16) The Ritual (2017) - FTV, Gore, Blasphemy, Total Points = 3
17) Score (1974) (Nudie 7) - FTV, Nudity, Drug Use, Blasphemy, Total Points = 4
18) Emanuelle in America (1977) (Nudie 8) - Nudity, Gore, Hardcore Penetration, Drug Use, Blasphemy, Beastiality, Total Points = 6
19) Unlucky Charms (2013) - Nudity, Gore, Rape, Total Points = 3
20) Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996) - Nudity, Gore, Total Points = 2
21) Leprechaun in the Hood (2000) - Gore, Drug Use, Racism, Total Points = 3
22) Retardead (2008) - Gore, SOV, Drug Use, Intentionally Bad Qualities, Retards, Total Points = 5
23) Sugar Cookies (1973) (Nudie 9) - Nudity, Trifeca 9 points, Total Points = 10
24) Dolla Morte (2006) - Nudity, Gore, SOV, Rape, Hardcore Penetration, Blasphemy, Intentionally Bad Qualities, Beastiality, Racism, Garbage, Total Points = 10
25) Attack of the Killer Donuts (2016) - FTV, Gore, Total Points = 2
26) Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies (2016) - FTV, Gore, Total Points = 2
27) Gravy (2015) - FTV, Gore, Drug Use, Cannibalism, Total Points = 4
28) The Erotic Adventures of Christina (1984) (Nudie 10) - FTV, Nudity, Rape, Total Points = 3
29) Evils of the Night (1985) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Drug Use, Necrophilia, Total Points = 5
30) Easter Bunny Bloodbath (2010) - FTV, Gore, SOV, Drug Use, Total Points = 4
31) Cannibal Cop (2017) - FTV, Gore, SOV, Drug Use, Cannibalism, Intentionally Bad Qualities, Total Points = 6
32) Easter Bunny, Kill! Kill! (2006) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, Drug Use, Beastiality, Retards, Total Points = 6
33) Easter Casket (2013) - FTV, Nudity, Gore, SOV, Rape, Drug Use, Blasphemy, Beastiality, Total Points = 8

33 - Trifeca
24 - Gore
23 - Nudity
22 - FTV
13 - Drug Use
10- Rape
8 - Cannibalism
6 - SOV
6 - Blasphemy
6 - Beastiality
5 - Racism
5 - Intentionally Bad Qualities
3 - Video Nasty
3 - Retards
3 - Hardcore Penetration
2 - Incest
1 - Necrophilia
1 - Garbage
Total = 173 Points

Johan_WoW says:

Mar 2018 *
Oh well looks like I have some time to spare so I give this a chance, gives me an extra boost to watch those cannibal flicks and perhaps some of those Seduction Cinema flicks I have on disk for ages but never really watched in full.

1) Cut and Run (1985): nudity, gore, FTV (3 points)
2) Massacre in Dinosaur Valley (1985): nudity, gore, cannibalism, rape, FTV (5 points)
3) Cannibal Terror (1980): nudity, gore, cannibalism, rape, FTV (5 points)
4) Welcome to the Jungle (2007): nudity, gore, FTV (3 points)
5) Adam and Eve vs Cannibals (1983): nudity, gore, cannibalism, FTV (4 points)
6) The Green Inferno (1988): nudity, gore, FTV (3 points)
7) Horror Safari (1982) aka Invaders of the Lost Gold: nudity, gore, FTV (3 points)
8) White Cannibal Queen (1980): nudity, gore, cannibalism, FTV (4 points)
Well even though I have been watching these for another challenge they do fit in here as well
9) The Heroic Trio (1993): gore (1 point)
10) Alucarda (1977): nudity, blasphemy, FTV (3 points)
11) Trollhunter (2010): gore, FTV (2 points)
12) Black Water (2007): gore, FTV (2 points)
13) Welp (2014): gore, nudity, FTV (3 points)
14) Cannibal Mercenary (1983): gore, nudity, cannibalism, FTV (4 points)
15) Sacrifice of the White Goddess (1995): nudity, FTV (2 points)
16) The Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe (1974): nudity, gore, cannibalism, FTV (4 points)
17) The Green Inferno (2013): gore, cannibalism, Drug Use, FTV (4 points)
18) Monsturd (2003): gore, FTV (2 points)
19) Frankenhooker (1990): nudity, Drug Use (2 points)
20) Devil Hunter (1980): nudity, cannibalism, gore, FTV (4 points)
21) Cannibal World aka Cannibal Holocaust: The Beginning (2004): nudity, cannibalism, gore, FTV (4 points)

Total: 67 points

Tromafreak says:
#19, Reply to #18

Mar 2018
Nice! That's an even 10. I can now consider this a respectable challenge. emoticon

DerTables says:

Mar 2018
Now Iā€™m 32 and all I want to do; is jigaboo

Tromafreak says:
#27, Reply to #24

Mar 2018
Well, then, you shall. There is no better age. emoticon



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