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May '17 *
Not to sound like Gigaheart, or anything. But I was watching that movie, Clown (2014), the other day. Not terrible. Nothing special, though. When it comes down to it, it's probably one of the best Clown Horrors I've seen, which means next to nothing, imo. It just got me to thinking. Why do some people find clowns and clown Horror to be scary? When I see a clown, all I see is a sad fuck who once dreamed of being a comedian, but, at one point, realized that they aren't funny and have no talent or charisma. So, instead of finding something they ARE good at, they stick with comedy and change into something so unfunny, that it only appeals to the lowest common denominator. You think clowns are happy people? I seriously doubt it. I'll bet they hate themselves. I'll bet they sob while watching Dane Cook. "That could have been me", they say to themselves, as they choke down their cheap, warm beer. I don't fear clowns. I pity them. But I would still like to see Killer Klowns From Kansas On Krack, even though IMDb rates it a 2.4.

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peeptoad says:

May '17
You got me; I think they're pretty stupid most times actually. I've known many people with this phobia though. A guy I knew in CA was afarid of clowns and pigeons. Now that's a weird combo.

BTW, have you seen this one? (below). It;'s fair only, but it does feature the ubiquitous clown(s)...

Tromafreak says:
#12, Reply to #1

May '17
Can't say that I have. And I wish I could say the same for this one.


OnyxHades says:

May '17 *
I think it's because they look sinister. They hide behind their clown makeup, and you never know their true intentions. John Wayne Gacy as Pogo the Clown comes to mind. His clown makeup was very unusual. Clown makeup is made up of soft, rounded corners. Gacy's clown makeup was all done in sharp angles. Psychiatrists have stated it shows that he had psychopathic tendencies.

Typical clown makeup

Gacy's Pogo the Clown makeup

Tromafreak says:
#14, Reply to #2

May '17
Intereting. The first clown is far more faggy-looking, imo, but probablky wouldn't kill ya. But fuck him, anyway.

OnyxHades says:
#15, Reply to #14

May '17
It is indeed a faggy clown, but technically Gacy was a faggy clown. Difference is he'd kill you.

Gymnopedie says:

May '17 *
Good post. I am not one hundred per cent sure but in my honest opinion i think Stephen Kings "It" had something to do with it of course it isnt the main reason. I have heard some people say they watched it when they were young and it terrified them. That is only my opinion thou. emoticon

OnyxHades says:
#4, Reply to #3

May '17
I'm sure that clown doll in Poltergeist didn't help either. emoticon

Znep27 says:

May '17
I think it's their razor sharp teeth.


Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #5

May '17

Avira says:

May '17
Not sure why they scare me. Maybe it's because if they put that amount of effort into looking the way they do, imagine the effort they'd put into killing and torturing you.


Ballz says:

May '17
Never understood the fear either. They've never bothered me. Others mentioned clowns in horror movies affecting people as kids. I was certainly creeped out by Pennywise as a kid, but he never left me terrified of all other clowns. Even if he had, it's hard to imagine still being afraid of all clowns now like some people seem to be.

Johan_WoW says:

May '17
Well not sure if there existed clown phobia before horror clowns saw the light. Maybe there is something in their make-up that is scary for some people just like monster make-up can be.

Yakko says:

May '17 *
I never thought clowns were scary. I never realized other people thought so either until I saw people talk about it on the horror board. I don't think I ever even thought about clowns at all.

I was in college when It came out so I was probably too old to be scared by it. And as I've said in the past, I always seemed to have a hard time really being scared by anything. People scared me the most, because they were always so bad in so many ways.

I often wondered if the whole John Wayne Gacy thing helped fuel the widespread fear of clowns.

slasherfan85 says:

May '17
I don't find clowns scary at all. I'm sure the fear probably is different for everyone that has it. John Wayne Gacy and Stephen King's It I would think probably caused some of the fear. But who knows.

Smerd says:

May '17

sfpx says:

May '17
I could see how one would find a clown scary. I know if someone broke into my house at night and he were dressed as a clown, I'd be more scared than if he weren't.

I think it's the mixture of something that's meant to be funny or appealing to kids, but that something menacing might be lurking underneath, intending to do you harm.

I like clowns, though. As a kid I was obsessed with drawing them and when I get the urge, still am. I've got a clown/skull tattoo and plan to get more (both clowns and skulls, heh.)

jason_curse says:
#17, Reply to #16

Jul '17 *

The scariest clown of all time.


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