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May '17 *

Recently, I wrote this article https://trashepics.com/post/9/135/ which serves as a tribute to the unsung cult classics of the 2000's. Ten movies, I picked to write about. Some definitely belonged there, others may or may not have, depending on who you ask. But I tried to come up with a diverse and impartial list of recognized and not-so recognized entries which I feel (should) best represent the decade. But the problem is, one could never narrow down such a quantity-filled era to just ten. I personally found this out, as it was not an easy decision to include some, while leaving out others. So, I've decided that this tribute must be extended, because the story of the 2000's still hasn't been properly told. So, with the first ten now behind us, we're just going to have to dig a little deeper, this time, if we're going to come up with something equally as worthwhile as a list which includes Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker! It won't be an easy task, but I'm committed to helping this decade finally gain the street cred it deserves. And now, ten more...

Well, I figure since I closed out the last one with Gutterballs, I might as well begin this one with Ryan Nicholson's next feature, Hanger. A film I actually have more of an appreciation for. Not to say it's a better movie, which it's really not, but as harsh and unlikable as it may be, this here weird ass movie is just more my speed, I guess. While anyone familiar with Gutterballs would immediately have this pegged as from the same director, Hanger unfortunately never seemed to get out of the shadow of it's predecessor. So, let's have a little chat about Hanger for a minute, and maybe find out why this one belongs on the list, too

image In Hanger, we find Debbie Rochon making what is more or less a glorified cameo as a pregnant prostitute named Rose, who is being pressured to get unpregnant by her abusive pimp, whose anger issues and usage or profanity is a loud and clear reminder that we are indeed watching a film from the director of Gutterballs. Rose doesn't listen and pays for her defiance, as her pimp shoves a hanger up in there in what is a far more graphic scene that one would ever expect. Leroy yanks out the problem, but kills poor Rose in the process. Oh, well. Fetus goes in the garbage, dead prostitute goes whereever dead prostitutes go, and that's that. But not quite. Leroy should have taken out the fetus as well, because over the next 18 years, Rose's offspring would grow into a demented freak of nature. A soft spoken freak who seems to mean well, but a freak with an unquenchable bloodlust.

Once Hanger finds out from the father what happened, well, you can imagine where things go from there. Gory revenge! Personally, I found this film a lot of fun. Certainly more so than I expected, as it was far more bizarre and crazy than Nicholson's last effort. And a lot more likable. Highlights include Hanger's pal, Russell, the slightly retarded "Chinaman" who drinks tampon tea. Oh, and the rotten cooter slime getting smeared all over Dan Ellis' face was fun. A fun movie, all around. 5/10

Next up, we have 2004's Chainsaw Sally. A love letter to all that is Horror and all that is gory. Played by April Monique Burril, and directed by her husband, Jimmyo Burril, Chainsaw Sally (the character) could best be described as a trashy, flamboyant, Horror-loving, female Dexter, who tends to get a little carried away, at times, as she can be irritable, and maybe even a little nit picky when it comes to reasons for slaughtering people. So much as getting on her nerves could very easily result in a death sentence. And with quirks like that, you can bet she makes one hell of a librarian.

image Sally Diamon lives a double life. Soft spoken Librarian by day, and psychotic killer by night. Sally lives in small town Maryland with her transvestite little brother, whom she is very protective of. After all, she has been raising him since he was very young, which has resulted in him growing up to be a bit of a girl. Ruby sometimes assists Sally with her killings, but doesn't seen nearly as wrapped up in the whole thing as she is. When they were kids, they witnessed the murder of their father (played by Gunnar Hansen), and since hearing his last words, Sally has been dedicated to protecting Ruby and preserving their lifestyle. A lifestyle fueled and inspired by a passionate obsession for Horror movies. A lifestyle which might be threatened in the near future. That is, if a certain piece of land gets sold to a certain land developer, which would piss all over much of the Diamon sibling's fun. But leave it to Sally to unfuck this situation the only way she knows how.

Chainsaw Sally is the Horror fan's Horror film. Sally is both the villain and the hero. A smart ass, just looking for a fight (to the death), yet, endearing at the same time. Despite an obvious tiny budget, this movie managed to end up with some pretty sweet cameos. Aside from Gunnar, we are also graced by the presence of the late, great Herschell Gordon Lewis, which adds a bit of class. And speaking of class. Apparently, April Monique Burril was totally pregnant during filming of this. If that's not badass, I don't know what is! 5/10

It's hard to talk about 2000's Horror for very long, mainstream or otherwise, without mentioning a zombie film or two. There were just so many of them. One micro-budget effort I always found interesting, and always thought it deserved a bigger fanbase, was a movie called The Stink Of Flesh, From 2005, by Scott Phillips. Shot in New Mexico for a mere 3 Grand, The Stink of Flesh isn't exceptionally different from any of the other Zombie films from the time. At least not as far as the Zombies themselves go. Pretty standard stuff. But the characters, on the other hand, were all fairly interesting and likable. And extremely odd, in some cases. Making the Zombies in this film a bit of an afterthought, at times.

image Although, in this post-apocalyptic Hell, the living dead are anything but an afterthought. Our main character is a guy named Matool, who could be best described as "set in his ways". Matool doesn't carry any firearms. Just his fists. He literally just beats the hell out of the Zombies if given any trouble, as he happens to be a Martial Arts expert. If worse comes to worst, Matool also has a hammer and nails handy. After all hell breaks loose within his current hiding place, Matool flees, but is knocked out, kidnapped and hogtied by a new friend who is about to change everything. Nathan and Dexy don't mean any harm. Dexy needs to get laid as much as possible and with as many people as possible, and her man likes to watch. Strange dick isn't quite as easy to come by as it once was, so, sometimes, you just got to knock a guy out and appoligize later.

As you could imagine, Matool has no problem sticking it to Nathan's woman. The part that involves her freak sister will take some getting used to, but ultimately, he's up for just about anything. Nathan has his own thing. Out back, he has a Zombie tied up. A Zombie he seems to have attraction to. I say that only because he fucks it every chance he gets. Everything go smoothly for a while, but things soon get crowded, as others show up, which throws everything out of whack. Highly recommended. In fact, this very well may be the Zombie sub genre's best kept secret. 6/10

For those who thought Chad Ferrin's Unspeakable was pretty good, but still lacking the mistreatment to retarded people we all deep down crave, might want to check out his 2006 film. The hilariously titled Easter Bunny Kill! Kill! It's got plenty of that and much more. And as you may have guessed, it's sort of an Easter-themed Horror film. And a mean spirited one, as you also may have guessed. Stars the always delightful, Timothy Muskatell, as a low-life con artist and drug addict, who is in the process of fooling a nice lady named Mindy into falling for him. That alone is one thing, but Mindy happens to have a mentally handicapped 16 year old, and a sensitive one on top of it. Remington is a bastard, and can't resist showing it once Mindy is out of the room.

image "Nicky Retardo", Remington calls him. "Your daddy's dead, dummy", Remington tells him. "Keep your mouth shut while that pedophile has his way with you", Remington shouts at him. Nicky's mom has made some bad choices in new boyfriends in the past, but this guy takes the cake, says Nicky. Unfortunately, Nicky's mom, who very much means well, is still oblivious to what's going on. His only escape from this nightmare is his love for his pet bunny rabbit, who is his only friend and the only one who will listen to him. And the thought that his favorite day of the year is right around the corner. Easter Sunday is almost here. But tonight, Mindy's out and Remington is throwing a little coke party with some hookers, which turns into a bloodbath at the hands of a Bunny-masked killer.

Easter Bunny Kill! Kill! is not for the squeamish or for the easily offended. And probably not for those with retarded children. Although, I feel like Nicky's personality wasn't too disrespectful to the real special people of the world. But what do I know? I do know Easter Bunny Kill! Kill! is trashy, gory, and hilarious. Check this out! 5/10

There's always that one director who just doesn't give a fuck, isn't there? The guy whose level of ineptitude and inexperience makes all the other bad movies not seem so bad by default. There was this one I saw... ok, fine! There was this one I bought some years ago called Better Living Through Killing. A shot-on-video homage to all sorts of superior films like Redneck Zombies and That one Nathan Schiff movie that I still haven't seen. A film which proves that all the enthusiasm in the world doesn't mean a whole lot if your movie genuinely sucks. Yep. This spot goes to a movie which just plain sucks. If we're really going to get a feel of what the B-movie world of the 2000's was all about, then, we've got to take the bad with the good.

image That's great that director Brendan Deininger is such a big fan of bad B-movies. Really, it is. Me too. But just a little pride, please! Here's a genuine P.O.S. which proves it takes a hell of a lot more than a video camera to shoot an S.O.V. This is really just some dude with a camera, playing around with his white trash buddies. I get the whole thing where it's cool and funny for modern B-movies to be intentionally bad, but this guy pretty much made a fool of himself.

Better Living through Killing is about two white trash beer drinkers who get tired of cutting grass for dicks, and randomly decide to become killers. Their mentor is a plastic Owl who encourages the backwards fucks to go around killing people and to jizz on stuff. Professor Bonaparte is his name, which is a nod to Napoleon from The Gruesome Twosome. Although, he sounds like Mr. Hanky from South Park, which is stupid. The two white trash fucks don't appear to mean a single word they utter as they shuffle along like a couple of hungover man-children. This movie seems to put so much energy into coming off as a surreal and random as all hell clusterfuck, that it fails miserably at just being a movie, in general. Definitely a clusterfuck, though, And nobody can take that away from it. Avoid like the AIDS! 2/10

So, there's these movies. You either love them or hate them, right? If you're lucky, you've just never heard of them. I've seen all three of them several times, and in a way, am very impressed. And in a way, not at all. A little annoyed, even. But I already did one list without mentioning Slaughtered Vomit Dolls, so, here we go. Unfortunate that it has to be that one, but it's the only one made in the 2000's, so, what are ya gonna do? I was not only impressed, but entertained by ReGOREgitated Sacrifice enough to overlook the noticeable lack of dialogue and coherent story. This one, not so much. But there are some sweet gore fx which saves it from being completely worthless.

image While the second one is the most extreme of the Trilogy, this Trilogy itself is still by far the most disturbing, most evil, most disgusting thing within the realm of low-budget Horror. And for that, Lucifer Valentine does deserve a pat on the back. The bleak story of Angela Aberdeen, who has been abused since an early age. Beaten, raped, betrayed and slowly destroyed by pretty much everyone she's ever known. Angela eventually turns to Satan for protection and revenge, completely abandoning the Human race. Satan is not only her god, but her only friend. We then witness Angela go from stripping to pornography to prostitution, and eventually, to drug addiction. Her only comfort, since hitting rock bottom, is to puke the pain away.

As we see Angela's nightmare of a life turn into a life of Hell, we don't actually see much of this go down. Most of what we see are nightmarish visions and vague metaphors. None of this is told like a normal story in a normal movie. The editing is all weird. Some might say it's unnecessary. Just saying. Again. The disturbing gore/vomit and grotesque images is all that this Satanic art film really amounts to. It's all pretty silly, and while watching, I can't help but imagine Lucifer Valentine as some attention seeking poser... but damned if I won't check out his next film. 3/10

Alright! One more Brian Paulin film. This one, not quite as gory, though, unlike his films to come. in 2000, Paulin came out with something pretty cool, and something totally worth bringing up on here. Above all, At Dawn They Sleep is a Vampire movie, but includes a fascinating Angels vs. Demons story, as well. So much going on in this one, it's hard to wrap my mind around how it all came to exist with so very little in way of budget. It sounds dumb, but I've always loved these shot-on-video epics like Shatter Dead, which involve such larger than life stories they probably have no business trying to tell. This one is no exception.

image Brian Paulin and his pal, Rich George, play two drug dealers, seemingly at constant war with their competition. Bloodthirsty bastards, those guys. Murdering, crippling, destroying lives. It's nothing to those guys. One night, Stephen and Ian take a couple chicks back to their place for some fun. Suddenly, they both wake up the next morning, violently ill. The two soon turn into Vampires, which gives them an aura of invincibility, that you can guess gets taken full advantage of next time the competition is dealt with. After they find out it was human-hating Angels who turned them, Stephen is confronted by an unlikely ally. A Demon who insists these smartass cunt Angels were not doing them any favors, like they originally assumed.

In fact, Stephen is informed that if he doesn't follow specific instructions to kill these Angels, his and his friend's souls could be lost forever. So, it's up to Stephen to decide who to trust. The Angels, who have already made their bad intentions obvious, yet, have handed them this sweet immortality, or the Demon, who actually seems to know what he's talking about. Then again, he IS a Demon. Stephen and Ian have suddenly been dragged into a war far more deadly and far more serious than any of their little drug deals gone wrong. All the amateur flaws aside, This is micro-budget Horror at it's most fascinating. 6/10

So, how 'bout a Werewolf movie, now? Only in the 2000's would you be able to find a Werewolf movie which is also a Women In Prison movie. I can honestly say that I decided to seek this movie out the second I read the title for the first time. Some choices just doesn't require one bit of thought, as the curiosity is too strong. Maybe I should have been a little weary because, more often than not, such a cool title is usually misleading, and only serves to make the film an even bigger disappointment. But certainly not this time! Not Werewolf In A Women's Prison!

image The story wastes no time in getting started, as we find Sarah and her boyfriend out camping, and conveniently getting drunk on some Silver-flaked Vodka. And four minutes into the movie, we have our first Werewolf attack. You should see this guy with his red CG-eyes and whatnot. Probably the most impressive thing about him. Boyfriend is down and out. Being the quick thinker that she is, Sarah pours silver-flaked Vodka all over Werewolf, lights him aflame, and watches flaming Werewolf tumble down the mountain. Unfortunately, Sarah was bitten before this could happen. Next thing she knows it, she wakes up in the fictional country of Canpuna, being held in a corrupt women's prison, where we see, right off the bat, that nobody here is going to make things any better. In fact, if you've ever seen any women-in prison movie, you probably have a good idea of some of the ordeals that awaits Sarah.

As we witness some lousy parodying of An American Werewolf In London, and some "mysterious" Werewolf attacks, it goes without saying that things will go a bit differently in this Women-In-Prison flick. This movie sort of comes off like a cross between one of those awful, CGI-ridden SYFY movies and a Cinemax softcore, but not really enough to be annoying. Werewolf In A Women's Prison is too busy being hot and unbelievably gory to be annoying. It's just a lot of fun. And unlike a lot of cool-sounding movies I've seen, it does live up to it's title. 5/10

For one reason or another, I really hated Beaver Lake Zombies the first time I saw it. Not so much, now, as it eventually grew on me. Although, I'm still not entirely sure it's good enough to warrant two sequels. But that's neither here nor there. Beaver Lake Zombies is yet another title (barely) deserving of a spot on this list, not because it's good, because it is far from it, but it happens to be one of the more stand out titles, for some reason. So, that alone gives it credibility. But for the record, this poor man's Redneck Zombies is without a doubt one of the most inept pieces of shit shat out by the 2000's. But I wasn't bored. So, there's that.

image I love how Lloyd Kaufman is on the dvd introduction, yet, this isn't even a Troma movie. Sadly, it's better than a lot of stuff they put out, today. Beaver Lake Zombies mostly consists of two College couples and some dude, enjoying a weekend of flirting, football and beer, at Beaver Lake. Dude serves as fun-loving fifth wheel. They all try to make him feel included which makes for some super awkward scenes. Awkwardness is made worse by abysmal non-actors who have no idea how to act like they're even acquainted. Meanwhile, we got two hitmen trying to dispose of a body and end up getting infected by some chemical. You can tell when they become Zombies, as that's when they start staggering around and talking, yes, talking like retards.

The fucker who made this probably should have watched a few Zombie flicks beforehand, Even Zombie '90, or something. Whether or not he should have been making a movie of any kind in the first place, is another story, entirely. The truth is, if this had come out in 1987, it would now most likely be held in much higher regard. It's really no worse than Blood Lake https://trashepics.com/post/9/45/. Take that as a recommendation, I guess. 3/10

It just wouldn't be right to do two of these 2000's articles without including one of the two Herschell Gordon Lewis films of the decade. Everything that can be said about Blood Feast 2 https://trashepics.com/post/9/84/ , probably has. But what about The Uh-Oh Show? Well, it's not as good. There's that. But what else? It stars the always hilarious, Joel D. Wynkoop, who plays the role of a sadistic douchebag. Blood Feast 2 definitely doesn't have that. Plus, it was shot in Florida, just like the old days. First one since The Gruesome Twosome, actually. It took The Uh-Oh Show forever to get a release, but this here is still genuine 2000's Florida gore, just the same.

image A tongue-in-cheek parody of the always increasing desperation for higher and higher TV ratings. There's this popular Game Show where contestants can win big, and lose even bigger. An arm, a leg, maybe even a head. To put it bluntly, you either win millions, or you win mutilations. Whatever body part the arrow lands on when they spin the wheel, that's what the loser loses. Harsh, but good TV. The comically eager contestants were amusing with their enthusiasm, which is never discouraged, even when limbs are missing. Just happy as a pig in shit to be on the TV.

Joel Wynkoop is as entertaining as always, playing greedy TV executive, and all around bad guy, Fred Finagler. To be honest, I doubt this movie would have amounted to much without him. Herschell's films were always hit or miss, and to me, this might have been more of a miss, at least compared to his last. The Uh-Oh Show almost seems more HGL-inspired than an actual Herschell Gordon Lewis film. But hey. I, for one, am still grateful that Mr. Lewis gave us not only one but two new films during the 2000's. I'm sure that's more than most of us expected. But let's not forget, there's still one more to come. Hopefully, Herschell's only film from the 2010's doesn't take for fucking ever to get a release like The Uh-Oh Show. 4/10

And there you have it. A failed abortion, A bunny-loving tard, silver flakes, and Devil-vomit. I think that sums up the 2000's perfectly. Ten more cult classics from the ten year gift that keeps on giving. All that and the surface has still yet to be scratched. But I think that'll do for now. Maybe someday, I'll come back and add ten more. But coming up with a list worthy of the last two will not be easy. But I'll get back to you. In the meantime, keep on digging!


OnyxHades says:
#16, Reply to #15

May '17
I honestly love his movies.emoticon

markus-san says:
#19, Reply to #16

May '17
That's two people then.. emoticon

OnyxHades says:
#20, Reply to #19

May '17

Tromafreak says:
#22, Reply to #15

May '17
We'd both probably be surprised by how big of a fanbase those movies have. Not a fan of this one in particular, but it seems to be one of the most recognized B-movie titles of the 2000's.

Johan_WoW says:

May '17
Nice write-up. Only seen Chainsaw Sally and Uh-Oh Show both because of Herschell. Even though I am happy I was able to see the latter as a fan I would have been hugely disappointed if that had been his swan song. Apart from Herschell's cameo I thought it lacked the fun factor of all his previous horror movies. Sure it had some typical Lewis elements like the gore and greey bastard but I missed his old concepts which I found brillant. Yeah Uh-Oh Show's concept sounded good on paper but too silly no logic at all and. I'm harsh but it was a major disappointment for me.
Chainsaw Sally was ok for a low budget one. Overall though not too fulfilling despite the protagonist doing her best. It felt a bit like the horror parodies from Seduction cinema at times but with a lot less nudity and sex. That could have helped the movie maybe a bit more I guess.
Pretty sure Blood Feast 2 tramples all the movies on the list.

Tromafreak says:
#23, Reply to #21

May '17
I'd recommend The Chainsaw Sally Show Season 1 from Troma. It's basically a 3 1/2 hour sequel broken up into episodes. I found it better than the movie. Although, no Hershcell or Gunnar in that one.

And agreed about Blood Feast 2.


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