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Nov 2019
Well I have been on a Slasher Marathon lately. It's rather silly since it's not really a favorite subgenre for me but I tried out usenet for a month half a year ago (I forgot to unsubscribe in time) and I didn't know what I could download at the time so I went for the slashers found in the grindhouse database.

I have been viewing them more or less chronologically. I'm noticing a few things. Contrary to popular belief gore & blood seem to be the exception rather than the rule, many kills not shown on screen or just quick and/or dark. The gratuitous nudity is in most cases rather brief too if there actually is any.

Another thing I noticed and rather bugs me that there is movies with a fantastic first kill shown in detail, really unsettling and makes you hope for more of that only to find out that all the other kills are hardly to be seen or not shown at all. Don't Go in the House (1979) was such a movie, great first kill made me hope for more of that but the rest it played out to be rather lame focusing on psychology and still mananging to keep the killer rather superficial. Pretty much the same with Don't Answer the Phone (1980) also had a reasonably good first murder, the others are poor again superficial psychology and 2 incompetent police men and a psychologist making Chief Wiggum look good.
Is this done deliberately I wonder to make sure you keep watching and hoping for more of this? It almost makes me wonder maybe it's better to watch it in reverse when the best parts are often in the first half hour.

The worst (1 or 2/10):

Meatcleaver Massacre (1977)
The Final Terror (1983)
The Single Girls (1974)
Sugar Hill (1974)
Blood Thirst (1971)
Savage Weekend (1979)

Had potential but not a pass (3 to 4/10):

Don't open the Door (1975)
Drive-in Massacre (1976)
Exposรฉ (1976)
Terror Train (1980)
Don't Go in the House (1979)

Don't Answer the Phone (1980)

Pass to almost good (5 to 6/10)

Criminally Insane (1975): my favorite so far, simple lunatic killer
Tower of Evil (1972): insane first good half, utterly bad second half
Don't go in the Woods (1971): low budget but fast paced and kills are pretty graphic, never boring
Prom Night (1980): It's rather slow after a great opening, picks up nicely in the last half hour

Johan_WoW says:
#21, Reply to #8

Nov 2019
I have seen The Dorm. It plays like the average slasher. There is a few good kills the one with the driller and with the baseball bat but for the rest it's rather boring in kills and action. They talk and roam around there is no real story or interesting dialogue. A weird guy is thrown in only to serve as potential killer but of course that would be too easy if he was the one. So yeah in the end it's one of the guys who has a really stupid motivation killing everyone of (to be alone with the final girl whose bf was away anyway). That girl and her parents at the beginning were leaving why did they have to die? He was just a serial killer not needing a motivation. and the bf coming back in the end just to serve as killer to the rather stupid cops. The bf also acted dumb not obeying to the cops immediately. Ok the ending was surprisingly dark but pissed me of. No I rather re-watch the clichรฉ ridden Mutilator or Hospital Massacre again.

sfpx says:
#22, Reply to #21

Nov 2019 *
I think, for me, I like it a lot because its a random 'turn your brain off' type killfest; lots of nasty murders (did you see the uncut version!?) and a surprise ending that is unusually downbeat.

"That girl" by the way is the lovely Daphne Zuniga who would star in her own slasher flick a couple years later, The Initiation (1984) as well as The Fly II (1989) and the '90s primetime bitchfest Melrose Place.

Znep27 says:
#23, Reply to #22

Nov 2019 *
Don't forget her role as Princess Vespa in Spaceballs.

sfpx says:
#24, Reply to #23

Nov 2019
True that.

Johan_WoW says:
#25, Reply to #22

Nov 2019
Well very few of the cast would star in something else afterwards but of course you don't need strong acting in a slasher. Yes I saw the uncut one. Anyway it wasn't the worst there are way more boring slashers.

Johan_WoW says:
#26, Reply to #8

Nov 2019 *
Yup we have a winner here, getting on the list of my favorite slashers! It is
"Happy birthday to me"
Despite its length it never gets boring. Yeah it's true that there is quite a bit of red herrings being thrown in but wow what a great dark, twisty, macabre, fucked up ending was that! Throw in giallo elements (the black gloves), some great kills (especially the one with the weights ouch) and some real psycho elements and you have a movie that should have been a classic. Why its average is so low, well apparently some people found it too messy in story, well I guess they found it too complex. Their loss...

Znep27 says:
#27, Reply to #26

Nov 2019
Yeah, I think that one has too much of a plot for your average slasher fan. You can't just sit back and watch the kills, you really have to pay attention.

Johan_WoW says:
#29, Reply to #27

Nov 2019
But even if you pay attention well, it's like impossible to guess the killer and that twist. It's really far fetched even reproducing the entire face of her friend who would think about such a thing?
I thought it was brilliant and refreshing. It gives that little extra to distinguish itself from the run of the mill slashers (and there are a lot of these).

sfpx says:
#28, Reply to #26

Nov 2019
Yup, it's a good one. It's much better than the more celebrated My Bloody Valentine which is by the same producers.

I would love to see an uncut version some day. Some of the kills could've been bloodier. I'm positive they were edited down.

Johan_WoW says:
#30, Reply to #28

Nov 2019
I think My Bloody Valentine scored points for its setting, an old mine shaft and of course the outfit of the killer with that gas mask IIRC. But it plays like a typical slasher with annoying even sleazy characters you don't care about.

I don't mind clichรฉ and simple slashers but in such a case I want them to focus on kills, more graphic violence. A lot of slashers take too much time to get going before or after a first kill. The build-up isn't interesting to me if the potential victims remain superficial with little or no back story. Even The Burning with a simple revenge story and pretty original weapon and one pretty brutal multiple killing scene takes way too long to take off. It's the kind of slasher I'm like yeah it had a few good things but I do not want to sit through again. Give me Hospital Massacre or A bay of Blood with a much nicer pacing.

sfpx says:
#31, Reply to #30

Nov 2019
The uncut My Bloody Valentine really does have some amazing kills though. I dunno if you saw that one but it definitely gives the movie a nice juicy edge it was previously missing. What bugs me about it is the stupid schmaltzy love triangle stuff. It gets downright soap opera-ish at times.

I hear you on slashers just getting right down to business, but when they're done right by an able director/cast/crew, I don't mind taking time with the characters / storyline. In the case of The Burning I have to disagree with you. That's one of the better ones. All the teen hijinx stuff is endearing to me because it's handled well, I like the characters and it's never dull.

It's been years since I watched Bay of Blood and while focusing on a Ten Little Indians-style slasher with emphasis on brutality was novel at the time, I found it dull. Whether or not Sean Cunningham was inspired by it for Friday the 13th I have no idea, but he one-upped it in almost every conceivable way.

Johan_WoW says:
#32, Reply to #31

Nov 2019
I have to dig deep to remember much about Bloody Valentine but yeah a few of the kills were good. And yes that whole relationship soap was distracting.

I think with The Burning it's also a matter of interest. You like the teen hijinx but to me they are annoying. To me they were just the standard hormone crazy kids and a killer taking revenge on people who weren't responsible for his scars. Sleepaway Camp is a lot better fleshed out in every way plus I think the leading trio of kids were really cool. I did care for them. It goes a lot deeper on psychological level too.

A Bay of Blood is definitely not flawless. Mario Bava introduced the giallo and was one of the first one experimenting with more brutal killings. So the slasher wasn't so refined yet. Yeah Friday the 13th is more refined (there is almost a decade between them) but the killer is less believable. But I have been in a Mario Bava rewatch mode and they all become more enjoyable with reach revisit. Especially Blood and Black Lace has risen a lot in my appreciation. I told myself before I started watching not focusing too much on story more on the images and that eventually helped tremendously. I can see how he must have inspired guys like Argento.

foz says:

Nov 2019

Box_a_Hair says:
#34, Reply to #33

Nov 2019
Wow. What a triumphant opinion. This gives a new perspective to a tired genre. If only others could make an argument as immersive and heartfelt as this, then maybe the genre would be more respected, but alas... People don't skidoot enough, and rather skidaddle, eh?


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.