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Oct 2019
Horror movies that have been released 2017-2019. I haven't seen any from 2019 yet so it will just be 2017 & 2018 from me

Trauma: 7,5/10 (torture/revenge tends to either be too tame, uneventful or go over the top, this one has a great balance, with godo gore and yeah nudity which is becoming rare this days but Chile is thankfully not scrutinized by the censors)

Primal Rage: apparently forgot to rate it must be around 5/10 (no brain slasher and gore)

Errementari: 8/10 (I like fantasy and horror but the combination rarely works for me, here it does)

Ghost Stories: 1/10 (actually it is suprising in plot but I was annoyed with the dark images and slow pace)

Tigers are not Afraid: 6/10 (not really horror though even though it is labeled as such, a bit of a Pan's Labyrinth wannabe)
Revenge: 6/10 (on first view yeah but I bet I'll find the unrealistic events irritating on a revisit)

Mom and Dad: 5/10 (having Cage is a loss of points for me, entertaining but not memorable)

The Lodgers: 6,5/10 (with a more believable love story I would have liked it more, very atmospheric)

mother!: 2/10 (no comment I loathe this kind of symbolism and religious mumbo jumbo)

47 Meters down: 5/10 (again pop corn entertainment)

It comes at Night: 4/10 (I mostly forgot, slow and boring)

Stephanie: 5/10 (I saw little horror)
Two Pigeons: 4,5/10 (it's rather filthy what the hidden guy does but unfortunately it gets repetitive, takes too long to come to a conclusion with little story)

Get Out: 4/10 (sells of as original and financial support surely helped but the experienced horror fan should know better, the message pretty much fails for me)

The Possession of Hannah Grace: 3/10 (well already said in Gymno's thread, poor man's Autopsy of Jane Doe)

Hell Fest: 4/10 (typical slasher in a theme park, very clichรฉ)

Ghostland: 7/10 (I like this kind of stuff, mixing dream and reality, past and present, nice setting, nasty villains)

a Quiet Place: 8,5/10 (feels like a silent, great idea, great execution)

The Strangers: Part 2: 6/10 (entertaining even though Bailee Madison was the main reason I have watched it, not seen the first btw)

Annihilation: 4/10 (sounded interesting, group of women going on and adventure like in The Descent but what was this even about?)

Hereditary: 3/10 (thx to the early death of the most interesting character, clichรฉ and big rip off from Rosemary's Baby and some other flicks, Satan is doomed with that successor if you ask me)
Mandy: 2/10 (I ask you how canone even get past the uneventful first hour and who wants to see Cage in his underwear or that sissy villain in his pee-pee?)
Summer of 84: 3/10 (the umpteenth 80s horror tribute yawn, not really interesting when you know the killer by the first minute)

none yet hopefully there is some I can pick up from you?

Johan_WoW says:
#21, Reply to #17

Nov 2019
So far I think only Yakko and me (and maybe sfpx mentioned he wasn't impressed) on here didn't like it. It's getting far more praise.

I can't speak for Yakko but myself I felt indifference due to not caring about the characters so any attempt at creepiness was hardly going to work. But I really don't see where it was creepy or unsettling. Good cinematography and sound editing are vague arguments and purely subjective. I found the story crap which is of course also subjective. The Exorcist creeped me out when I saw it as a kid. The Conjuring 2 as mainstream as it might sound had me constantly in state of tension. It helped a lot as I cared about the characters and our ghosthunting couple was a lot more sympathetic. Conjuring 1 I found on the other hand crap a mixture of popular horror elements in 1 movie: possession, exorcism, demon/witchcraft which gets quite ridiculous to me. Hereditary also felt like such kind of mixture. The seance sessions rather made me want to laugh or shake my head in disbelief because how silly they looked (exorcism in Conjuring 1 I also found silly). The ending of Hereditary feels like a variant on Rosemary's Baby to me. The mourning was a bit of Don't Look Now (1973) but even slower.

Other haunting movies that ooze that creepy atmosphere which worked for me: The Others, The Haunting, The Innocents, Burnt Offerings.

So let me reverse the question and ask what exactly gave you (and most of its fans) the creeps? The general consensus seems to be that the movie is scary, unsettling, creepy etc but for the few who don't feel that it's going to be a lucky guess. The decapitation I found a shocker yes and I understand the mother even going more paranoid than she already was. And yeah I know I already said it twice but the daughter was the only interesting character with whom I felt a bounding with. Ok it was important for the story but that event just feels like to keep watching the world cup (insert any sport) when your favorite team/player has already been eliminated if you know what I mean.

Box_a_Hair says:
#22, Reply to #21

Nov 2019
I remember watching The Conjuring and thinking it was a load of jump scare bullshit. Nothing about that movie was interesting, and for some reason it gave me Amityville Horror vibes, only much more mundane.

I also remember trying to watch The Haunting and The Innocents, but I found those movies dreadfully boring. I ought to be fair and give 'em another shot, but my first impressions are generally my final impressions.

Hereditary was all about the acting. The characters and their mourning madness was the hook that dragged me through two hours of slow burn drama. I watched this with Der and 90 minutes in, he was asking me, "Is this supposed to be a horror movie?"

Then, after all the smoke and mirrors, the haunting imagery went haywire and you get creepy psychotic fuckery running amok, hanging on the walls, staring wide eyed in the shadows, and willful self-decaptitations? That shit made me afraid to go to sleep at night. I have to walk to work at 3:20 am and I often trick myself into thinking I'm seeing naked smiling men staring at me in the darkness. This movie unsettled me to no end. To each his own though.


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