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Sid Haig

Oct 2019
Ok it's been 3 weeks now that this fine actor has left us. I couldn't find a thread so I come up with one. I'm not too fond of the Rob Zombie flicks he starred in but his role as Captain Spaulding was easily the most interesting in those. After those 2 I had seen enough of Zombie and especially his missus. Sid starred in a lot more but can't say there is that many I have seen of those. he regularly started in Jack Hill movies, some blackploitation with Pam Grier. I have seen a handful of these not really my cup of tea. Pretty tame on violence and nudity regarding its theme.

I wanted to watch a movie starring Sid as means of tribute to the man which I did the day after his passing away. My choice fell on one one of the lesser known 60s flicks: Spider Baby. This movie pretty much fell into obscurity after being shown in theater. It took many years for it to get a VHS release and the director really needed to use some backdoor practices to realize this as he didn't had the copyright to it.

A movie that grew on me with each new visit. It's kind of the godmother of the deranged family, a blue print if you want for movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre. and it's not just Sid as the deranged Ralph who does a wonderful job. His movie sisters Beverly Washburn as Elizabeth and Jill Banner as Spider Baby Virginia do an equal great job. And of course not to forget Lon Chaney jr. (mostly known for his role as the Wolf Man) possibly gives his finest performance as chauffeur Bruno eventually becoming the caretaker of the 3 "children".

Any movie you would say Sid Haig really made you go wow (no pun intended)?

Snowy_Owl says:

Oct 2019
This is beautifully written. I believe the only movies I have seen with Sid Haig is House of a 1000 corpses, Devils Rejects, and 3 from hell. I didn't originally want to watch theses movies because I knew the had a clown, which deal me
Out. But once I was forced to watch it I found my self loving captain spaulding, and I believe being able to watch that helped me more with dealing will killer clowns.

Johan_WoW says:
#2, Reply to #1

Oct 2019
Thx for the compliment. I could have elaborated some more on my love for
Spider Baby but my (English not my first language) writing is a bit rusty. I never had nightmares from clowns myself but I do think Pennywise from It was pretty scary.

Well Spider Baby goes actually a bit deeper than just being a weird story from a wacko family. Even though some of the things this family does is wrong but quite excusable as for the most part they can't help it, there is a rather touching story beyond that. The movie is not something for the gorehound. Ok there was a certain HG Lewis already with gore movies but he was more of an exception at that point. You can say it's more psychological, more drama than horror even though the setting and the night scenes breathe a dark creepy atmosphere (black and white filming does also help a lot). to me it's a movie where in the end I'm like damn such a shame this one didn't become a classic.

Snowy_Owl says:
#3, Reply to #2

Oct 2019
Wow that sounds interesting. It makes me want to watch it. And for penny wise, I was more freaked out by the tim curry version more because he seemed more of a real clown. The new pennywise doesn't creep me out as much because he looks so different from the clowns that freak me out.

Johan_WoW says:
#6, Reply to #3

Oct 2019
Yes it's the one with Tim Curry I meant as I haven't seen the newer It films. I don't think I will. I'm not that big of a fan of it or Stephen KIng stories in general. Carrie I find great however. There is a few other movies with creepy clowns but I must see through my list to recall the titles. That's what happens when you watch so many movies (and of course getting older and more forgetful isn't helping either lol).

Snowy_Owl says:
#8, Reply to #6

Oct 2019
I've been working to get over this fear for a while. I was even able to watch terrifier which freaked me out, but I was happy I watched it. I'm getting better about it, but there are still moments when I have to look away of a clown , or dummy, pops up ok the screen.

Johan_WoW says:
#10, Reply to #8

Oct 2019
Terrifier clown was creepy but after a first brutal kill it plays out like the usual slashers. It's ok but not re-watch material for me. 100 Tears (2007) is a creepy clown movie that springs to mind. It's a slasher, rather cheap and not so conventional. I liked it as it throws a nice suprise in the last third.

Ballz says:

Oct 2019
After those 2 I had seen enough of Zombie and especially his missus.

I watched 3 from Hell yesterday. You aren't missing out. Sid Haig's barely even in it, although it's understandable why with all his health issues.

Spider Baby was one of my many viewings last October. Haig was good in it, but yeah, I loved Lon Chaney Jr.'s performance.

Like you, I haven't seen many of Haig's movies, so I guess his appearances as Captain Spaulding are the highlights of his career for me. Especially The Devil's Rejects since he was given more screen time. Rob Zombie might not be a great filmmaker, but sometimes he ends up with great actors who make his movies a little easier to sit through. Sid Haig of course being one such example.

Johan_WoW says:
#7, Reply to #4

Oct 2019
Just thinking that Haig liked to star in these movies makes me wonder that Rob Z might actually be a nice guy to hang around with and perhaps is Sheri Moon a nice person as well. I just don't think filmmaking and acting is what they should do but if it has its share of fans who am I to deny them their fun? Having big stars is not always a guarantee for success sometimes even hampering the movie. That Joan Crawford wasn't very nice there is enough testimony about it and frankly I don't think she was that great. Her arch-rival Bette Davis I think is much better but apparently she wasn't the nicest person towards her children either. Same with Marlene Dietrich. Thing is somehow it colours the experience. I would have been surprised if someone like Russ Meyer would actually have been a women friendly intellectual person in real. But he was just as shallow as the material in his movies, boobs the bigger the better. Unfortunately he even managed to make such movies a boring experience for me.

Ballz says:
#9, Reply to #7

Oct 2019
I agree with you, great actors don't always equal success. I actually like some Rob Zombie movies, but sometimes even the presence of actors I like isn't enough to save his movies. His wife might be nice, I've never heard any good or bad stories, but she's completely ruined otherwise okay scenes with her annoying characters.

With Joan Crawford and the others who have negative stories surrounding them, sometimes I don't know what to believe. Maybe she was abusive, there probably is some truth to it, but without her side of story, there's always going to be a little doubt in the back of my mind. I also prefer Bette Davis as an actress though.

Box_a_Hair says:

Oct 2019
I haven't seen much besides the obvious, but Spider Baby is a great movie. It's pretty ahead of its time, while at the same time it feels very old school. They deal with some gnarly taboos in it, and it feels epic to see Lon Chaney Jr. and Sid Haig in the same frame. In a way, it makes it seem like the classic era of horror wasn't quite as long ago as it seems.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.