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Nov '17 *

Here is where you signup and record your progress. I hope you all have fun!

The Rules

Challege will be scored by minutes watched. There is no minimum time requirement.

For something to count for the challenge it must have at least ONE or more of these elements

1. Anything to do with toys or dolls. They must be the main focal point of the movie if no other elements listed are in the movie. Movies that may have a cast entirely out of puppets also count. For example, Meet the Feebles. Anything with puppets is included.

2. Anything that has a Winter setting. Snow/ice

3. Anything that has to do with Christmas counts.

This challenge includes any and all genres. It doesn't have to be horror.

Finally, the winner will receive the one and only Drunkle Bear from mine and Messiah's line of Trashed Teddies!

And if anyone has any questions, here's the discussion thread. https://trashepics.com/post/85/80/

Drunkle Bear is sort of a running joke amongst the others. He's not really part of the group, and I doubt he's anyone's Uncle, but "Drunkle Bear" as they call him, usually crashes the party in the latter hours, often making things awkward by hitting on certain under aged bears. Creepy old prick, but not completely useless. Drunkle's good for a laugh, and he's been known to buy beer for the gang. I wouldn't leave him alone with my sister or anything, but yeah, whatever. he's cool, I guess. just keep him in check.

Drunkle Bear Video

Tommix says:
#8, Reply to #3

Nov '17 *
Trilogy of Terror is fantastic! emoticon And, I just want to mention that your gif of the Zuni warrior doll reminded me of another movie from around that time, The Manitou. It stars Tony Curtis and Susan Strasberg, and is completely insane. I'm not sure if it came out in 1977 or 1978... I see both years given, online. Anyway, there is at least one part near the end where they show an ancient Indian spirit being incarnated as sort of a disgusting animated clay (?) model thing... I mis-remembered it as a doll, toy, or mannequin. It's not quite right for this thread, so I'm just posting it as a comment to your post about a comparable movie.

Tommix says:

Nov '17


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.