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Aug '18 *
Wrestlers like horror characters have their gimmicks. Some cheesy, some creepy. What wrestling persona (alive or dead)would you put into which horror film to replace the killer(s)? And which killer would you enjoy seeing in a wrestling match? Which wrestler would be their best opponent?

Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '18
I remember hearing a few years back that they were interested in making "Madman" in 3D, a sort of remake/sequel written by original Madman actor Paul Ehlers, using Kurt Angle as Madman Marz. Not sure how I'd feel about that, but at the same time, I've always been surprised that Madman never got any sequels. Sure, they made a few comics, but that never has the same effect as live-action media.

They also did a "remake" of Leprechaun, using some short wrestler as the villain. As of today, that entry is still regarded as the death of that franchise, because no sequels have been made beyond that, even though I'm fairly certain that Warwick Davis would be down to do more of those movies.

I also remember back in the days before Freddy vs. Jason, people would often speculate that the movie would feature those two fighting in an actual wrestling match. I think what we ended up getting was probably the best route to take with that, but what we did get still isn't perfect. No... if they wanted to make that movie perfect, they would've used Kane fucking Hodder. His Jason would've been great in a wrestling match. He already boxed the black dude's head off in part 8.

Tromafreak says:

Aug '18
Cactus Jack = Captain Spaulding
Elias = Otis
Shawn Michaels = Baby

Brock Lesnar = Henry or Terminator

I wouldn't mind seeing Joe "Maniac" Spinell put on the tights. He was Samoan, so, I'm sure he'd be destined for great things, but they might want to start out slow and put him against another novice like David Arquette.

sfpx says:

Aug '18
Doink and Dink could try and join the Killer Klowns from Outer Space.

Ballz says:

Aug '18
Vince McMahon as Conal Cochran. "Join the WWE Network for only $9.99 for the big giveaway at 9!" Steve Austin could even play Dan Challis. He's already got the beer drinking part of the character mastered.

"Maniac Cop" Matt Cordell vs. Big Boss Man. Cordell's size would make him a perfect wrestler. The match would have to involve weapons, of course, with a nightstick duel at some point.

Tromafreak says:
#5, Reply to #4

Aug '18
I always thought Vince looked like a shady Norman Bates.

Ballz says:
#6, Reply to #5

Aug '18
It's pretty easy to imagine Vince watching women through a hole in a wall. You might be on to something there.

Tromafreak says:
#7, Reply to #6

Aug '18
I don't know about women... I could see that sick old fuck angrily stroking his penis while watching Mark Henry shower through a hole in the wall.

Ballz says:
#8, Reply to #7

Aug '18
emoticon Though I've always heard he likes the big guys.

Johan_WoW says:

Aug '18
Ok I haven't seen much of wrestlers since early 90s so
The Undertaker would be interesting in any horror with an undertaker, Burnt offerings for example

Andre the Giant playing in Freaks as Hercules

Earthquake (John Tenta) as the creepy land lord in Alice, sweet Alice

I would only be interested in a women's wrestling match now so I go for Carrie, with her telekinetic powers she can even take on the men.

OnyxHades says:
#10, Reply to #9

Sep '18
I think you nailed it with those choices!


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