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Aug '18 *
I have been trying to watch movies all morning, but I keep zoning out. Not sure if I start daydreaming or get so involved with my work that I lose track of what the hell is going on. I must have hit the rewind button 50 or more times now.

One minute people are talking, the next thing I know everyone in the film is dead.emoticon

Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '18
I zone out a lot. Sometimes, it's because I'm super high or drunk, but other times, the movie might be boring. Plus, I often have random things on my mind these days. I find it hard to watch movies at all sometimes, because I'm always thinking about something else. Some way to try to be productive in my endeavors, whatever they may be, but it usually leads to nothing getting accomplished either way.

This wasn't a problem for me before, when I was younger. When I had more free time, I'd get into movies a lot more than I do now. Now, I'm just going through the motions to survive, and every now and then, I'll have enough relaxation time to throw something on for me to watch, but I'll even turn to my phone a lot more than I used to.

OnyxHades says:
#6, Reply to #1

Aug '18
Hell, I might as well not even watch a movie if I'm high. I can't even remember them. emoticon

Znep27 says:
#8, Reply to #6

Aug '18
I have always heard watching movies stoned was supposed to make them better, but I just can't do it. That stuff seriously shortens my attention span. I can't follow a story for 90 minutes on weed. That's much better suited for watching something like Family Guy where there are just lots of random jokes and you don't have to keep up. But I have had good movie watching experiences on mushrooms, as long as I'm not tripping too hard.

Ballz says:

Aug '18
When I zone out, it's usually due to daydreaming. When I'm drunk, the movie's boring, I've seen it too many times before, or I've seen too many movies in a single day. That last one tends to only be a problem during challenges. During the Camp Slasher Challenge, I watched six Friday the 13th movies in one day. By the time I got to the sixth, I was zoning out big time.

My other issue, sometimes probably as a result of zoning out too much, is dozing off. I end up rewinding more for that than just zoning out.

OnyxHades says:
#5, Reply to #2

Aug '18
My other issue, sometimes probably as a result of zoning out too much, is dozing off. I end up rewinding more for that than just zoning out.

Maybe that's what I'm doing...

Tromafreak says:

Aug '18
I always have that problem, which is why I hate subtitled movies so much. Constantly having to force myself to not zone out kinda defeats the purpose.

OnyxHades says:
#4, Reply to #3

Aug '18
I like subtitled movies, but since I've been working so much, I'm not as able to watch them as I used to be. Makes it hard to follow along since I have to keep an eye on what I'm doing.

markus-san says:
#10, Reply to #3

Aug '18 *
You don't hate subtitled movies, you hate subtitles. Pretty sure you rated Martyrs 10/10 and I don't think there is a dubbed version?

It's a pity because there are a lot more subbed movies out there I am sure you would enjoy (if you didn't have to read them).

Tromafreak says:
#14, Reply to #10

Aug '18
Yeah, that's what I meant to say. Actually, I have a dubbed version of Martyrs, but I also like quite a few subtitled movies like Blind Beast and several Jean Rollin films. I haven't made an exception in a long time, but it happens.

markus-san says:
#15, Reply to #14

Aug '18
I am actually surprised a dubbed version of Martyrs exists! For me personally, it would take the seriousness off the film's dark tone and be a bit offputting.. but fair enough if you can still enjoy it. I can accept dubbed Hong Kong action movies or some Italian giallo because they can be a little silly to take too seriously anyway.

I think we should have a "subtitled movie" challenge especially for you emoticon.

Tromafreak says:
#18, Reply to #15

Aug '18
it would take the seriousness off the film's dark tone and be a bit offputting

Probably. I did find the interactions of the family (right before they all got blown away) a little cringeworthy and out of place even though I never heard the original dialogue.

Fuck it! I would totally be up for a subtitled challenge. I need a reason to stick with them, anyway.

markus-san says:
#20, Reply to #18

Aug '18 *
Fuck it! I would totally be up for a subtitled challenge.

Nice! I will host the first challenge then.. maybe September or November or if there needs to be a month's break from the October challenge, December which used to be the extreme challenge but I think Onyx already did something different last year..

Rules: A point for every sentence you manage to read before it disappears emoticon.

Tromafreak says:
#21, Reply to #20

Aug '18
Yeah, uh, great idea. I didn't wanna do the Turkey Challenge anyway. emoticon

markus-san says:
#22, Reply to #21

Aug '18
Oh yeah forgot.. well, will fit it in somewhere.. somehow.

Gymnopedie says:
#17, Reply to #10

Aug '18
Unlike some people here I do like subbed movies. I seen probably around three hundred or so, in my lifetime so far. I have seen all of Ingmar Bergman filmography (the greatest film director of all time imo) of 40 plus films in the space of two weeks. So I am certainly no stranger to them. However, strangely enough the older I get - the more of a chore it is to sit through them. I mean, I have got to be in the right mood for them now. Unfortunately, something like the October Challenge is the only time I watch them now.

markus-san says:
#19, Reply to #17

Aug '18 *
The older I get, the more I need them as I find them useful even for English language movies, especially American.. I guess because of the ears. I mean my hearing is generally fine but sometimes I just struggle with some accents. For example I don't need subs for a show like Game of Thrones but I definitely need them for The Walking Dead.. maybe it's the muttering and talking under their breath.

I guess I have seen almost 1,000 "foreign language" movies over the years.. ebossert has seen more than all of us put together probably. I have only seen over half a dozen Bergman films but I enjoyed most of them, my favourites being Autumn Sonata, The Virgin Spring and Through a Glass Darkly.. the only one I really struggled with was his most famous I guess: The Seventh Seal.

sfpx says:

Aug '18
Yeah, sometimes. Thats why I rarely ever have the urge to watch a new movie I've never seen before. I'll just keep putting it off and putting it off, because I know my attention span sucks. The movie theater I find is the best way to keep my attention.

In school was the worst. I could never, ever concentrate on what the teacher was talking about. I usually always had to cheat to pass.

Johan_WoW says:

Aug '18
Like Tromafreak said I don't really like subtitle movies too much any more. Most of the horror I watch is in English for which I don't need the subs. This means I sometimes do watch pretty bad dubbed movies from Italian or Asian origin but don't care. It's nice to be able to relax and not constantly focus on reading subs. My country has a subtitle culture and I'm used to read them since a very young age. This of course helped to improve my English.
And with not having to read subs constantly I can pay more attention to what is actually happening on the screen. Actually French should be my second language but I can't watch those without subs.
Talkative movies (with or without subs) tend to make me zone out or when some teenie/ tweenie flick spends like more than half an hour on build-up with dull activities or chat my mind gets wandering on what I want to do next.

markus-san says:
#11, Reply to #9

Aug '18 *
I can pay more attention to what is actually happening on the screen.

I can't relate to this problem at all. I only need to glance at the subtitled text to read/understand it but I guess some people actually have to read it word by word..

Johan_WoW says:
#12, Reply to #11

Aug '18
Oh shut up you wannabe asian nitwit instead of always looking for ways to disagree with me.


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