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Aug '18
I remember when I was a kid being scared to death of going up the stairs at night. I always felt like someone was watching me. That feeling would intensify to the point I’d start running up the the stairs to my room and do a flying leap into the bed. Not only were the stairs a problem , I couldn’t risk something grabbing me from under the bed too! I still get creeped out a bit over the stair thing.

One childhood fear I still have almost as badly today is that of open closet doors. I can not stand open closet doors. Day or night all closet doors MUST be closed.

Another bad one was mirrors at nighttime. That was a big NOPE for me.

What about you all? Have any of those fears as a child? Do you sometimes still get creeped out by them?

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Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '18
I used to live in a town house with a basement in Illinois, and that's a place I wouldn't like to be alone. Some kid who lived in the house died, so my family would always suggest the place was haunted. Some weird shit would happen there, especially in the basement where it was dark. We'd go down there, someone would turn off the lights, and I'd panic and try to get out as fast as I could.

It also didn't help that my sister dressed up as Freddy Krueger once, and when I went down there, I saw her in the mask and hat, with the claws slowly coming up after me. I bolted. Basements can be creepy.

sfpx says:

Aug '18
Lizards. Still have the fear actually. Sometimes if I think about them too much, I begin to get paranoid and think there's one really close to me and that i just haven't noticed it yet. Recently I was having an issue where I kept thinking about a lizard being in my shoe, so before I put them on I'd shake them out first to make sure the...lol....."coast was clear." Even worse, I began imagining the lizard was dead. Why? It seems more sneaky and vindictive that way, to purposely go die in my shoe.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Aug '18
I visited Florida a few years ago, and I loved how many lizards there were. Every few steps, I'd have to watch out for lizards. Geckos are neat.

sfpx says:
#4, Reply to #3

Aug '18
They're literally fucking everywhere. You should see some of the things I have to do to avoid having a "run-in" with them. Like when I open up the back fence to take the garbage out, I have to reach my hand to open the latch on the backside where I can't see. The thought or a lizard being there and me placing my hand on it terrifies me. So I kick the fence a couple times first to hopefully send it scurrying off in case it's there waiting for me emoticon

Tromafreak says:
#8, Reply to #2

Aug '18
You talking about those harmless little green Lizards or these fucking things?

We got some of those up here. Haven't seen one in a while but they're out there.


sfpx says:
#9, Reply to #8

Aug '18
I'm talking about those nasty brown ones.

Hmm, the one in the pic isn't common here, that i know of. Maybe in the Everglades.

Tromafreak says:

Aug '18

Yakko says:

Aug '18
I was mostly just afraid of other people, because I was constantly being picked on and accused of things I hadn't done. Other kids were always threatening to beat me up and adults often said I was retarded or stupid and that I'd end up in prison or in a mental institution. That's why I became shy and never learned how to socialize, and never had friends or a girlfriend. Things haven't changed much even though I'm 51 years old. Occasionally people still accuse me of things and even call the cops.

Ballz says:

Aug '18
I had a thing about closets too. Not that they were open, but who might be inside. Before I went to bed I had to check them.

I also had a fear of ghosts, all because of a dream about a ghost floating into my room at night. I guess I thought it really happened and it left me convinced that the house was haunted, to the point where I asked my mom if anyone ever died in our house. Not as far as she knew, but I was still weirded out for a while.

Znep27 says:

Aug '18
My biggest fear as a kid:



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