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Johan_WoW says:

Apr '18
Seems I have to watch it on youtube. When I wanted to play it said the owner disabled playing this on other websites.

Johan_WoW says:
#7, Reply to #6

Apr '18
Oh well I have just watched it now on youtube, nice that you won't allow those trolls to get the better of you any more. The fact they are impersonating you (and someone pretending to be me too apparently) on filmboards shows how frustrated and I guess envious they are.

I think internet trolls are like vandals or hooligans, frustrated when they cannot win so they have to fight or break down stuff to cool off. Never in my life I would understand such behavior why someone would get so angry when the team you support gets beaten that you have to take it out on the rival supporters? Same with the internet trolls. What do they gain from such acts? A hard on like you said? Not sure why behave like a retard when you could just find porn everywhere on the internet. emoticon

In the past I had been tinkering about making videos too but I'm not such a good talker and definitely not with a camera on my face. I've always been more keen on writing and will continue to do so when I feel like it. And am looking forward to your next videos.

So again kudos for showing you are better than that and don't have to stoop to their below the belt tactics. emoticon

Btw I always thought filmboards was the successor to imdb2 but apparently imdb2 still exists and is still quite active. Filmboards is even older than imdb2 apparently, but I only heard about it recently.

Johan_WoW says:
#14, Reply to #8

Apr '18 *
My account got disabled on imdb2 when I promoted TE. How full of yourself can an admin be?
I never bother with that place ever again.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.