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Jul '18
On the night of Friday, July 13th, the marathon of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs began airing on Shudder TV, the live stream portion of Shudder's service. Running for a little over 24 hours, it consisted of 13 movies:

image Tourist Trap
Sleepaway Camp
The Prowler
Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama
Daughters of Darkness
Blood Feast
Basket Case
The Legend of Boggycreek

I didn't watch live because I'm far past my days of staying awake 24 hours, but I'm watching now that the movies are available to watch individually. With Joe Bob's segments, each movie runs between about 100 and 130 minutes. It's a damn fine feeling to see him again. Everything you'd expect from him is there, including Drive-In Totals and a mail girl.

It's implied that this will be Job Bob's final outing as a movie host. That hasn't stopped people from begging Joe Bob and Shudder to turn this into a weekly show. Considering that it was enough of a success for Shudder that the traffic surge when the marathon began caused technical difficulties, maybe there will be more. If not a weekly show, then maybe another marathon.

Did anyone here watch the marathon? Are you watching or planning to watch the movies individually? Are you interested in watching at all or is the idea of a redneck interrupting your movie every 20 minutes or so for his commentary unappealing?


sfpx says:

Jul '18
Great list of movies there!

I don't have Shudder, or plan to anytime soon, so I'll probably never see this. I think it's great Job Bob is giving his commentary about movies again, in whatever capacity.

That said, because of the times we live in with the near limitless resources we have, the appeal of something like this in 2018 isn't quite the same as the appeal of it in 1995 when he was doing Monster Vision.

Why? Well, its kinda hard to explain, but I guess for the most part it boils down to the fact that, in those days, we didn't have a choice. We watched what TV dictated us to watch, commercials, editing, and all.

Yes, it's better nowadays because we have a choice. We also have the knowledge and insight we didn't once have. We know better now. But I also don't see the great appeal in watching Joe Bob give his commentary during a film simply because we have so many alternative choices at our disposal now. It's kinda like a double-edged sword in a sense.

When Monster Vision aired ___________ in 1990-whatever, it was special. For many reasons. When _______ was playing, it was an event, unless you owned the VHS tape. Maybe youd never even heard of it. You wouldn't have known about it if Monster Vision hadn't decided to air it. You were at the right place and right time and now you were watching it. Job Bob and his encyclopedic knowledge and witticism was something to behold, and the show's lo-fi tongue-in-cheek nature was refreshing in comparison to the crap youd find on other stations.

Maybe I'm being cynical or nostalgic (both, actually.) Perhaps a '90s-version-of-me-kid living in 2018 would enjoy this more than actual me, so for that, it's a great thing.

Ballz says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jul '18
Despite my enjoyment of watching Joe Bob again, I've had similar thoughts. I start to zone out if it's a movie I'm overly familiar with, perking up only when Joe Bob interrupts. Some people on Twitter were talking about starting the marathon over when it ended or doing the marathon again the next weekend. I don't feel anywhere near that same amount of enthusiasm or dedication.

Yakko says:
#12, Reply to #1

Sep '18
I pretty much agree with everything you said except that I don't think anything today is better than it was back then. Everything, especially movies and television, is a thousand times worse. The horror genre is extinct today. Horror movies started being crap in the mid 80s. Now if anyone manages to make anything that ends up being good, it's a happy accident. The talent is gone.

Znep27 says:

Jul '18
The last time I looked for this I couldn't find it, but I see it's up now. The only one of these movies I haven't seen is Daughters of Darkness. I'll probably check that one out, and depending on how much I like hearing from Joe Bob, I may check the others.

When they announced this thing, they gave the impression that the 24 hour marathon was going to be the one and only chance there was to see it. I thought that was crazy, who's going to stay up for 24 hours to watch 13 movies in a row?

Znep27 says:
#4, Reply to #3

Jul '18
I changed my mind and started at the beginning. After watching Tourist Trap, yeah, I'm going to watch the rest. Joe Bob is always very entertaining, and I learned some things I didn't know. And most of these are due for a rewatch. I have watched both Re-Animator and Demons pretty recently, but it's hard to get tired of those movies.

Ballz says:
#5, Reply to #4

Jul '18
I think it's worth watching from the beginning. I love how Tourist Trap starts off with the end credits to Night of the Living Dead and Joe Bob pops up on the side to talk about The Last Drive-In. Makes it feel as if it really was airing on a '90s cable channel.

Znep27 says:
#6, Reply to #5

Jul '18
I love how it started. It felt like I was watching something I taped off of TV with my VCR. Ah, the 90's.

Box_a_Hair says:

Jul '18
I haven't seen any of this or his old show, but I've listened to a few commentaries and I like him. So I guess it's good to hear that they'll be bringing him back for more:


foz says:

Jul '18
a friend streamed the joe shudder 24hr-thon on rabbit, and in the days up to f13th live stream showed some old monster vision shows. i'd never heard of him, like elvira or evil ed but with morw interruptions. fun tho! also great watchlist for his final show, if it is...

Znep27 says:

Aug '18
I finished it. Great stuff, but there was a slight inconsistency in Joe Bob's rating system. Tourist Trap and Sleepaway Camp each only got 3.5 stars, because as he said, no breasts means an automatic half star reduction. But then he gave The Legend of Boggy Creek a full 4 stars. Not only did this movie have no breasts, it also offered no gore, no scares, and no entertainment value whatsoever.

And what was up with the the mail girl? Is it just me, or was she absolutely disgusting to look at? Are there actually guys out there who find such plastic surgery nightmares to be hot? With those plastic lips, giant cheekbones, and sucked in cheeks, she looked like a fucking ventriloquist dummy.

Ballz says:
#10, Reply to #9

Aug '18
I'm not up to Boggy Creek yet. I guess he can look past the lack of breasts if he likes a movie enough. Not sure how with Boggy Creek though, because like you said, no entertainment value.

Yeah, his mail girls of the past were much hotter. The new one's a (former?) pornstar, so that explains the bad plastic surgery.

Ballz says:

Sep '18 *
Some details have been announced for Joe Bob's future on Shudder. Basically, Thankgiving and Christmas marathons later this year, plus a regular series next year. According to the man himself on Twitter, the holiday marathons will only be four movies each.

I'm fine with that. No need to make all of them 24+ hours. Besides, I only just recently managed to finish The Last Drive-In. My only hope is by "regular" series, they mean "weekly" series. A movie or two with Joe Bob would really be something to look forward to each weekend.



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