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Dec '17 *
Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Even if you've never celebrated Christmas, you've likely heard of this story. It's as common as The Night Before Christmas. A Christmas Carol has had far more movie adaptations however.

The main two Christmas Carol movies I'm familiar with are Scrooged (1988) and The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992). Scrooged is a black comedy with Bill Murray. Bill Murray's presence alone should be enough to convince you to watch it for this month's challenge if you've never seen it. The Muppet Christmas Carol is... Muppets. Not a bad thing, but not something I feel an urge to watch every December either.

So what about the many other adaptations of A Christmas Carol? Anyone here got another version to recommend? How about a horror version? Scrooged has horror elements, but I wouldn't call it a horror movie. I can imagine a horror version where the ghosts are intended to be frightening with a dark ending.



Dec '17
My personal favorites are the George C. Scott version, Mickey's Christmas Carol, and Scrooge (1970) with Albert Finney in the title role and also has my favorite portrayal of the Ghost of Christmas Present.

Only seen the Simm one once, but I liked it. Also seen a kind of lame, weird version, An American Christmas Carol (1979) that stars The Fonz in old age make up as a Scrooge-like miser in New England.


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