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Lucio Fulci Films

by Ballz

Mar '14 *
Like him or hate him, I think it's hard to disagree on Fulci's films belonging on here. By the description alone of the site made by @Renzo_Capetto, Fulci's films belong.

old school horror movies, gritty exploitation films, and especially bad movies

Yep, that describes most of Lucio Fulci's films.

Personally? I'm pretty middle-of-the-road on his stuff. I liked 'Zombie' a lot and, to a lesser extent, 'The New York Ripper' the first time I saw them, but I hated 'City of the Living Dead' and 'The Beyond'. I've seen some of his other stuff too, like 'Don't Torture a Duckling' (hated), 'Manhattan Baby' (actually thought it was okay despite the overall negative reception I see towards it), and 'The House of Clocks' (also thought was okay). I'll be focusing on the first four movies I mentioned here though, as I've seen them the most and am more familiar with them.

The main reason I'm writing this is because I've been re-watching some of his stuff lately. I'll try to keep this spoiler-free.

To start... 'Zombie'. My first Fulci movie and my favorite Fulci movie. I remember renting this on tape and I loved it from the start. The zombie vs. shark and splinter in the chick's eye scenes are probably what most people think of when they think of this movie. So do I, actually. But there's so much other stuff going on too that makes this my favorite of Fulci's stuff. The mud-caked, worm-ridden zombies. The whole idea of the island setting, that something like that could happen on some island like that somewhere and most of us would be completely unaware until it's too late.

And let's not forget the main theme used in the movie. I like all of the music in the movie really, but that main theme especially just works really well I think. Fabio Frizzi is the man behind the music in 'Zombie'. He did the music for some of Fulci's other films too, but none of those scores are as memorable to me as 'Zombie's' score. Except maybe 'The Beyond's' score, but we'll get to that soon.

The second Fulci movie I saw, a couple years after first seeing 'Zombie', was 'The New York Ripper'. I don't think it's nearly as good as 'Zombie' or even the next movie I'm going to talk about, nor is the music as memorable, other than the opening theme, done by someone other than Frizzi, some guy named Francesco De Masi. Its crazy murders are pretty bloody and gory though and... that's kind of all I can think to say about it. The movie's nothing great or original, other than the killer sounding like Donald Duck, which is more laughable than anything, but it's entertaining enough that I don't hate it.

Now for 'City of the Living Dead' and 'The Beyond'. I know a lot of people love these two movies and I've always felt kind of weird for not appreciating them at all. To put it bluntly, I found them to be boring and poorly written gorefests. I love gore in movies, but not when it's the only thing going for the movie. Well, I recently decided to give them another watch and, especially with 'City of the Living Dead', I found myself enjoying it a lot more than I had in my previous viewings of it.

With 'City of the Living Dead', I think part of the problem was that I expected it to be more of zombie movie, especially with that title, when really, the zombies are just a minor aspect of it. It's more about the priest and whenever you see him, you know some bad shit's about to go down. And with that in mind, I think I can appreciate the movie a lot more than I used to, because as the movie's main villain, I do like him. The gore definitely doesn't disappoint in the movie either. All of that said... I still think the movie's ending is dumb and poorly played out. Maybe I'll learn to appreciate it more over time too, but I think it might take a lot more time.

And finally, 'The Beyond'. I'm still not a big fan of this movie. I 'get' it. I just don't really get into it like I do with 'Zombie' or now, 'City of the Living Dead'. As with the other three movies I've mentioned, it's got good gore. Also as I said before, the score definitely sticks out. But the whole plot... I just am not into it. I guess you could say 'well, with a Fulci movie, the plot isn't supposed to be great, it's all about the violence'. Maybe so, but a movie that's almost an hour and a half that has a poor story, but great gore isn't going to have much replay value, at least for me. I am a fan of some scenes, especially the parts in the hospital, as well as the opening kill, the bathtub scene, and the spider scene. Oh, and the ending, that's a lot better than 'City of the Living Dead's' ending. But even those scenes don't draw me in like 'City of the Living Dead' has managed to do. Maybe with another re-watch or two...

I won't lie and call myself an expert on Lucio Fulci's work. I've seen I think seven of his movies now. I forgot to mention 'Zombi 3' before, though it's hard to truly call that a Fulci movie since he didn't even finish directing it. I've also seen 'Wax Mask', which he helped write and I've heard was also supposed to direct before he died.

I would like to see Fulci's 'House by the Cemetery'. I've got a download of it, I've just not gotten around to it yet. Soon though.

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '14
Well said. Zombi 2 has got to be his best, and the music for it is awesome. I often find myself humming the tune. What sucks is that we never actually get to see the zombies wreak havoc in NY. I didn't know he never finished filming Zombi 3, but it's still a fun, dumb action romp.

Beyond those two films, I think Fulci is meh. Like you said though, he's very fitting for Trash Epics.

Ballz says:
#2, Reply to #1

Mar '14
I don't hum, but it often gets stuck in my head. And I agree, zombies in New York would have been fun.

I should buy 'Zombi 3' sometime. But yeah, Fulci left due to health issues, so Bruno Mattei stepped in to finish it. Same guy who did 'Hell of the Living Dead'/the crappy Roger clones movie.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Mar '14
Haha, Hell of the Living Dead and Zombi 3 are both crappy action zombie movies, but they have their charms. Hell's charm is that it aspires to be Dawn of the Dead, and Zombi 3's charm is that it... well... I'll get back to you on that one.

I have Zombi 3 in a Shriekshow boxset. Unfortunately, Zombi 3 is the only one I ever watch. After Death and Killing Birds are both pretty crummy.

Ballz says:
#4, Reply to #3

Mar '14
I remember 'Hell of the Living Dead' a lot more than 'Zombi 3', but I agree, at least about 'HotLD'. I've actually considered buying it for a while now too.

I've heard those two suck. I see that set's just $4.54 on Amazon at the moment, though 'Zombi 3's' $3.61 by itself. Either way, tempting.

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #4

Mar '14
I simply had to own Hell of the Living Dead after I first watched it. It's bad, it's Italian, it's Dawn's score and fake Rogers, and it's zombies, back when they meant something.

As for the cheap-ass Shriekshow dvds @Ballz advertises, I'd say it's a deal worth jizzing over.

Ballz says:
#6, Reply to #5

Mar '14
I've seen 'Hell of the Living Dead' a couple times now, despite not owning it. All the reasons you listed are exactly what makes it so damn charming.


Mar '14
My favorite is The Beyond. I love that it feels like a horror epic despite only being around 90 minutes long. The ending is mind-blowing.

I approach Fulci as being a dream/nightmare that I have fallen into so for me the plots are not that important. Rather, they are important but they can operate by their own dream logic.

My Top Three:
1) The Beyond
2) House By the Cemetray

Those also happen to be the ones that I have seen the most often. I should revisit them all.

Box_a_Hair says:
#8, Reply to #7

Mar '14
I'll give you the nightmare bit on Fulci, since The Beyond definitely turns surreal towards the end. Are our protagonists in hell, or did Fulci run out of ideas on what to do next? We'll never know!

One thing I gotta say is that I find his choice in sound effects amusing, particularly when someone gets a lethal hit to the head or something. It sounds like a crunch, then water pouring? Know what I'm sayin'?

Zombi 2 and Zombi 3 are the only ones I own. I should probably change this, since @Ballz pointed out that Fulci's films are theoretically everything I look for in a movie...

#17, Reply to #8

Feb '17
This is the longest it's ever taken me to reply to a post. emoticon I just discovered it thanks to that handy little glowing green number on the header - never seen that before.

Yeah, the sound fx are as surreal as the imagery. It's like the gunshots in spaghetti westerns that have the wild echo sound and sound like a freakin' cannon.

I hope you've bought more Fulci since then. I find him to be ione of the most enjoyably repeatable directors - I just don't get tired of watching his flicks. i own Zombi 3 but have never watched that one - need to get it watched!

Ballz says:
#9, Reply to #7

Mar '14
I agree, most of his movies do have a dream/nightmare feel to them and I can appreciate that. They remind me a lot of a David Lynch's movies actually, the dream/nightmare part anyway. I still need to see House by the Cemetery.

#18, Reply to #9

Feb '17
...and this is the second longest it's ever taken me to reply to a post. (See above message to Dirty Sperm Rag)

So, did you get around to seeing House By the Cemetery yet?

corpus_vile says:

Mar '14
My top five in ro real order:
1 The Beyond
I understand why some wouldn't dig it as it doesn't make a whole lotta sense, but I'm a big fan of it nonetheless and find it works best as a nightmare.

2 Zombi 2
Zips along cheerfully & c'mon- zombie vs shark. :D

3 The New York Ripper
Absolutely delivers in what it sets out to do, which is to rub the viewer's face well & truly in it.

4 Don't Torture a Duckling. Critically decent giallo and not as loopy/incoherent as other gialli I've seen.

5 A Lizard in a Woman's Skin- another really decent and nicely taut giallo.

I quite like City of the Living Dead & House by the Cemetary as well, and his Cat in the Brain was weird enough to keep my attention.

Films of his I think aren't great but kinda like anyway:
Bonkers nuts rip off of both Carrie AND Patrick, it's completely silly but good fun nonetheless and has a hilarious death by snail scene.

Fulci goes the sword & sorcery route with another batshit nuts film and if the oscars ever gave out noms for Most Gratuitous Use of a Smoke Machine in a Film Ever, then Conquest would get that award.

Fulci goes Eurocrime in yet another oddball and way random flick which has a brain numbingly boring first half, before Fulci spices things up with some left field in-yer-face ultra violence. Such as this:

Demonia- pretty crappy but has some nicely gruey deaths and some suspiciously hot nuns lezzing out so... there y'go!

Ballz says:
#11, Reply to #10

Mar '14
The thing about The Beyond is, I WANT to like it. Surrealism and copious amounts of gore. Two things I always enjoy and I do appreciate them in that movie. It's just something about the movie that prevents me from getting into it as fully as I wish I could.

Don't Torture a Duckling I just really didn't like at all. It's hard to even say why since it's been several years since I saw it. Maybe I'll revisit it sometime since I've been revisiting his stuff recently anyway.

Never heard of it, but that snail scene has me sold on Aenigma.

I have heard of Conquest and would definitely like to see it. Not sure why I haven't actually.

That Contraband clip gave me a good laugh, though I think I'll pass on seeing it anytime soon if the first half is as bad as you say.

corpus_vile says:
#13, Reply to #11

Mar '14
By all rights I should have had no time for The Beyond, as I tend to prefer my horror to be more linear, but its dreamy style combined with the nasty gore scemnes just thoroughly worked for me. Plenty don't dig it though so I hear ya again.

Duckling is another film I'm kinda surprised worked for me as I can take or leave Gialli in general, but I appreciated how its plot was more straightforward than others of the subgenre and liked its atmosphere.

Aenigma is hilarious, just a tacky eurosleaze treat, if you like that kinda thing.

Contraband is more of an oddity than anything else. I get the impression Lucio wanted to make a "serious" film but either ran outa money or his writer got a case of block, as again, the first have is this plodding, really convoluted, hard to follow borefest, but the second half is just nuts, peppered here and there with completely random scenes of the aforementioned ultra violence, so I kinda like the film in spite of myself.

Conquest is another hoot and a film that's just thoroughly entertaining from start to finish although it doesn't make a lick of sense from memory, but it's great fun all the same.

corpus_vile says:
#14, Reply to #11

Mar '14
Oh and I meant to also mention Murder Rock, which is another one of his crap but entertaining offerings.


Also, his "suprevised/Lucio Fulci Presents" affairs The Murder Secret is good stupid fun and has a gnarly child decapaitation.


Ballz says:
#16, Reply to #14

Mar '14
I do enjoy Eurosleaze quite a bit!

I've heard that about Conquest, that it's a lot of fun, in a cheesy, over-the-top, Italian way.

Murder Rock does look like sleazy fun.

That decapitation is hilarious. It just seems so sudden and out of place with the music.


Mar '14
As a mega-Fulci-fan, I'd like my first post on here to be all about me taking offense to you referring to his work as "especially bad"! I mean sure, most of his work isn't what most people would traditionally call "good"... but that doesn't make it "bad" at least in my warped mind.

I love his stuff unabashadly, and not in a cop-out guilty pleasure sort of way. The amtosphere in his films (even the lesser ones) is wholly unique and not easily replicated. All that being said, Trash is an accurate descriptor for most of his stuff!

Ballz says:
#15, Reply to #12

Mar '14
Not to quibble over words, but I'd call the use of "bad" up there to mean "trash", at least in the case of Fulci's movies. I might not like all of them, but I'd say both his best (Zombie) and his worst are "trash".

And I agree, he definitely always has an atmosphere to his movies that no one else quite has to their movies.

jimb14red says:

Feb '17
As popular as he is I think he is completely underrated. People seem to lump him into one type of director but he has such a wide array of movie types and not just in the horror genre but multiple genres. I know I have seen some people say he is downright awful but I feel they haven't delved into his filmography other than the more polpular of his horror films. I find it hard to beleive that there isn't a Fulci movie for everyone because of just how versitle he is. They just need to keep at it with him.

Ballz says:
#22, Reply to #19

Feb '17
I agree that most haven't seen more than his popular horror movies. I've never seen any of his non-horror movies. I do have Contraband lined up to watch after you listed it on your Exploitation Films post. Any other non-horror Fulci movies you'd reccommend?


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.