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Aug '14 *
image John Wintergreen (Robert Blake; In Cold Blood, Lost Highway) is a short, by-the-book motorcycle cop patrolling Arizona's highways, with hopes of soon moving up from being a highway patrolman and becoming a homicide detective. He eventually gets a chance to prove himself too when he discovers a body in a house in the desert and ends up helping with the investigation, quickly finding himself involved in something much more complicated than a simple murder and finding out just how difficult investigating a homicide can be.

Released in 1973 and directed by James William Guercio, Electra Glide in Blue isn't considered an exploitation movie, but it has a lot of characteristics that you might associate with the exploitation genre, including drugs, hippies, and a motorcycle gang. Those characteristics combined with the desert, murder mystery theme make for an interesting movie, to say the least.

So sit back and (hopefully) enjoy another... Reviews with Ballz!


image This movie starts out with a mysterious little scene involving a person cooking a couple pork chops while putting their dentures in a glass and loading a shotgun. They then seemingly kill themselves with the shotgun and we see someone else tending to the pork chops. This is the body John Wintergreen later discovers and of course, it turns out to be a lot more than a simple suicide, a fact that Wintergreen believes from the start despite the doubts others have.

Of course, Wintergreen's investigation into the murder doesn't go smoothly at all, encountering plenty of obstacles which slow his progress, a lot of which deals with bullshit from other cops. Wintergreen is closest to another cop named Zipper, but even when around this supposed friend, you can tell that Wintergreen doesn't exactly agree with everything Zipper does as a police officer.

image Now you might be wondering why I mentioned that Wintergreen is short. Well, in real life, Robert Blake is only 5' 4" and this movie exploits that fact through both its dialogue and camerawork . Wintergreen's nickname however is Big John and considering the fact that the first time we see him in the movie, he's with a woman who implies he's been giving a good dicking to, apparently not everything about him is short.

Electra Glide in Blue has a few small faults, but the previously mentioned exploitation characteristics combined with a decent script, acting, and music make for a good crime-drama that I do recommend checking out, especially if you're a fan of cop or motorcycle movies.

My Rating: 4/5

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Ballz says:
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Sep '14
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!



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