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Oct '17
I know that everyone has already moved on to the exciting world of the Horror Challenge - who here doesn't feel their blood rushing faster as soon as October 1st rolls around every year? - but here's the final standings for our first ever Sci/Fi/Fantasy Challenge at TE.


By Day 2, I am sure there was no doubt in anyone's mind who the winner would be - and they were absolutely right. Onyx launched her rocket hard and fast and kept up a stellar pace all the way to the final landing. The only suspense was in "Who's on Second?" Well, here's how it shook out:

Onyx: 11,329 (!!!)
Troma: 7969
Ballz: 7805
Bapho: 6075
beatnik: 5320
Foz: 5144
Box: 3482
Zomb: 2271
peeps: 2124
Johan: 1887
Gymno: 1737
India: 1554
Wank: 1015
zed: 357


So, Onyx gets the Golden Ziggy and Troma successfully wards off Ballz challenge for second. Congrats to all who joined in (where were you smerd?) and looking forward to Hoorrrroarrr, turkeys and beyond!

Thanks also to my co-conspirator, Foz. He delivered weekly recaps that fogged my brain nicely with the sharpness of well-honed stats and Cosellish psycho-babble. We will be back next year, same Trash Epics time, same Trash Epics channel to co-host the next edition of this challenge.


BloodWank says:

Oct '17
Thanks for hosting dude! I accomplised my goals of not coming last and reigniting my love of science fiction and fantasy, so for me it was a total success.


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