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Aug 2017 *

You have reached the 2017 Sci/Fi/Fantasy Challenge Progress Spot, so grab your board and hang ten...

Purpose: Watch a lot of Sci/Fi & Fantasy movies, TV and shorts.

Record the minutes of everything you watch for the challenge. The person who watches the most minutes wins!


Please keep a running total of your progress at the top or bottom of your post. Confused? Ask questions of your intrepid hosts psychotronicbeatnik and fozmalucachu.

What counts?
Any movie, TV show, TV mini-series, or short that is considered to be in the science fiction or fantasy genres that you watch between September 1 and September 30, 2017. Hybrids count. If you can make an argument for it or find it listed somewhere as being in either genre then it counts.

Ready> Steady> Engage>

Johan_WoW says:

Aug 2017 *
Psycho you beat emoticon
My Spot!

Full total: 1887 minutes

1. The Rescuers (1977) : 78 minutes - RW: ok didn't watch this because I thought it was fantasy but imdb says so. Always a nice revisit.
2. I Hate my Body (1974): 83 minutes - FTV: sci-fi about a man and woman who after an accident become one his brain in her body. Gives some nice complications even though the men are portrayed a bit too overly chauvinist. Too bad the ending was quite abrupt.
3. Coraline (2009): 100 minutes - RW
4. The Last Unicorn (1982): 92 minutes - RW
5. The Dark Crystal (1982): 93 minutes - RW
6. The Secret of Moonacre (2008): 103 minutes - RW
7. Something Weird (1967): 80 minutes - RW
8. Creature with the Atom Brain (1955): 69 minutes - RW
9. L'Inferno - Dante's Inferno (1911): 68 minutes - FTV: nice as historical piece and even though there were title cards like the full feature silent movies I have seen, this one describes the action that follows rather than using it for dialogue. There is no real story in here, Dante and his mate Virgil walk from scene to scene where they see the punishment of people for their earthly sins when they were still alive. Even though it's different punishments it gets repetitive with rarely close-ups mostly long shots. Visually well done for its time but it doesn't tell much.
10. The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1914): 48 minutes - FTV: according to imdb this was around 80 minutes even though I doin't have the feeling I missed important parts of the story. It's another Oz story written by Baum with other characters than Dorothy in the leading roles. There is small parts for the scarecrow, the tin man and Ozma though (and the lion he might have been there too). It's an ok adventure but a bit too chaotic, much crazy running and hopping around. It has some fun moments with weird creatures but the Magic Cloak was more enjoyable and the shorter length of the latter worked better too. Even the heavy cut version of Patchwork girl seemed rather draggy. The story was too simple to justify over half an hour of movie IMO.
11. Earth vs the Flying Saucers (1956): 83 min - RW
12. His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz (1914): 59 min - FTV: third and last Oz silent from trilogy written by Baum. It looks a lot like the wizard of Oz story with all the regular characters: Dorothy, scarecrow, tin man etc. The plot centers around the love between a princess and gardener. Better than Patchwork Girl and on par with Magic Cloak but this hyperkinetic behavior it gets quite annoying.
13. The Wizard of Oz (1925): 95 min - FTV: so before there was the Garland movie there were a few silent versions and the last one to tackle a silent version of the Baum story was a slapstick comedian named Larry Semon. I had heard of its bad reputation and I have to say all the bad reviews I read after watching this abomination of a flick I have to agree with. It's a turkey despite the score on imdb doesn't support that for sure the worst Oz movie I have seen and possibly the worst silent I can think of. Interesting as a curiosity and if you want to see Oliver Hardy just before he teamed up with Stan Laurel in the role of tin man (even though he only plays that role briefly).
14. The Angry Red Planet (1959): 83 min - RW
15. Shanks (1974): 93 min - FTV: now this was a lot better than the general rating, liked this one quite a bit
16. Creepozoids (1987): 78 min - FTV: low budget monster flick with the obligatory Quigley nude scene, rips of Alien, The Killer Shrews and even It's Alive. Terrible at least it's short.
17. Darkman (1990): 96 minutes - FTV: it was actually quite enjoyable, final 30 minutes it became rather silly, seems like a patent of the director
18. Ginger Snaps (2000): 108 min - FTV: better than expected even though it's rather slow at points more like a teenage drama with horror elements, strong performances from the sisters, could definitely have cut short to 90 minutes and the ending left me rather unfulfilled, overall something different and fresh but I pick Company of Wolves over this any day, not really a fan of this teenage oriented stuff with some exceptions like Let the Right One in which I think is excellent

Total: 1503 minutes

1. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910): 13 minutes - FTV
2. Escamotage d'une dame au théâtre Robert-Houdin - The Lady Vanishes (1896): 1 min - FTV
3. Le cauchemar - A Nightmare (1896): 1 min - FTV
4. Le manoir du diable - House of the Devil (1896): 3 min - FTV emoticon
5. Illusions Fantasmagoriques -The Famous Box Trick (1898): 1 min - FTV
6. La Lune a un metre - The Astronomer's Dream (1898): 3 min - FTV emoticon
7. Le Magicien - The Magician (1898): 1 min - FTV
8. Cendrillon - Cinderella (1899): 6 min - FTV
9. Évocation spirite - Summoning the Spirits (1899): 1 min - FTV
10. Le diable au couvent - The Devil in a Convent (1899): 3 min - FTV emoticon
11. L'impressionniste fin de siècle - A Turn of the Century Illusionist (1899): 1 min - FTV
12. The Pyramid of Triboulet - La Pyramide de Triboulet (1899): 1 min - FTV
13. Eight Girls in a Barrel - Le Tonneau des Danaïdes (1900): 1 min - FTV
14. L´homme orchestre - The One Man Band (1900): 2 min - FTV emoticon
15. Le Livre Magique - The Magical Book (1900): 3 min - FTV
16. The Artist and the Dummy - L'Artiste et le Mannequin (1900): 1 min - FTV
17. Excelsior! Prince of Magicians (1901): 2 min - FTV
18. L’homme à la tête de caoutchouc - The Man wih the Rubber Head (1901): 3 min - FTV
19. Le Diable géant ou le miracle de la Madonne - The Devil and the Statue (1901): 2 min - FTV
20. A Trip to the Moon - Le Voyage dans la lune (1902): 13 min - FTV
21. Les Tresors de Satan - The Treasures of Satan (1902): 3 min - FTV
22. L'homme mouche - The Human Fly (1902): 2 min - FTV emoticon
23. L'oeuf du sorcier ou L'oeuf magique prolifique - Prolific Magic Egg (1903): 2 min - FTV
24. Le cake-walk infernal - The Infernal Cakewalk (1903): 5 min - FTV
25. Le puits fantastique - The Enchanted Well (1903): 4 min - FTV emoticon
26. L'auberge du bon repos - The Inn Where No Man Rests (1903): 5 min - FTV emoticon
27. La statue animée – The Drawing Lesson (1903): 3 min - FTV
28. La flamme merveilleuse - The Mystical Flame (1903): 2 min - FTV
29. Le Monstre - The Monster (1903): 3 min - FTV emoticon
30. Le mélomane - The Melomaniac (1903): 3 min - FTV emoticon
31. Le chaudron infernal - The Infernal Cauldron (1903): 2 min - FTV
32. Le tonnerre de Jupiter - Jupiter's Thunderballs (1903): 4 min - FTV
33. Faust aux enfers - The Damnation of Faust (1903): 6 min - FTV
34. The Magic Lantern - La Lanterne Magique (1903): 3 min - FTV
35. The Kingdom of the Fairies - Le Royaume des Fées (1903): 16 min - FTV not sure why most of Mélies fans think Trip to the Moon is his best work. I think that one is rather dull compared to this fantasy story with better and easier storyline and a lot better effects and setting. I guess it's personal preference but this is very nice as early fantasy movie emoticon emoticon
36. Le roi du maquillage – The Untamable Whiskers (1904): 3 min - FTV
37. Le thaumaturge chinois - Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjuror (1904): 3 min - FTV
38. Le Merveilleux éventail vivant-The Wonderful Living Fan (1904): 2 min - FTV
39. Sorcellerie culinaire - The Cook in Trouble (1904): 4 min - FTV
40. Les cartes vivantes - The Living Playing Cards (1904): 3 min - FTV
41. La Sirène - The Mermaid (1905): 4 min - FTV
42. Le Diable Noir - The Black Imp (1905): 4 min - FTV emoticon
43. Le Baquet De Mesmer - A Mesmerian Experiment (1905): 3 min - FTV
44. La chaise à porteur enchantée - The Enchanted Sedan Chair (1905): 3 min - FTV emoticon
45. Le Dirigeable Fantastique - Inventor Crazybrains and His Wonderful Airship (1906): 3 min - FTV
46. Les affiches en goguette - The Hilarious Posters (1906): 3 min - FTV emoticon
47. Alchimiste Parafaragaramus ou la cornue infernale – The Mysterious Retort (1906): 3 min - FTV emoticon
48. Les Quatre cents farces du diable - The Merry Frolics of Satan (1906): 17 min - FTV, this one is clearly an adaptation from the Faust story, with some really visually creepy scenes, the best Mélies so far with decent story and in color emoticon emoticon
49. La fée Carabosse ou Le poignard fatal - The Witch (1906): 12 min - FTV: the colour makes this one nice visually but a bit too childish all in all, the Kingdom of the Fairies is a much better effort.
50. Le palais des mille et une nuits - The Palace of The Arabian Nights (1905): 19 min - FTV: despite some nice visuals the dominant of red colours made it often hard to see details. With the absence of any form of narration it's even harder to figure out the storyline. I will remember the skeleton dance most.
51. A Trip to Mars (1910): 5 min - FTV: not that much to shout about but some neat effects with gravity and a big Martian monster, more fun than Mélies Trip to the Moon
52. Frankenstein (1910): 13 min - FTV: of course rather hard to tell this story in a dozen of minutes, still a nice effort with the best part being the creation of the monster which is done by special effects
53. The Magic Cloak of Oz (1914): 38 minutes - FTV: almost a full feature, a story that takes place in Oz without Dorothy or her friends. It's enjoyable light hearted fun.
54. Éclipse de soleil en pleine lune - The Eclipse: Courtship of the Sun and Moon (1907): 9 min - FTV
55. La Cuisine de l'Ogre - In the Bogie Man's Cave (1907): 5 min - FTV
56. Satan en prison - Satan In Prison (1907): 5 min - FTV
57. Le rêve d’un fumeur d’opium - The Dream of an Opium Fiend (1908): 5 min - FTV
58. Le tambourin fantastique - The Knight of Black Art (1908): 6 min - FTV
59. Conte de la grand mère et rêve de l’enfant - A Grandmother's Story (1908): 5 min - FTV
60. Le papillon fantastique (1909): 2 min - FTV emoticon
61. Le vitrail diabolique - The Diabolical Church Window (1910): 7 min - FTV
62. Les illusions fantaisistes - Whimsical Illusions (1910) (1910): 5 min - FTV
63. Les aventures de baron de Munchhausen - Baron Munchausen's Dream (1911): 11 min - FTV emoticon
64. À la conquête du pôle (1912) - The Conquest of the Pole: 33 min - FTV: another Melies in the style of A Trip to the Moon but twice as long and better effects but not that much is really happening in the means of story
65. Cendrillon ou La pantoufle merveilleuse (1912) - Cinderella or The Glass Slipper: 24 min - FTV: another Cinderella adaptation with much focus on magic stuff from Mélies

Total: 384 minutes

Johan_WoW says:
#59, Reply to #57

Sep 2017
Well actually I rarely watch those anymore but this challenge is an opportunity to revisit some of them emoticon

And at last I'm taking the chance to watch the shorts from Georges Mélies, something I planned for years but always forgot about. It's incredible that special effects already existed almost right from the birth of cinema.
The original Frankenstein is also on the watchlist.

Johan_WoW says:
#78, Reply to #70

Sep 2017
Just back from holiday, welcome CPA at last! emoticon

@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.