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Dec '14
Rape is bad. It's very bad. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. But I'll gladly wish it upon hundreds of fictional characters, because why the hell not, they're not real, and they're not me, so what's the harm?
Now you might think I'm a tad odd, but chances are, if you clicked on this thread, you're just like me, and would also secretly enjoy watching random chicks being rammed for no good reason whatsoever. Just like you enjoy watching fictional peeps being gutted and decapitated all damn day, this is the Horror Board after all! So for all you sick freaks out there who clicked on this thread, you might just be interested in my thoughts on the latest perverted little horror rape flick I got my hands on, titled simply;

The Hospital (2014).

Not exactly a standout title. Had I called my thread, The Hospital, no one would have batted an eye lid my direction, or if they did, they probably wouldn't have been my intended audience, so I figured I'd be more descriptive. So yeah, rape. Rape rape, rape. That's what's this movie is about. But I suppose I should go into more detail for you. Here we go.

An old abandoned hospital is rumoured to be haunted. A group or paranormal enthusiasts go visit it to see what they find. Meanwhile, the hospital is watched by a very fat man who likes the rape people. And rape people. And rape people. There's so much rape in this movie it's beautiful.


Okay, so that's the basic synopsis, without me giving too much away. So, is the movie any good?

No. No it's not. This movie is so bad. So very, very bad. But, that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable! So don't stop reading just yet.

This movie is well made. Decent production values, a decent sized cast, good lighting and pretty entertaining script, it even has a score made for the movie, so it's got a lot going for it.
Where it falls down, is the acting is bad. Very bad. This movie isn't self aware either, it's actually trying to be a good movie. So the bad acting kinda take you out of it. This movie could have been a masterpiece, unfortunately, I was pretty annoyed with the two main antagonists (not gonna spoil who they are). They came across as a bit too energetic and hyper. It made them look less menacing, and more like excited children who would throw tantrums every now and then.
The sounding was also very off, and the special effects are worse. This movie actually made me think of a mean spirited version of Birdemic. Those effects were so bad. So very bad. The ending especially, oh dear.

Now that's a lot of negativity, but where I praise it, is.....wait for it...the rape scenes! Never thought I'd be saying this, but the rape scenes in this movie are awesome. It's basically the only reason to watch this film. And come on, I know you all want to see a fat rapist raping a fat chick, so don't deny it!
So, here's where this movie gets interesting. The rape scenes really aren't justified. There is no excuse for the blatant repeat of abuse. The women in it being constantly degraded and recycled for the viewer to watch. Scenes like necrophilia and sodomy, none of it is necessary. This is one of the reasons why many people hated it. Feminists and such calling shenanigans on the blatant abuse of women. Well this is the main reason why I loved it! The filmmakers didn't come up with a reason for the abuse, they just thought, 'why the hell not'! As a woman, I'm here to say....there's nothing wrong with that. Come one, we're all horror fans, we all love seeing people die in horrible ways. That doesn't make us bad people, just people with very active imaginations. We don't need a reason to justify us being gorehounds, why should rape be any different? Even A Serbian Film used justification of it all being a metaphor, but nah, The Hospital has nothing! Just rape. Rape, rape, rape. The filmmakers have balls, I'll give them that.

As ballsy as this movie is, it's still, technically, a bad movie. But I enjoyed it. I was particularly fond of the only decent actor in the whole thing, Daniel Emery Taylor, who played our fat rapist. Just look at this guy, doesn't he just look like the best rapist, he's even got the pedo tash going on!


My only complaint, is that guy doesn't get fully naked nearly as much as I would like. We see plenty of tits, but so little of this guys fat arse. Tragic, really. No need to be shy, you're in a horror movie dammit!

Many thanks to Ninjas for this movie, if anyone is interested in watching it, beware of the very heavily edited version online, some cutting out as much as 20 mins from the movie, which I can only assume are the very best bits. I checked out the uncut version on veehd, so enjoy, you sick freaks!

As always, thanks for reading,


Tommix says:

Sep '15
OK, Hospital might be a little too gross for me, but I'll definitely at least think about watching it. I just wanted to say, your description of the hospital, and thegeneral subject of the film, made me think of this scene from Autopsy (2008)

I go back and forth on whether I liked the movie, overall, but they did a good job with that scene in particular. The girl and the doctor start out as patient and doctor, then they sort of segue into a more personal conversation that feels like a certain level of trust has been established... and then suddenly the doctor tells her to take her shirt off, out of nowhere. It isn't a rape scene, but you can tell the girl character is supposed to feel a little violated and freaked out. And then, what happens is not entirely unlike a rape. They did a pretty solid job on that scene, at least.


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