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Oct '14 *
Ahhh, itโ€™s about time I tacked this movie. This iconic masterpiece. For many years I wanted to see this legendary movie. My love for controversial films had me noticing this flick mentioned time and time again. By this point, I was dabbling with the extreme and notorious, and this movie was always on my radar, but always out of reach. Back when I was in my teens, downloading movies was such a foreign concept to me, and this movie was still banned in Australia. Curse you, damn Aussie censors! Curse you all!!!!


Fortunately, the ban lifted in 2005, but I was still unable to locate a copy, and was too cheap to pay the $50 it cost from my local video shop, so alas, me seeing the legendary Cannibal Holocaust wasnโ€™t to be.
Until one fateful day when I in my room, minding my own business, when my father came in with a whole stack of movies.

โ€œMy mate at work just gave me all these flicks he obtained, thereโ€™s some horrors in there if youโ€™re interestedโ€.

He left them on my bedside table, and out he went. I hobbled over and gave them a skim. Every time my dadโ€™s mate gave him movies, they were usually very mainstream, or just really lame, but Iโ€™ll never knock back free movies, so what the hell!

As I flicked through them, my eyes caught hold of the all so famous cover of Cannibal Holocaust. I couldnโ€™t believe it. Cannibal Holocaust! I finally had it in my hands, and my own father had delivered it to me!!!
I love my dad.


What proceeded next would only secure my love for exploitation and extreme cinema. I had already seen Irreversible at this point, but not much else when it came to extreme cinema. But here was a movie that was argued to have been banned almost everywhere, had the director taken to court, and featured on almost every โ€˜most disturbing listโ€™ ever made. I couldnโ€™t wait to watch it.

This movie follows a rescue crew who travel into the Amazon, looking for a documentary crew who went missing. Directed by Ruggero Deodato, this amazing piece of cinema was not the first cannibal exploitation flick, in fact, quite a few had already been made by this point, but itโ€™s certainly the most well known. There is a reason for this. Cannibal exploitation flicks are either made with comedic overtone, or gritty and tribal atmosphere. Cannibal Holocaust went the latter route, and made it as grimy and unsettling as possible. Using various filming techniques, including the shaky cam, which would later become very successful film making, Deodato created a very voyeuristic flick which tacked some very important concepts, such as the ethical consequences of journalism, and the state of humanity when faced with greed. Add to that, the very taboo scenes of graphic brutality, sexual violence, and genuine violence toward animals, and you have one fucked up movie. And one marvellous movie at that.


After it was first shown in Italy, Deodato was arrested and charged with making a snuff film because people believed the actors were actually killed on camera. Idiots. Deodato was later cleared but the film was banned in almost everywhere after it. And so begins its notoriety. When will the censors learn, if you donโ€™t want someone to see something, donโ€™t ban it, youโ€™ll only get it more attention. Idiots!

One of the most iconic things about this movie, is the score. Probably one of my favourite scores I have ever heard in any movie, it switches between that beautiful melody coupled with the gorgeous scenery, and an unsettling creepiness which could unnerve you completely during the disturbing scenes. The music really helped to establish an atmosphere. No doubt it helped to make it as memorable as it is today. And those iconic disturbing shots, as well as the disturbing ending, no doubt pushed so many boundaries for us cinema lovers, horror exploitation fans will forever rejoice for seeing realistic looking carnage.


One thing I should say, as much as I love this movie, and all the cannibal exploitation movies, the animal killings does bother me some. While it certainly adds to the gritty and voyeuristic feel of the movie, it really didnโ€™t add anything for me personally. I tend to fast forward these scenes myself, being the animal lover that I am. However, I certainly wonโ€™t boycott these movies for it and pretend I donโ€™t eat meat. But I do wish the animal killings were faked. Oh well, such is life.

If you havenโ€™t seen Cannibal Holocaust, watch it now! For the pure reason that itโ€™s one of those movies you just have to see. If the animal violence does go against your morals, there are copies which feature an animal cruelty free version. But this movie is rated highly for a reason. Long live cannibal exploitation!




Ballz says:

Oct '14
Great review!

I agree fully about the music in this movie. Riz Ortolani is always great with his scores anyway, but I think this one is part of what makes Cannibal Holocaust such a memorable movie. It's just one that's hard to forget once you hear it.

Though I do feel a little bad for the animals, it doesn't really bother me to see them killed on screen. I have heard they ate the animals after, so I guess at least they weren't completely wasted.

You've probably seen it, but if not, I also recommend Deodato's cannibal flick before this, Jungle Holocaust.

Shaza123 says:
#2, Reply to #1

Oct '14
Cheers, Ballz! Jungle Holocaust is great, I saw it for the first time last year. I rate it as high as Cannibal Holocaust and Cannibal Ferox, though it shares many of the chilling atmopshere from Cannibal Holocaust.

Like i said, I certainly wouldn't boycott the movie, and since I eat meat myself, I'm far from a saint when it comes to animals, but watching them kill them turns my stomach. I'd rather fast forward those scenes myself.

RedHawk10 says:

Oct '14
Cannibal Holocaust, Torso, Suspiria, Halloween, and Phenomena round out the 5 best horror movie soundtracks of all time for me.

Pretty powerful movie actually.

Shaza123 says:
#4, Reply to #3

Oct '14
Very powerful movie, thanks heaps Red!


Box_a_Hair says:

Oct '14
Cannibal Holocaust was a personal milestone for me, since I was still apprehensive about it when I finally decided to sit down and watch it. After watching Cannibal Holocaust, I became numb to graphic horror. I think the realism of it (including the animal killings) really does make a powerful difference, because even for a movie nearly 35 years old, the effects are wonderful, made cinematically more strange by the contrastingly awesome score.

Shaza123 says:
#6, Reply to #5

Oct '14
I agree totally, however it hasn't desensitised me to other graphic horror movies. But it was a milestone for me as well, and yes those effects still hold up today. A movie very ahead of it's time.

slasherfan85 says:

Oct '14
Great Review,Shaza!
While I am not a fan of extreme films, I think this is my highest rated one. I like it. I don't like the animal killings,but I do like the movie. My brother gave me his DVD of it because he got the blu-ray. I thought about getting the blu-ray, but decided to hold off. There are so many great movies coming out this year. I also like Cannibal Ferox and Jungle Holocaust too. For some reason I enjoy these cannibal flicks, which is probably a little odd for me because I don't really like or at least like to watch extreme films. I would say that rape and revenge would be my favorite form of exploitation and then cannibal movies next.(I don't really see slasher films as being exploitation so I usually don't count them)

Shaza123 says:
#8, Reply to #7

Oct '14
Thanks heaps, Math! Rape and revenge are favourites of mine too, Cannibal exploitation might be just behind it for me.
I'm glad you like these movies, Math. You should check out Mountain of the Cannibal God, and Eaten Alive (1980).
Also Massacre in Dinosaur Valley is lots of fun, if highly misleading when it comes to titles. emoticon

You planning on checking out Green Inferno when it comes out?

slasherfan85 says:
#9, Reply to #8

Oct '14
I need to check out Eaten Alive and Mountain of the Cannibal God. I actually have Massacre in Dinosaur Valley, but haven't got around to watching it yet. And I will definitely check out Green Inferno when it comes out. I like Cannibal movies plus I like Eli Roth. So I am actually looking forward to Green Inferno hopefully it gets released. I also hope Eli Roth's clown movie gets released too.

klownz says:

Aug '15
Absolute classic horror & pretty much essential viewing for any horror fan & like you pointed out there are copys available with the animal kills cut out so any horror fan can give it a blast. If I were to knock up a top 10 horror list I think I would include this film.


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