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Squirm (1976)

Jul '14
I hate worms. Slimy and gross little things, the way they move gives me the heebie jeebies. Fortunately in my experience, I haven't encountered too many of the little bastards, only the occasional one or two while gardening. One or two I can handle, but hundreds of thousands is another story entirely. If nothing else, Squirm is a very accurate title, cos I was sure squirming in my seat.


The plot is about a boy from New York, who travels down to a small town in Georgia to stay with a lady friend. This is right after a massive lightening storm causes the power lines to fall to the ground, sending electricity through the earth. And sending the worms insane. I guess you could say it's one of the more unusual creature features.

After I watched this flick, I jumped onto imdb to read up more about it. I was a little appalled by the imdb rating of a 4.3. Not only that, but apparently this movie was on Mystery Science Theater 3000. This comes across as a little insulting because Squirm is actually, for all intents and purposes, a really good film. Sure it's a B grade flick and maybe a little tongue and cheek, but I found myself 'squirming' far more than laughing. This movie genuinely unnerved me. There is a scene towards the beginning where the two main characters are eating lunch, and in the background, a worm is seen sliding down the wall. I had to do a double take and rewind to make sure I had seen what I thought I saw. It was a very good scene in establishing atmosphere. Of course probably the most memorable scene was the fishing scene. Considering how this was made in 1976, this type of stuff is impressive. There are no CGI bugs here, it's all legit. And slowly, this movie builds to a pretty terrifying finale.

I remember being shocked and grossed out when I saw Mermaid in a Manhole, and the many thousands of worms in that one. Squirm might just top it, there must be millions of them here. They are everywhere. I was originally watching this movie with the lights off, but had to turn them on when they started falling from the roofs in the dark. The lighting actually becomes quite poor towards the end, but that's not a bad thing. Seeing them wriggle and move in the shadows was even more creepier.

At the beginning it says this movie was based on true events. Not sure how true that could be, I certainly have not ever heard of aggressive worms that bite. But perhaps a town was once infested with them. I don't fancy returning to Georgia anytime soon.


This movie isn't perfect, but it certainly doesn't deserve a 4.3 rating. It might be a bit of a slow build up and it might be a tad unrealistic, but it's creepy as hell and quite unique in its atmosphere. A nice little 70s gem.


Watch it here.






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